NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. Every effort has been made to be accurate, but our interpretation maybe different from yours so please remember to check the original.  The census image for this township is faint and hard to read. 


Page 220A
State: Iowa


Supervisor's District No. 8 Sheet No. 5
County: Lucas Enumeration District No. 72
Township or other Division of County, English Township Name of Institution
Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within the above named division: Ward of city
Enumerated by me on the 14 day of June 1900, Clark G Byram, Enumerator
Location Name Relationship
Personal Information
Nativity Citizenship Occupation of each person over 10 years of age Education Ownership of Home
In Cities Dwelling Family
Street House Number of each occupant on 1 June 1900 Relationship to head of household Color or Race Sex Date of Birth Age at last Birthday

Single, Married, Divorced or Widowed

Number of years married Mother of how many children number of children living
Month Year Place of birth this person Place of birth of Father of this person Place of birth of Mother of this person Year of Immigration Number of years in the United States Naturalization Occupation Months not employed Attended School (in months) Can Read Can Write Can speak English Owned or rented Owned Free or Mortgaged Farm or House Number of Farm Schedule
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
    75 75 Brown Thomas Head W M Dec 1856 43 M 22     Illinois Ohio Ohio       Farmer 0   yes yes yes R   F 75
        __Mary C wife W F Jany 1857 43 M 22 12 11 Illinois Ohio Illinois             yes yes yes        
        __Eva Maud Daughter W F Jany 1879 21 S       Iowa Illinois Illinois             yes yes yes        
        __Luella Daughter W F Nov 1881 18 S       Iowa Illinois Illinois             yes yes yes        
        ___Orin N Son W M Feby 1886 14 S       Iowa Illinois Illinois       At School   4 yes yes yes        
        __Raymond Son W M Jany 1889 11 S       Iowa Illinois Illinois       At School   7 yes yes yes        
        __Charles E Son W M Nov 1891 8 S       Iowa Illinois Illinois       At School   7 yes yes yes        
        __Ohma Daughter W F Sept 1893 6 S       Iowa Illinois Illinois       At School   7 yes yes yes        
        __Arthur Son W M Nov 1895 4 S       Iowa Illinois Illinois                 yes        
        __Thomas L Son W M Oct 1897 2 S       Iowa Illinois Illinois                 yes        
    76 76 Willoughby E O Head W M Aug 1879 20 M 1     Iowa Pennsylvania Ohio       Farmer 0   yes yes yes R   F 76
        __Lee L wife W F Dec 1880 19 M 1 0 0 Iowa   Pennsylvania             yes yes yes        
    77 77 Jacobson Elias Head W M May 1839 61 S       Norway Norway Norway 1857 43 Na Farmer     yes yes yes R   F 77
    78 78 Miller Richard Head W F Apr 1858 42 M 9     Iowa Ohio Ohio       Farmer 0   yes yes yes O M F 78
        __Laura E wife W F Dec 1863 36 M 9 2 2 Iowa Ohio Ohio             yes yes yes        
        __Howard Son W M Sept 1891 8 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       At School   8 yes yes yes        
        __Donald Son W M Aug 1893 6 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       At School   1 yes yes yes        
    79 79 Miller Elizabeth Head W F Jany 1831 69 Wd 10 10 5 Ohio Ohio Ohio             yes no yes O F F  
    80 80 Anderson Carl T Head W M Nov 1865 34 M 12     Sweden Sweden Sweden 1884 16 Na Farmer 0   yes yes yes O M F 79
        __Margaret wife W F Mar 1859 41 M 12 0 0 Iowa Pennsylvania Pennsylvania             yes yes yes        
    81 81 Miller Mary E Head W F Aug 1855 44 Wd   9 8 Iowa Ohio Kentucky       Farmer 0   yes yes yes O M F 80
        __William A Son W M Nov 1875 24 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       Farm Laborer 0   yes yes yes        
        __Elizabeth M Daughter W F Nov 1877 22 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       School Teacher 4   yes yes yes        
        __Emma D Daughter W F Nov 1879 20 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa             yes yes yes        
        __Ada Daughter W F Mar 1882 18 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       At School   2 yes yes yes        
        __Cynthia Daughter W F Nov 1884 15 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       At School   8 yes yes yes        
        __James C Son W M Jany 1888 12 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       At School   5 yes yes yes        
        __Easter Daughter W F April 1890 10 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       At School   8 yes yes yes        
        __Jeremiah Son W M April 1892 8 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       At School   8 yes yes yes        
    82 82 Carson J H Head W M Oct 1866 33 M 2     Iowa Ohio Ohio       Farmer 0   yes yes yes O F F 81
        __Effa wife W F Feby 1874 26 M 2 0 0 Iowa Kentucky Illinois             yes yes yes        
        __Flossy Daughter W F Oct 1888 11 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       At School   8 yes yes yes        
        __Earl Son W M Aug 1891 8 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       At School   8 yes yes yes        
        __Truman Son W M Mar 1893 7 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       At School   8 yes yes yes        
    83 83 Carson W F Head W M Sept 1860 39 M 16     Iowa Ohio Ohio       Farmer 0   yes yes yes O F F 82
        __Minnie C wife W F Oct 1865 34 M 16 5 5 Iowa Ohio Pennsylvania             yes yes yes        
        __Virgil Son W M June 1885 14 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       At School   8 yes yes yes        
        __Arthur W Son W M Dec 1886 13 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       At School   8 yes yes yes        
        __Bessie S Daughter W F Aug 1889 10 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       At School   8 yes yes yes        
        __Harvey B Son W M Oct 1891 8 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       At School   8 yes yes yes        
        __C Dewey Son W M Mar 1898 2 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa                          
    84 84 Carson John B Head W M Nov 1831 68 M 41     Ohio Ohio Ohio       Farmer 0   yes yes yes O F F 83
        __Margaret wife W F Mar 1835 65 M 41 5 5 Ohio Ohio Ohio             yes yes yes        
        __Cora B Daughter W F May 1870 30 S       Iowa Ohio Ohio       Music Teacher 3   yes yes yes        
        __Frederic T Son W M July 1876 23 S       Iowa Ohio Ohio       Farmer     yes yes yes        
    85 85 Carson J N Head W M May 1863 37 M 10     Iowa Ohio Ohio       Farmer 0   yes yes yes O F F 84
        __Lenna M wife W F Aug 1870 29 M 10 2 2 Iowa Ohio Iowa             yes yes yes        
        __Grace Daughter W F Feb 1891 9 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       At School   4 yes yes yes        
        __Beulah M Daughter W F Aug 1892 7 S       Iowa Iowa Iowa       At Scholl   4 yes yes yes        
Contributed by Kathleen Gregory 2012
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