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School News
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, September 19, 1894 page 4
A very pleasant normal institute has just closed. It certainly is not exaggeration to say that in point of instruction it was one of the best ever held in the county. The teachers in attendance showed their appreciation by doing all that ought to be expected of any class of students in two weeks.
There are now issued fifty-eight certificates for one year twenty-eight for seven months and thirty-six four four months, one hundred, twenty-two certificates in all. Four of our graded school teachers have not yet been examined. Out of one hundred, twenty-two licensed teachers, thirteen will not teach in this county, thus leaving one hundred, nine licensed teachers to supply our schools, which number one hundred, twelve when all are in session.
Nine schools will not open this fall. From the foregoing it may be seen that only a few licensed teachers failed to secure schools. Boards of directors are often misled as to the number of teachers in proportion to the number of schools because it is quite customary for one teacher to make application for ten or more schools in the hopes of securing one of them. About thirty of those who were licensed this fall would have been rejected had there been sufficient number of more efficient ones at hand. It is not safe to remain close to the line which divides the licensed from the rejected. a surplus of efficient teachers is all that is necessary in order to relegate such a class to the ranks of the rejected. After the close of the busy season each teacher will be furnished a statement showing standing as to scholarship, etc.
Township meetings will be held in the following places this month: September 18, Tuesday, Grandview township in Grandview. September 19, Wednesday, Morning Sun township in Morning Sun. September 20, Thursday, Marshall township in Cairo. September 21, Friday, Elm Grove township in Elm Grove school house. September 22, Saturday, Wapello township, in County Superintendent's office. September 25, Tuesday, Columbus City, in Tennessee school house. September 28, Friday, Concord township, in Fredonia. October 4, Thursday, Jefferson township, in the schoolhouse at Toolesboro. October 5, Friday, Eliot Township, in Palo Alto schoolhouse. October 9, Thursday, Oakland township, in Oakland schoolhouse. As the schools in Port Louisa do not open this fall provision has not been made for township meetings there. The object of the meetings is "mutual improvement" and "the welfare of the rural schools."
After having carefully looked over the whole county as regards the country schools. I am convinced that no great amount of improvement can be made till we, as school officers and patrons, understand each other better. As we now work it seems that the superintendent, teachers, school officers and patrons act independent of each other and the results are not wholly beneficial to the schools in many respects. The schools must have our united efforts in order to prosper. The following topics for general discussion are the same for all meetings. No one has been assigned a topic as all are expected to take part.
1. What may the superintendent do in order to supply our school with a greater number of efficient teachers? What may school officers do? What may patrons do?
2. Laws recently enacted regarding rural schools.
3. What an be done to better the conditions of school houses and grounds in the rural districts?
4. What studies are neglected in the rural districts?
5. Course of study for country schools?
6. Of what benefit to the country are visits from the County Superintendent? From school officers? From patrons?
7. Questions regarding teachers' reports to the County Superintendent, treasurers and secretaries reports to the County Superintendent; County Superintendent to State Superintendent.
Let it be remembered that this meeting will largely determine our course of action in the future, and let it also be remembered that is is called at the request of the State Superintendent, hence the importance of a full attendance.
Yours cordially, Sept 11, 1894, Lizzie Hues, County Superintendent.