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Transcribed as written by Beverly Gerdts, December 23, 2020
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Thursday, August 17, 1893 page 1All Wapello is full. Every other person you meet is a teacher and every teacher, wit a few noble exceptions is a school ma'am. The school master is now a thing of the past; a reminiscense; a rare, though tame relic, interesting only for his scarcity. The "survival of the fittest theory" doesn't land him among the survivors. And it is well. Women are natural teachers and subdirectors have turned the business over to them. The institute now in session at Wapello demonstrates this. One hundred and forty-three teachers are enrolled. The majority of the young men who are in attendance are mere society boys who shine best when in a position to monopolize the attention of the fairer sex. And they take advantage of the situation. Miss Superintendent Hughes assumes the conductorship ad she does her work well. The instructors are the Misses Burt and Curtis and Messrs. Gamble and Dornon. Of these Miss Burt and Prof. Dornon were employed last year; the others are new to the work in this county, but they seem to understand their business. This will be a two-weeks session, but will continue through Saturdays. The following is the enrollment up to the hour of going to press:
Will H Lacey | Millicent Reichley |
Ida Dobson | Julia Williamson |
Bessie Thompson | Charlie Wonneil |
Erma Browning | F M Cornelius |
Zorah Potter | Lizzie Eversmeyer |
Mina Criger | Mamie Archibald |
Jessie Shipman | Netta Miller |
Pearl Krememer | Della McKay |
Fannie Oates | Hattie Beane |
? Vandevort | Id Newell |
Stella Anderson | Clare Winder |
Horace Baker | John P Cotter |
P W Murphy | Vira I Newell |
Mamie Heins | M Lillian Hunt |
Vinnie Winter | Nellie M Jamison |
M L Carrigan | Myrtle Shipman |
Clara Sellers | Effie Weber |
Manda Ellis | Hosa Plitt |
Mattie B Hunt | Jessie Bohn |
Edna Shipman | Lydia Bissinger |
Irene Otts | Clara Keller |
Esther Eversmeyer | L Edna Wells |
A J Schmoker | John Wallace |
Mamie Heins | Lizzie Meyerholtz |
Mrs. M J Pusey | Mrs. O P Klotz |
Minnie Knaub | Fannie M Huston |
Hattie H. Pickett | Kate Huston |
Mollie Duncan | Jennie Griswold |
Jennie E Beard | Lizzie Owen |
Jessie Welsh |
Mollie McCullough | Carrie Boggs |
Letitia Ramer |
Lillie Stephens | Zada Vibber |
Lizzie Dodder | Mrs. Alice K Lindsey |
Helen Ronald | Nellie Snyder |
Anna Dodder | Jennie Stephens |
Nettie Kent |
Inez Mellinger | Maud Mellinger |
Lizzie Johnston | Lillie Johnston |
Nettie Johnston | Mamie Duncan |
Carrie Metcalf | Nellie Metcalf |
Maude Marsden | Martha J Donaldson |
Chas D Heinry | Alice Walker |
Kate Bragg | F Belle Hupp |
Isaac Delzell | William Roberts |
Mary Cubit | Della Elliott |
Nellie Butler | Chalmers Love |
R B Roberts | Minnie L Wiken |
Rosa Anderson | W B Roberts |
Della Curran | Blanche Greene |
Dora Bell | Adda Bel |
Nannie Boltz | Mary Trumbull |
James H Mahaffy | S S Brenckenridge |
L Mabel Hinish | R S Arnold |
Florence Curran | N E Bozman |
Mattie Michols | Adah M Michols |
Lottie Jarvis | Jessie Frazier |
Ella Paisley |
Iowa Idle | Carrie Harrison |
Ruth Parsons |
Irene L Hindman | Anna James |
Fannie Mathews | Florence McChesney |
Anna Richards | Effie Van Horn |
Sadie Corbet | Mrs. Maggie Wolford |
Minnie Mewhirter | Angie Nichols |
F M Boden |
Jessie Owens | Anna Brogan |
Maude Dotson |
Nilli Dotson, Elrick | Blanche Asper, Marble Rock |
R M Buck, Crawfordsville | Anna Carter, Huron |
John W Yancey, Wayne | Kate Gambell, Winfield |
Mary F McLane, Muscatine | Harriet Stathem, Kossuth |
Carrie Francisco, Brooklyn | Mrs. Rhoda Brookins, Bard |
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Thursday, August 24, 1893 page 1:
Teacher's institute closes this week. Everything goes along in the most satisfactory manner. The total enrollment up to date is 152. Those enrolled since are last report are as follows: A. L. Holliday, Brighton, Addie McNamer, J. M. Snyder, Minnie Long, Letts; Callie Johnston, J. J. Carr, Columbus City; M. Hunter, Grandview; Matilda Akeson, Lone Tree; M. J. Humphrey, Lella Betts, Morning Sun.