![]() | LOUISA COUNTY, IOWA | ![]() |
As Reported in the Columbus Gazette
from January through December, 1889
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday January 3rd, 1889 page 1: - Lettsville. Our schools, under the leadership of J. C. Monnet, of Kesauqua as principal, and Mrs. O. H. P. Linn, primary teacher, is doing efficient work both intellectually and morally.Newport News. - No school at the Bethel school house last week on account of the sickness of our teacher, Miss Anna Mertz. Mr. Vernon Higbee of Morning Sun is teaching in her place this week.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday January 10th, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE. Morning Sun. Jan. 7-Our public schools begins this morning, after a vacation of two weeks.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday January 10th, 1889 page 4: LOCAL NEWS. - Fine reports come to us of Mr. Oates' school in Grandview. He is one our rising young men.
LOUISA COUNTY SCHOOLS. - Henry Sabin, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, send this office advance sheets of his forthcoming report. By it we learn that the number of teachers employed in this county for the year 1887 was; males, 43; females, 150. Average compensation for the former $39.12 per month; the latter $29.02. The number of ungraded schools in the county as 75; rooms in graded schools 28. So when all schools are in session this county employs 103 teachers. The total pupils in the county between the ages of 5 and 21 is 4,115. The total number enrolled, 3,332. The average attendance only 2,040. That is not quite one half the advantage is made out of our public schools that the tax payers have provided for. There are 74 frame, 7 brick, 1 stone and no log school houses in the county. The stone school house is in the old Bethel or Douglas district, Wapello township and built in 1830. All these buildings are valued at $59780.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday January 17th, 1889 page 4: Newport News. Jan. 14 - We are glad to note that Miss Mertz is again able to take charge of her school this morning. Anna is a good teacher and has been missed by her pupils during her illness.
Welsh Neighborhood. - Jan. 14- Sarah Hughes returned to her school, at Crawfordsville last Saturday, after a two weeks vacation.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday January 31st, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE. Concord. - Jan 28- Miss Alice Lupton is getting along nicely with her school at Sandy Grove.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday, February 7th, 1889 page 1: Teachers association. - Will meet at Wapello, Saturday, February 16, 1889 at 10 o'clock a. m.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday, February 28, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE.
Reading Scripture and Prayer.
Children's Literature ... Luella Betts.
Francis Bacon … Martha Ashpole.
Recess in country schools … B. F. Newell.
Methods of study … Frankie Crammond.
History of Iowa … Villa McKay.
What are comets? Shooting stars? … Josiah Cline.
Duties of a teacher … Amy Bell.
George Bancroft … J. M. Sipe.
The progressive teacher … Lillie Korn.
What shall we do to promote the higher education of our pupils … Lou Paris.
Address to association. … Rev. Wilhelmi.
Question box.
Election of officers.Cairo. - Feb.25- The spelling school Wednesday evening was quite a success.
Clifton. - Feb. 20 - The county superintendent, W. A. Lester, visited out schools last week. A spelling school was held at the Edward school house, Wednesday evening. J. H. Willey was the lucky speller.
Wapello. - Feb. 20- H. R. Christie started a writing school Monday night with 36 scholars to commence with.
Welsh Neighborhood. - Feb. 16- The time has again come when spelling schools seem to meet with a favorable approval. One was held at Lincoln school house last week. Annie Morgan and Jennie Evans brought the house down once each.
Fredonia. - Feb. 18- Mr. Hale is lived very much as a teacher of our school. He certainly deserves credit for good management and kindness to his pupils.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday, March 7, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE.
Toolesboro. - March 2 - Our school closed yesterday. Harry as a teacher has proved a success in our school.
Concord. - March 4- Miss Lupton has the promise of Dandy Grove school for the spring term.
Grandview. - March 4- Our schools will close on next Friday for a three weeks vacation. Mr. Hunter, the primary department intends during the vacation, making a trip to Pueblo, Colorado, with a view of locating there if the climate and business prospects are such as to encourage a change of residence. Mr. Oates still maintains his popularity as an educator with both the patrons and pupils of his school.
Toolesboro. - March 2- Our villiage school closed last Friday. Emma Hook closed her school in the Hook district last Friday.
Welsh Neighborhood. - March 4- The winter term at Lincoln school closes with an exhibition Friday night. Katie Jones finished a successful term of school at Clifton and is now taking a rest at home.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday, March 7, 1889 page 4: Teachers.
Public examination of teachers.
Montie Hobbie has closed her school in Oakland township and is at home.
Mornington, March 9.
Columbus Junction, 23.
Regular examination Wapello-29 and 30.
Teachers meeting here March 16.Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday, March 14, 1889 page 1: Franklin Items - March 5 - Anna Coughlin closed a successful term of school Friday.
Concord. - March 9- March is come. In Washington district, No. 1, school is closed.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday, March 14, 1889 page 4: LOCAL NEWS. Miss Montie Hobbie will attend the state normal school at Cedar Falls, this spring.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday, March 21, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE.
Welsh Neighborhood. - School closed last week under the management of R. L. Richards. The exhibition in the evening was pronounced good. Home talents ought to be encouraged more.
Toolesboro. - March 14- Our new school director is our old one reelected, H. A. Matthews.
Toolesboro. - March 16- Quite a number of our young folks attended the spelling school at the Athens school house last Wednesday eve. We understand that the principal enjoyments were playing blackman, drop the handkerchief, etc.
Lettsville. March 18- Arthur Weaver was elected school director last Monday.
Grandview. - March 18- The annual election of the school board was held on the 11th and George Young was declared his own successor by a large majority.
Oakville. - March 11- At the school election held recently, A. Dickerson was elected director in subdistrict, No. 1; Wm. Wall Jr. in No. 4; Thomas Orr in No.2, and in No. 5 the vote was tied between Geo. Yocum and N. Loungquist.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday, March 21, 1889 page 4: LOCAL NEWS. - The teachers meeting was fairly well attended Saturday afternoon and some very interresting papers were read. Among them was a most excellent one by Miss Martha Morgan. Rev. Tidball gave the teachers a fine address. These meetings should be more fully attended by citizens generally. They are both entertaining and instructive.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday, March 28, 1889 page l: CORRESPONDENCE.
Lettsville. - March 25- The school board of Lettsville have re-elected J. C. Mounet as principal and Mrs. E. R. Linn as primary teacher for the coming year at an advance in wages. This is, it seems, as it should be. Their work this year has been very efficient.
Conesville. - March 25- Prof. C. C. Williamson will be our principal of school again. Miss Millie Gay will look after the primary department. Eva Jones will teach the Brockway school, Maggie Bebb the McCullough, Minnie Brockway at Lacey and Belle Emerson the Nichols.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday, April 4, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE.
Welsh Neighborhood. - April 1- Miss Kate Jones, resumed teaching at Chilton today.
Yakeetown school commenced today with Miss Jennie Robertson as teacher. Miss R. Has taught a number of terms in that district heretofore.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, May 15, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE.
Oakland. - May 14 - Miss Emma Ramer has been obliged to discontinue her school in Union township on account of the mumps in that locality.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, May 15, 1889 page 3: Local News. Prof. Dornon releases the management of the Morning Sun Herald to his partner, Mr. Tracy, to take charge of the Mediapolie schools. He has taught there two or three years before this and is a most successful teacher.
Three weeks of school after this and then the long summer vacation. If the weather grows as hot as the present indicates it should close a month sooner.
Louisa County Teacher's Association. - To be held at Morning Sun at 10 a. m., Saturday, May 18, 1889.
Reading Scripture and prayer.
Thos. Jefferson … Emma Patterson
Rights and duties of teachers and pupils … Flora Curran.
History of Iowa … Adah M. Nichols.
W. E. Gladstone … Cora McCulley.
Influence of Women … Lora Rock.
Our duties as citizens … Jennie Latta.
Class Recitation … Laura Trumble.
Great men as types and individuals … M. V. Higbee.
Early settlements of North America … Hallie Smith.
Incentives to study … Maggie Bell.
Class Work … Agnes Garvin.
Question Box.
Election of officers.
General business.REPORT - Of the Toolesboro school for the month ending May 4th, 1889:
Number of days taught 20.
Number of pupils enrolled, 40
Number of pupils left school, 4.
Average daily attendance, 32.
Visitors, 17.Names of pupils neither tardy nor absent:
Harvery Kimbal Anna James Charlie Kimbal Lizzie James Emma Coleman Chester James Frank Coleman Ella Matthews Carrie Sillick Lena Matthews Geo. McClesney Florence Mallory Lee McClesney Oliver Wesley Lillie Flitch Elsie Wesley Fanny Mathews Mary Jones Viola Sullivan Arthur Brock
Adda McChesney, TeacherColumbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, May 22, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE.
Toolesboro. - May 16- Miss Adda McChesney, teacher of our school, held an ice cream supper last Thursday evening, but owing to the inclemency of the weather there was not many attended.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, May 29, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE
Clifton Chin Clatter. - May 23 - Frog Pond school has adjourned on account of mumps, measles and whooping cough.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, June 5, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE.
Welsh Neighborhood. - May 27 - Superintendent Lester visited our schools last week.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, June 12, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE.
Fredonia. - June 10- School closes Wednesday of this week. Mr. Hale of Wapello has been swaying the pedagogeical rod here for the past school year, and has held a full hand all the way through. We understand he has the Columbus City schools to superintend the following year. We extend our best wishes for his future success.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, June 12, 1889 page 4: LOCAL NEWS. Hal Hale of Wapello, has been employed as principal of the Columbus City schools for the ensueing year. We think he selection a good one.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, June 19, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE.
Fredonia. - June 17- Mr. Hale closed school Wednesday by giving the school children a picnic and then sent them home rejoicing, each the proud possessor of a nice card in token of friendship and memories of days gone by. Mr. H. takes with him the best wishes of all his many friends here.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, June 26, 1889 page 1: ADDITIONAL LOCAL.
Oak Grove school, taught by Miss Martha Morgan, closed on Thursday, and Louisa Center, by Thos. Morgan, on Friday, each with literary exercises and highly enjoyable out door dinner and fun.
Picnic closed the Washington school on the 21st.
Oakland. - June 22- Miss Eliza Chown's school in No. 1 closed Friday with and exhibition and picnic which was much enjoyed by all present.
Fredonia. - June 24:- Alice Lupton closed her school in the Tennessee district this week.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, June 26, 1889 page 4: Morning Sun high school graduated three young ladies, this year.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, July 17, 1889 page 4: CORRESPONDENCE.
Oakland. - July 15- Miss Emma Ramer, Della Siverly, Eliza Chown and others whose names we did not learn, are attending normal at Wapello.
Fredonia. - July 15:-A few of our teachers on this side are attending the county institute. Sarah Reaney, Nora Owen and Alice Lupton being among the number.
Wapello. July 15- There were 100 enrolled at normal last week.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, August 7,1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE. Oakland. - Aug. 3- Miss Nellie McKee, of Cone, has been engaged to teach the fall term of school at Oakland.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, September 4, 1889 page 4: Welsh Neighborhood. - Sept. 2 -School commences to-day under the supervision of Jennie Evans.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, September 11, 1889 page 1 CORRESPONDENCE.
Cairo. - School commenced last Monday with Miss Reaney as instructor.
Oakland. - Eliza Chown began her fall term of school in district No. 1, last Monday.
Fredonia - Sep. 30 - School begins again to day after a week's vacation.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, October 9, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE. Oakland. - Oct. 5. Eliza Chown was obliged to discontinue her school in No. 1 last week on account of sickness, but was able to resume teaching Monday.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, October 16, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE. Lettsville. - Oct. 14- Supt. W. A. Lester was visiting schools in this neighborhood last week. Mrs. Linn attended the funeral of her grandmother at Columbus City last week. Miss Sarah Hughes filled her place in the school room.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, November 13, 1889 page 3: Teacher's Meeting.
The Louisa County Teachers' Association will meet at the school house in Columbus Junction on Saturday next, at 1:30, p. m.
Opening Exercises.
Biography of Andrew Jackson... Maggie Parkin.
Class in Arithmetic .... Geo. H. Mulllin.
How to Interest our Patrons... Ella Overholt.
Essay... Jennie Griswold.
Biography of Franklin Pierce.. Geo. W. Woodring.
How to keep Primary Pupils Employed... Cora Johnston.
Class Recitation... Franc McFarland.
The Coming World's Fair... Jennie Evans.
Comparison of Country and Graded Schools... Franc Sigafoos.CORRESPONDENCE. Cairo - Nov. 25: - School will commence next Monday with Sadie Reaney and Miss Smith as instructors.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, December 11, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE. Lettsville - Dec.9:- Our schools were so crowded that it became necessary to employ a third teacher.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, December 11, 1889 page 4: Schools Closed.
The board of directors have decided to close the school until after Holidays owing to uneasiness over the diphtheria. They did what they considered best, the facts are there are just two cases in town. These are Mrs. Tucker, who is convalescent and doing nicely. .....
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, December 18, 1889 page 1: ADDITIONAL NEWS. - We understand it has been about definitely decided to open up a Normal school at this place in the first of next June. We wish to say right here that in our estimation, a good Normal school would be worth more to this town than ten county sears. This is not saying, however, but that both might not flourish in the same town.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, December 25, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE. Lettsville. - Dec. 16:- Once again we greet you. The teacher's meeting at this place Saturday, was a success notwithstanding the fact that some of the teachers were not prepared with their papers. those who did have them deserve praise for the papers and also the delivery of the same. The meeting was held in the M. E. church, the furnace at the school building being out of repair. Come again, teachers.