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As Reported in the Columbus Gazette
from March through December, 1888
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, March 7, 1888 page 4 (also appears in the March 14, 1888 issue): Teachers Meeting. - Louisa county Teacher's Association will meet in Normal Building, Columbus Junction, Saturday, March 17, '88, at 10 o'clock, a.m. Program:
Reading Scripture and Prayer.
The nobility and responsibility of the teacher's vocation … Mrs. J. K. Pickett.
The school as a basis of American independence of thought … G. W. Davis.
Great men as types and as individuals … Eliza Cannon.
The folly of striving to please every one … Jennie Robertson.
The good and band efforts of emulation … Ella Overholt.
Afternoon Session.
Ancient and modern notions of liberty … J. W. Barger.
The folly of expecting too much of our pupils … Miss Frano Sigafoos.
Class in alcohol and narcotics … Miss Luiah Nortbey.
The necessity of repressing idle curiosity in pupils … Miss Frano MacFarland.
The teacher's duties to his pupils and profession … Miss Lizzie Hughes.
The teacher's motives and qualifications … J. J. Duncan.
General Business.
All friends of education are invited to be present.
W. A. Lester}
J. K. Pickett } Com.Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, April 11, 1888, page 4. - Teachers of this and Muscatine counties will meet at Lettsville Saturday, April 14, at 10 o'clock, and the following program has been prepared.
Reading of scripture and prayer.
Methods of Teaching … M Hunter.
Our Duties as Citizens … G. W. Vibber.
Rivers of America … Miss Rettle Miller.
The Teacher's Motives … Lizzie Hawthorne.
Order is needful to improvements Miss Lupton.
Prayer, Music.
Rewards for good and Punishment for Bad Conduct … Sadie Browning.
The Detection of Offenders … J. C Byram.
The Relation of education to Labor and Wealth … A. S. Dobbin.
The Rights and Duties of Teacher and Pupils ... Mac Fanning.
The Study of Geography and what we gain by knowledge of it ... Mollie Richley.
The Happy Results arising from the cultivation of taste … Mrs. E. E. Linx.
The Comparative Influence of Individuals and Learned Societies in forming the Literary Character of a Nation … Prof. Eldridge.
A cordial invitation is extended to all friends of education to be presen.
W. A. Lester.
A. S. Dobbin.Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, April 18, 1888 page 1. Correspondence: Oakland. - April 9 … Schools in this township have all begun (with perhaps the exception of "Shake Rag.") The following named Misses are wielding the ferules of correction, Emma Ramer at Carpenter school, Ellza Chown at Oakland, Lizzie McCullough at Baker and Effie Emerson at McQueen.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, April 18, 1888 page 4. - At a meeting of the school board last Thursday night, Prof. Geo. H. Mullen of Wapello, was selected principal for the ensuing year at a salary of $100 per month. The school year will consist of nine months. Thirty ballots were taken for teach in the grammar room with no choice. WE think the choice of Mr. Mullen an excellent one, but feel convinced that the time was too long, by two or three months at least.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, May 30, 1888 page 1: - The board of directors elected G. W. Kline of Crossville, Tennessee, principal of our schools for the ensuing year. They will meet again June 9th, to elect teachers for the subordinate departments.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, June 13, 1888 page 1: Wapello. - The school closed for the year last Friday with a picnic in the courthouse yard..... Prof. Cline has notified the school board that he will accept the principalship of the schools here. The board met Saturday evening to appoint teachers for the lower departments. The Misses Hurley, Bell, Doenne, Betts, and Sweeney were selected.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, June 13, 1888 page 4: - The Wapello school board elected the remainder of their teachers, Saturday night. The corps will now consist of Mr. Cline, Principal; Miss Amy Bell, Second Intermediate; Miss Lillie Sweeney, Intermediate; Miss Lizzie Hurley, Second Primary; and Miss Joanna Doenne, Primary. We think they have made a good selection, all, excepting the principal having received training from the GAZETTE, Columbus Junction, Iowa man.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, August 1, 1888 page 4: - The school mams here migrate for Wapello today, where the dreadful annual siege of Normal beings.
Our Early School Mams. - Normal Institute began at the school house, Wapello, Monday morning. Prof. Eldridge is conductor. Considering the extremely hot weather, the attendance was good. The following were enrolled the first day.
WAPELLO. Edna Wells Mellisa Heins Lillie Korn Hal Hulu Valie McKay Mary Ashpote Martha Ashpote Anna Hurley Lillie Shipman Marrie Carrigen Rosa Pila Hattie Beane Lillie Sweeney Russie Key Amy Bell Julie Williamson Anna Graham Bert Leamon Minnie Stoughton Marion Key Rachael Deppy MORNING SUN. W. B. Dowser Adah M. Nichols Minnie Wilson H. E. Curran Emma Maxson Cora Delzell Emma Patterson Lotie Jarvis Jessie Frazier H. H. Arnold Anna Mertz Zolah Oehilree COLUMBUS JUNCTION. Maud Trimble Fran Kuder Mrs. J. K. Pickett W. A. Raymond Bertha Criswold Virgina Criswold COLUMBUS CITY. Cora Wunzer Kate Jones Nannie Jones FREDONIA. Sadie Reaney Nora Owen CONE. Nettie McKee Ellie Emerson WINFIELD. Essie Ruth Effie McPherson GRANDVIEW. Della Thompson Eva Thompson Susie Browning Carrie Kent Jennie Stephes CAIRO. Frank Crammond Mary James Sadie Daly, Bard; Mrs. Emma Garrett, Ainsworth; Sarah J. Hughes, Letts; Cassie B. Graves, Toolesboro.
While securing these facts, we tried our prettiest to secure an introduction to the handsome and clever looking instructor, but failed and are unable to give names even. But barring the campaign hat, which some one please shoot, we believe they will do and hope to record a very successful Normal.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, August 8, 1888 page 1: Additional Local. - Miss Lulah Northey has resigned her position as teacher in our public schools for the ensuing year. The board of directors, Monday evening, elected Miss Sadie Latta to fill the vacancy. Also, Miss Nellie Studdard as assistant principal.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, August 8, 1888 page 4: Toolesboro. - Harry Parsons will teach the Toolesboro schools this winter. Perhaps our girls would have been better pleased if he had remained single. SCHOOLS: Allie Graves will teach the Weiderecht; Adda McChesney the Potter; Emma Hook, the Hook school this fall and winter.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, August 22, 1888 page 4: Toolesboro Antics. - Aug. 20. Some of our farmers think that the chilly evenings the past week show very good prospect for frost and one of them reports frost in the Mississippi bottom last Tuesday evening. Our school marms have returned from Normal. they seem very well pleased with the superintendent and teachers.
Columbus City. - Our school house is being repainted and repaired which adds greatly to the appearance thereof.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, August 29, 1888 page 1: Wapello. - Miss Martha Ashpole began her fall term of school at Bard last Monday morning.
Mr. Oscar Hale left Wapello for Holton, Kansas Thursday morning where he will teach the coming year.
Mr. G. H. Mullin came home Saturday and stayed until Monday morning. He is teaching in the Normal at Marengo.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, August 29, 1888 page 4: - Nora Owens teaches in the Washington district, Concord township, this fall and winter. She began Monday. (also in Wednesday Sept 5, page 4)
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, September 12, 1888 page 1: Grandview. - The public schools opened here last Monday with Mr. Oates of Wapello as teacher in the higher department and Mr. Marcellus Hunter in the primary.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, September 12, 1888 page 8: - The public schools opened Monday morning with good attendance in all departments. The teachers are all new except Mrs. Pickett in the second primary.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, September 19, 1888 page 1: Concord. - School commenced last Monday with Hal Hale as teacher. Mr. Hale is one of the good teachers of the county, but like most teachers will find some bitter with the sweet.
Toolsboro Antics. - Mrs. Leah Lord is teaching the Mallory school this fall.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, September 26, 1888 page 1: Morning Sun. - Sept 24- Our public school opened last Monday. We have a very efficient corps of teachers and the prospect for a successful school year is promising.
Oakland. - Sept. 24 - Miss Belle Emerson is teaching school near Nichols.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, October 10, 1888 page 1: Correspondence - Concord. No flies on Concord since this cool weather commenced.
Miss Sallie Reaney is attending school at Columbus Junction.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, October 17, 1888 page 4: - The public school of Columbus City are closed this week on acct. of prevalence of sore throat.
Teacher's meeting at Wapello, was not very fully attended Saturday and the program only partially carried out. Misses Nora Owen and Frane MacFarland attended from this place.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, November 7th, 1888 page 1: - Miss Montie Hobbie closed her fall term of school at Oakland last week. After a few weeks of vacation, when will go back to the same place for the winter term.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, October 17, 1888 page 4: - The public school of Columbus City are closed this week on acct. of prevalence of sore throat.
Teacher's meeting at Wapello, was not very fully attended Saturday and the program only partially carried out. Misses Nora Owen and Frane MacFarland attended from this place.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, November 7th, 1888 page 1 (also Wednesday, November 14th, 1888 page 4): Teachers at Col. Junction. - The Louisa county Teacher's Association will meet at Columbus Junction, Saturday, November 17th, 1888, at 10 'o'clock.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, November 21st, 1888 page 4: Mr. Harry Reister of Cairo, was a Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa caller Wednesday of last week. He will teach the young people of Winfield how to wield the pen this winter, in which art harry is an adept.
Reading Scripture and Prayer.
Music. Modes of study, - Jennie Foreman.
History of Iowa,- Sadie Latta.
The wants of pupils,- S. V. Garner.
School ethics,- Mrs. L. G. Murdock.
Punishment for offences,- Callie Johnston.
Means of preventing disorder, -Frona Sigafoos.
Biography of Wm. C. Bryant, - Nellie Studdard.
Teachers' duties as citizens,- J. J. Duncan.
The different means of transportation, - W. A. Raymond.
Does climate effect the character of a nation?- J. K. Pickett.
General business.
All are invited to attend.We had our first foretaste of winter, Thursday. It "spit" snow some in the afternoon and a still northwester blew at the same time.
The programme at the teachers meeting, last Saturday, was not very fully carried out. Many came unprepared, which is not as it should be.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, November 28st, 1888, page 1: Correspondence - Toolsboro. Miss Addie McChesney has commenced the fall term of school. Miss Emma Hook is teaching the Parson school.Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Thursday, December 27, 1888 page 1: Correspondence - Columbus city. Our schools closed on Friday for one week's recess, to take in all the Christmas trees and jubilees in town and country.
Our school house will have a Christmas gift in the shape of a very fine new stove.
Cairo. Dec. 21- The winter term of school commenced last Monday week with Misses Frankie Crammond and Flora Curran as instructors.