Move Into The Future By Saving The Past
Rural Schools of Louisa County, Iowa

Page 217

Transcribed by Lynn McCleary, November 24, 2019

July 31, August 1, 2, 1935
Friday, 10:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

(Answer five questions)

1. a. Write a simple sentence.
    b. Expand it into a complex sentence.
    c. Using your complex entence, expand it to form a compound sentence.
2. a. Write a sentence containing a verb in the active voice.
    b. Rewrite the same sentence and change the verb to the passive coice.
3. Compare the following adjective -- if they can be compared:

a. Wise f. Bad k. Well
b. Careful g. Much l. Interesting
c. Loyal h. Quiet m. Five
d. Square i. Perfect n. Top
e. Little j. Good o. Lazy

4. a. What is the difference between biography and autobiography?
    b. Define anecdote and list its characteriestics.
5. a. Write a formal invittion to a garden party.
    b. Write and informal inviation to the same event.
6. Give the steps in conducting a meeting from the time of calling the meeting to order until the motion to adjorn has carried. Think of a club which has both entertainment and business features in its program.

Thursday, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.

(Answer five questions)

1. a. What is meant by "every written lesson a penmanship lesson?"
    b. How can you make pupils feel this responsibility?
2. How can you develop in the pupils a desire to write well?
3. a. Explain two values of handwriting scales.
    b. Give three ways to stimulate interest in good penmanship.
4. State the importance of the use of he blackboard in teaching beginners to write.
5. Write your name and address as a specimen of our best handwriting.
6. a. What is meant by legibility?
    b. Why is it an important standard in penmanship?

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Friday, 2:45 to 5:00 p.m.

(Answer five questions)

1. a. Discuss the importance of conservation efforts being made to save soil, wild life, and forests.
    b. Name five birds, five trees, and five wild flowers of Iowa.
2. a. How many immunity be acquired from small pox, diphtheria, and typhoid?
    b. Name the different stage in the development of man's methods of communication.
3. a. Name at least three useful microorganisms.
    b. Name at least three harmful ones.
    c. Explain the use of the thermometer.
    d. Explain the use of the barometer.
4. Name at least two plants that furnish man food from :
    a. Roots
    b. Stems
    c. Leaves
    d. Fruits
5. a. Why do the star constellations appearing in the evening change throughout the year?
    b. Why does the sun eclipsed at times?
6. a. Why does old bread mold?
    b. Why does meat spoil?
    c. Why is wool clothing warmer than cotton?
    d. Why does soap clean?

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Page created November 24, 2019 by Lynn McCleary