Move Into The Future By Saving The Past
Rural Schools of Louisa County, Iowa

Page 215
Jean Hanft Langstaff

Transcribed by Sharon Elijah, November 24, 2019

    The contest was offered to the upper grades but was not required. In my first year of teaching, I had three students eligible and they all participated. We had a program at the school at night and parents attended. I had the lower grades present recitations, skits and some singing to fill out the program. I asked a retired schoolteacher to judge the declam presentation, and she made suggestions as to improvements they could make.

     From the local school we went to Fredonia, as did contestants from other schools which I think included Columbus City and Concord Townships. There were three judges at this event. None of my contestants ever won, so we didn’t go any further. As I remember, the finalists from the groups went to Wapello to compete. I felt it was good experience for my pupils. It took some recess time for practice, but they were willing to give it up.

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Page created November 24, 2019 by Lynn McCleary