Move Into The Future By Saving The Past
Rural Schools of Louisa County, Iowa

Page 215
Information from Jean Hanft Langstaff’s teaching scrapbook

Transcribed by Sharon Elijah, November 24, 2019

    The fall school meetings were referred to as Louisa County Institutes. In 1934 the program featured Dr. Sudhindra Bose from the Department of Political Science, S.U.I., who spoke on “The New Orient.” Later during the day, conferences were held throughout the building on “Objective Methods in Evaluating Instruction,” “Types of Reading and Language Activities,” and in the afternoon Lloyd Haberichter, Physical Training Coordinator for Louisa County, gave a demonstration.

     In 1935 Sam Risk, a lecturer from the International Lyceum Association, spoke on “Syrian Yankee.” That same day Dr. L. E. Weber spoke on “Relation of the Doctor to the School.” It was noted that 173 people attended this institute.

     The following year in 1936, “East is West and West is East” was the lecture presented by Dr. C. V. Williams from Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas.

     And finally, in 1937, “Alcohol and Narcotics” was Ada Rose Demerest’s topic. Dr. George McCarty from South Dakota State College lectured on “The Child You Teach”. Later in the day he spoke to the superintendents, principals, and high school and junior high teachers on “Every Fellow For Himself; Devil Take The Hindmost. “

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Page created November 24, 2019 by Lynn McCleary