Move Into The Future By Saving The Past
Rural Schools of Louisa County, Iowa

Page 234

Transcribed by Lynn McCleary, November 24, 2019

“The time has come to say farewell
For now our term is through;
To sound our present school days’ knell,
And bid you all adieu.”
“Farewell – a word that stirs our hearts,
That moves our feelings strong.
That sadness frequently imparts,
And makes us linger long.”
“For month together we have met
And conned our lessons o’er
And done our best to know and get
A part of Learning’s store.”
“Tro’ all the days I’ve labored hard,
And often during night;
Your progress was my sole regard,
Your well-fare my delight.”
“And oh! My pupils, Ihave tried
To do the best I could;
I’ve ope’d the book of knowledge wide,
And hope you’ve understood.”
“Get wisdom; said the Sage of old,
Who spake in sayings wise;
More precious she than gems or gold.
Or any other prize.”
“And richer far than greatest king
Or treasure of the mine,
Are they who drink from out her spring,
Or worship at her shrine.”
“With all your getting, therefore get
An education true;
Twill be a crown with jewel set,
A pow’r to each of you.”
“And thanks for all your favors shown,
For cheer which toil beguiles;
For roses in y pathway strewn,
For all you love and smilrs.”
“And at the parting of the ways,
We at this moment stand.
And soon we’ll close our dear school days,
And take each other’s hand.”
“Most fondly do I wish you well,
And hope you each may be
An ornament where e’er you dwell,
And from all vices free.”
“And now the swift, descending sun
Proclaims the time is here;
So good-by each and ev’ry one,
Farewell, my pupils, dear.”
         - Author unidentified

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Page created November 24, 2019 by Lynn McCleary