Louisa County Schools

239 Enrolled As Letts School Term Is Opened

Muscatine Journal & News Tribune September 4, 1947 pg 15
Transcribed by Lynn McCleary, December 26, 2014

Letts- The Letts school opened on Monday with a total enrollment of 239. The enrollment is as follows: Primary 24, first grade 24; second grade 23; third grade 24; fourth grade 22; fifth grade 16; six grade 22; seventh grade 25; eighth grade 14; and high school 45. One hundred and forty-four participated in the hot lunch program on Tuesday.

Bus drivers are: Lyle Maury, Virgil Carter, Kenneth Fry and L. M. Hilderbrand. Bus drivers for the Cranston Strawberry Hill and Strawberry Hill schools are the Rev. Andreson and William Stansell. These schools are again coming to the Letts school.

More than 100 persons attended the annual Play Hay Monday, sponsored each yer by the Letts Community club. A basket dinner was served at noon and races and contests were enjoyed during the afternoon.

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Page created December 26, 2014 by Lynn McCleary

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