Louisa County Civil War Veterans Buried Elsewhere
Submitted by Steve Hanken, July 2, 2013
Updated October 5, 2016

Abbott, Charles H. Age 43. Residence Columbus City, nativity New Hampshire. Appointed Colonel Aug. 10, 1862. Mustered Sept. 23, 1862 in the 30th Iowa Infantry. Killed in action May 22, 1863, Vicksburg, Miss. Buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Muscatine, Iowa.

Bede, Richard. Age 23. Residence Wapello, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Sept. 11, 1861. Mustered Sept. 21, 1861 in the 8th Iowa Infantry Co. K. Died Aug. 25, 1863, of congestive chills, near Vicksburg, Miss. Buried in Vicksburg National Cemetery, Mississippi.

Bretz, Benjamin F. Age 21, Residence Louisa County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862 with 35th Iowa Infantry Co. F. Mustered out Aug. 10, 1865, Davenport, Iowa. Died Jan. 10, 1923, burial made in Greenwood Cemetery, Muscatine, Iowa.

Foster, Henry A. Age 19. Residence Louisa County nativity Michigan. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864, 4th IA Cavalry Co. K. Died of disease Mar. 21, 1864 Vicksburg, MS. Buried at Vicksburg National Cemetery, Mississippi.

Fryer, Edward. Age 18. Residence Port Louisa, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 2, 1862. Mustered Aug. 21, 1862 in the 19th IA Infantry Co. G. Died of disease Nov. 8, 1862, Springfield, Mo. Buried Springfield National Cemetery, Missouri.

Gable, Ohio. Age 18. Residence Cairo, nativity Ohio, Enlisted Sept. 23, 1861. Mustered Oct. 3, 1861 in the 11th IA Infantry Co. C. Re-enlisted and re-mustered Jan. 1, 1864. Mustered out July 15, 1865, Louisville, KY. Buried at Kossuth Cemetery, Des Moines County, Iowa.

Gravrath/Gravert, Albert. Age 30. Residence Columbus City, nativity Michigan. Enlisted July 1, 1861. Mustered July 16, 1861 in the 5th Iowa Infantry Co. C. Discharged for disability Nov. 7, 1862, Benton Barracks, Mo. Buried at Marshalltown Iowa Veterans Home Cemetery, Marshcall County, Iowa

Hight, John A. Residence Columbus City, nativity Vermont. Mustered May 27, 1861 in the 2nd Iowa Infantry Co. H. Discharged for disability April 2, 1862. Buried in Glenwood Cemetery, Mills County, Iowa.

Jennings, Mifflin. Age 18. Residence Columbus City. Enlisted Sept. 23, 1861. Served as a Private with the 11th Iowa Infantry Co C. Died March 20, 1922. Buried in Fairview Cemetery, near Webber, Jewell County, Kansas.

Jennings, William H. Age 19. Residence Elm Grove, IA. Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Feb. 16, 1864. Mustered March 4, 1864 as a Private in the 11th Iowa Infantry Co C. Oustered out July 15, 1865 in Louisville, KY. Died December 30, 1930 and is buried in Daveport Cemetery, Thayer Co., Nebraska.

Limbocker, Alfred S. Age 24. Residence Columbus City, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Sept. 23, 1861, as Second Sergeant. Mustered Oct. 3, 1861 in the 11th Iowa Infantry Co C. Died of typhoid fever April 13, 1862, Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. Buried in Shiloh National Cemetery, Shiloh, Tennessee.

Littleton, John. Age 31. Residence Toolsboro, nativity Maryland. Enlisted Jul 21, 1862. Mustered Aug. 21, 1862 in the 19th IA Infantry Co. F. Wounded December 7, 1862 during the battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas. Died at field hospital in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Littleton, Kendall. Age 19. Residence Toolsboro, nativity Iowa. Enlisted Jul 21, 1862. Mustered Aug. 21, 1862 in the 19th IA Infantry Co. F. Killed December 7, 1862 during the battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas. Buried in a mass grave on the battlefield.

Littleton, Noah. Age 18. Residence Toolsboro, nativity Iowa. Enlisted Jul 21, 1862. Mustered Aug. 21, 1862 in the 19th IA Infantry Co. F. Drowned in White River, Forsyth, MO., Mar 1, 1863. Buried at Springfield National Cemetery, Missouri.

Littleton, Thomas S. Age 25. Residence Toolsboro, nativity Maryland. Enlisted July 1, 1861. Mustered July 16, 1861 into Co. C 5th Iowa Inf. Captured November 25, 1863 and sent to Andersonville prison in Georgia. Died June 16, 1864. Buried in Andersonville National Cemetery, Andersonville, GA.

Littleton, William. Age 24. Residence Toolsboro, nativity Ohio. Enlisted September 21, 1861. Mustered September 21, 1861 with Company K, 8th Iowa Volunteer Infantry Regiment. Died of December 8, 1863. Buried Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, Jefferson, MO.

Livingston, Grorge B. Age 34. Residence Columbus City, nativity Vermont. Enlisted September 23, 1861. Mustered Oct. 3, 1861. Wounded April 6, 1862, Shiloh, Tenn. Died of wounds April 7, 1862, Savannah, Tenn. Buried in Shiloh National Cemetery, Shiloh, Tennessee.

Neal, William T. Age 22. Residence Columbus City, nativity Iowa. Enlisted July 1, 1861. Must July 16, 1861 in the 5th Iowa Infantry Co. C. Was severely in the face Sept.19,1862, Iuka, Miss. Discharged for wounds 3 Jan.1863 Enlisted May 17, 1864. Mustered May 17, 1864 with 45th Iowa Infantry Co. B. Mustered out Sept. 16, 1864. Is buried in Forest Cemetery, Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, Iowa.

Olmstead, Josiah G. Age 48. Residence Fredonia, nativity Connecticut Enlisted Sept. 20, 1862, as Seventh Corporal. Mustered Nov. 6, 1862 in the 37th Iowa Infantry Co. B. Died of disease Aug. 20, 1863, Alton, Ill. Buried in Alton National Cemetery, Alton, Illinois.

Plumb, Stephen H. Age 34. Residence Wapello, nativity New York. Enlisted Feb. 28, 1862. Mustered April 10, 1862 with the 17th Iowa Infantry Co. G. Re-enlisted and re-mustered April 22, 1864. Mustered out July 25, 1865, Louisville, Ky.

Robertson, James. Age 26. Residence Columbus City, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 10, 1861. Mustered Aug. 31, 1861 in the 8th IA Infantry Co. C. MIA and taken prisoner April 6, 1862, Shiloh, Tenn. Died of fever while on parole July 31, 1862, Mound City, Illinois. Buried at Mound City National Cemetery, Illinois.

Robertson, Samuel S. Age 19. Residence Columbus City, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 2, 1862. Mustered Sept. 10, 1862 in the 25th IA Infantry Co. F. Died of disease April 2, 1863, Milliken’s Bend, La. Buried at Vicksburg National Cemetery, Mississippi.

Tedford, James M. Age 25. Residence Columbus City, nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864 in 25th Iowa Co. F. Transferred to Company D, Fourth Infantry, May 30, 1865. Died Aug. 10, 1913. Buried in Oakview Cemetery, Albia, Monroe Co., IA

Wilson, William F. Age 25. Residence Columbus City, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 2, 1862. Mustered Sept. 10, 1862 in the 25th Iowa Infantry Co. F. Discharged Jan. 4, 1864, Woodville, Ala

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