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Explanation – The date following a name indicates the length of time the party has been a resident in the county. The abbreviations are as follows: S. for Section, T. for Township, R. for Range, P O, for Post-office address. Where no Section Number of Township is given, it will be understood that the party resides within the limits of the village or city named, and, in such cases, the post-office address is the same as the place of residence, unless otherwise stated.
Surname Given Name Occupation Section Twp. Range Post-office Residence Came Here Notes Archibald M. F. Panitoriam & Restaurant Wapello 1880 Arning H. W. Farmer, Stockraiser, Fruit Grower & Taxidermist 26 75 5 Columbus City 1866 Arthur E. H. Farmer & Stockraiser 32 75 5 Columbus Junction 1876 Bailey Geo. W. Farmer Letts 1914 Mr. Bailey is married to Mabel E. Wgner. He is one of the representative citizens of Muscatine County. Ball W. D. Farmer & Stockraiser 14 74 4 Wapello 1891 Barnes T. A. Farmer & Stockraiser 10 75 4 Letts 1882 Beck & McClurkin Exchange Bank General Banking Morning Sun Beckmann J. M. Lumberman Oakville 1909 Born in Germany in 1876. Married to Inez Lewis. Served as City Alderman and one of the representative citizens of Oakvile. Benz J. W. Farmer & Stockraiser 2 74 3 Wapello 1892 Billick L. A. Farmer & Stockraiser 13 76 5 Conesville 1906 Bissinger Chas. Farmer & Breeder of Hereford Cattle & Poland China Hogs 32 74 2 Wapello 1874 Bland Louis Vice Pres. Iowa State Savings Bank Burlington Bliven John Farmer 20 75 4 Fredonia 1863 Bollenbach C. J. Lumber, Portland Cement & Overland Automobiles Collumbus Junction 1894 Boyer Mrs. W. M. Livery Wapello 1879 Brauns Wm. Farmer & Stockraiser 9 74 3 Wapello 1870 Brockway James M. Farmer & Stockman 20 75 3 Letts 1902 Born in Iowa in 1879. Married Mary M. Horton. He served as State Representative. Brown Benj. Sr. Farmer & Stockraiser 13 74 4 Wapello 1861 He came to Iowa in 1854 and settled in Davis County for seven years. Then moved to Louisa County. Brown C. A. Grain Dealer Wapello 1861 Brown J. M. Printing Letts 1914 He was born in Iowa in 1886. Married to Bessie Letts. Calderone Frank Groceries & Fruits Wapello 1915 Carden W. R. Insurance Winfield Carpenter C. A. Attorney at Law Columbus Junction 1890 Cassebaum Wm. Farmer, Stockraiser, & Trustee 7 74 4 Columbus Junction 1859 Cavanaugh Geo. W. Farmer & Stockraiser 4 74 4 Columbus Junction 1883 Cavin O. M. Banker Columbus Junction 1872 Chatfield A. L. Farmer & Stockraiser 15 74 3 Wapello 1877 Chestnut W. J. Garage Morning Sun 1913 Chittum J. H. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Wapello 1899 Citizens Bank, The General Banking Wapello Citizens Savings Bank, The General Banking Letts Clark Robt. Farmer & Stockraiser 26 75 4 Columbus Junction 1883 Cline S. B. Farmer & Stockraiser 17 76 5 Columbus Junction 1896 Collins J. A. Barber Shop & Panitoriam Letts 1895 He was born in Illinois in 1892. Married to Florence Quandt. He is one of the representative citizens of Letts. Collins J. H. Monuments and County Corner Letts Commercial Bank General Banking General Banking Wapello Conner B. B. Farmer & Stockholder 4 74 3 Wapello 1915 Connor G. O. Restaurant Letts 1891 He was born in Louisa County in 1891. Married to Gertrude Briggs. He is one of the leading business men of Letts. Cotter Saving Bank General Banking Cotter Courts Fred Lawyer Morning Sun 1878 Curtis E. S. Farmer & Stockraiser 22 75 4 Columbus Junction 1857 Cutkomp Fred M. County Treasurer Wapello 1876 Dallmeier Dora Farming & Stockraising 13 75 4 Columbus Junction 1877 Davis John H. Farmer 21 74 5 Crawfordsville Born in Louisa County in 1889 Davis W. C. Farmer & Stockraiser 17 75 5 Columbus Junction 1899 Deardorf M. T. Farmer & Stockraiser 22 75 5 Columbus Junction 1908 Deihl Geo. R. Farmer 24 74 3 Wapello He was born in Louisa County in 1857. He married Eva E. Dotson. Has has served as Supervisor, School Director and City Councilman. Dickerson L. G. Farmer & Stockraiser 2 75 3 Letts He was born in Lousia County in 1859. Married to Ella C. Westbrook. He has served as School Director and Assessor, and is one of the representative citizens. Dickinson Charles Farmer 17 75 3 Letts 1911 He was born in New York in 1886. He married Bertha Werner. Douglass A. W. Barber Shop & Panitoriam Letts He was born in Iowa in 1889. Married to Velma V. Toland. Downs Roy Farmer & Stockraiser 31 74 3 Wapello 1886 Dowson Robson Farmer & Stockraiser 15 75 4 Columbus Junction 1858 Drake S. R. Evangelist 21 75 4 Columbus Junction 1894 Duncan J. A. Farmer 35 73 2 Oakville 1877 He was born in Illinois in 1877.Married Maud Waterhouse. He has served as School Director and Bank Director. Duncan J. Carson Farmer, Stockraiser and Trustee 35 75 5 Columbus Junction 1868 Duncan J. K. Farmer 35 73 2 Oakville 1897 He was born in Illinois in 1880. Married to Lola L. Erwin. He served as Mayor of Oakville. Duncan W. A. Farmer & Stockraiser 26 75 5 Columbus Junction 1849 Dunham Fred Farmer & Stockraiser 13 74 4 Wapello 1883 Edmondson M. R. Farmer & Stockraiser 28 75 4 Columbus Junction 1865 Edwards C. N. Farmer & Stockraiser 19 76 5 Gladwin 1887 Edwards W. L. Farmer & Stockraiser 29 76 5 Gladwin 1883 Edwards Z. L. Farmer & Stockraiser 30 76 5 Columbus Junction 1861 Emmons W. E. Farmer 15 76 5 Conesville 1916 Exchange Bank General Banking Morning Sun Farmers Bank General Banking Oakville First National Bank General Banking Muscatine First Trust & Savings Bank General Banking Muscatine Foster Harry E. Farmer & Stockraiser 1 75 4 Letts 1891 Furnas R. W. Farmer 9 75 3 Letts He was born in Louisa County in 1881. Married Martha M. Furnas. Gabriel Wm. Farmer & Stockraiser 36 75 4 Columbus Junction 1867 Gast F. Farmer 24 75 3 Grandview He was born in Louisan County in 1879. Married Maggie Kallenberger. He has served as School Director and Trustee and is one of the leading citizens of Louisa County. German-American Savings Bank General Banking Muscatine German-American Savings Bank General Banking Burlington Griffin H. M. Veterinarian Morning Sun 1908 Griffin W. S. Furniture, Implements and Hardware Letts 1901 He was born in Iowa in 1876. Married Cassie Bailey. He is one of the leading business men in Letts. Gilkey H. M. Farmer, Stockraiser and Physician 31 75 4 Columbus Junction 1886 Girard L. F. Farmer, Stockraiser and Assessor 2 74 4 Wapello 1867 Girard Thomas F. Farmer & Stockraiser 34 76 5 Columbus Junction 1916 Goldesberry F. H. Farmer & Stockraiser 18 75 4 Columbus Junction 1890 Goldesberry H. E. Farmer & stockraiser 28 76 5 Gladwin 1880 Cookin J. B. Farmer & Stockraiser 27 75 5 Columbus Junction 1901 Graham Geo. W. Publisher Oakville He was born in Louisa County in 1872 and served as Township Treasurer and Clerk. Hale Oscar Judge District Court Wapello 1867 Hall Allen Real Estate Oakville He was born in Louisa County in 1866. Married to Anna B. Bettler. He is one of the leading citizens of Oakville. Hall G. R. General Merchandise Oakville 1862 He was born in Iowa in 1859. Married to Mary A. Bowers. He has served as Postmaster for seventeen years and is one of the leading citizens of Oakville. Hall J. D. Farmer & Stockaiser 18 74 4 Columbus Junction 1859 Hamilton A. G. Carpenter Newport He was born in Louisa County. Hamilton John Farmer & Stockraiser 13 73 4 Morning Sun 1882 Hanft T. F. Farmer & Stockraiser 5 74 4 Columbus Junction 1864 Hanft S. L. Farmer & Stockraiser 29 75 4 Columbus Junction 1876 Hardin Samuel Farmer 34 73 1 Keithsburg, Illinois 1876 He was born in Missouri in 1872. Married to Alice M. Bower. He is one of the leading citizens of Louisa County. Harris Jno. L. Farmer and Breeer of Shorthorn Cattle 7 73 3 Morning Sun He was born in Louisa County in 1860. Hawkeye Lumber Co. Lumber Oakville Hayes John O. Farmer 14 73 2 Wapello He was born in Louisa County in 1856. Married to Villa McKay. He has served as School Director and Director of Farmers Bank. Hendrickson C. W. Farmer & Stockraiser 19 76 5 Columbus Junction 1867 Hidlebaugh John C. Cement Letts He was born in Louisa County in 1869. Married to Nettie Kallenbager. He has served as Road Commissioner for four years and is one of the leading citizens of Letts. Hill Henry Farmer & Stockraiser 9 76 5 Conesville 1861 Hiller Wm. B. Attorney at Law Oakville 1881 He was born in Illinois in 1872. Married to J. C. Chaiser. He is one of the leading citizens of Oakville. Hingst Mrs. L. C. Farming 16 75 3 Letts 1908 She was born in Iowa in 1865 She married Wm. P. Hingst. Hinrichs John Real Estate Columbus Junction 1913 Hocke George Farmer 24 75 3 Grandview 1913 He was born in Iowa in 1870. He married Louisa Welsch. He is one of the leading citizens of the county. Hurley W. H. Lawyer Wapello 1870 Hutchins W. S. Farmer 21 74 5 Crawfordsville He was born in Louisa County. Iowa State Savings Bank General Banking Burlington Ives F. T. Clerk District Court Wapello 1875 James L. C. Farmer & Stockraiser 3 74 4 Wapello Jamison T. G. Farmer Oakville He was born in Louisa County in 1863. He married Alice D. Elrick. Jenkins John Farmer & Stockraiser 28 75 5 Columbus Junction 1879 Jones H. E. Farmer & Stockraiser 23 75 5 Columbus Junction 1859 Jones Thos. H. Farmer, Stockraiser and Breeder of Hereford Cattle 5 74 5 Columbus Junction 1896 Johnston Ed. S. Farming and Insurance 29 73 2 Mediapolis 1895 He was born in Indiana in 1867. He married Ida M. Newell. He has served as Assessor, School Director and Director of Farmer Mutual Insurance Co. Johnston F. C. Farmer 35 75 4 Columbus Junction Jordan Wm. H. Farmer 18 75 3 Letts He was born in Louisa County in 1888 and was married to Katie A. Rowe. Keck John G. Furniture and Undertaking Wapello 1861 Keck Louis 27 74 3 Wapello 1870 Kelly W. J. Stock Buyer Wapello 1873 Kemp Aaron Farmer & Stockraiser 10 74 3 Wapello 1857 He was born in Louisa County in 1862 and was married to Mary Hahn. He served as School Director and has held other offices. Kemp J. P. Farmer 9 75 3 Letts He was born in Louisa County in 1862 and married Mary Hahn. He served as School Director and has held other offices. Kemp W. I. Farmer and Stockraiser 4 74 3 Wapello 1855 King C. D. Cashier of Farmers Bank Oakville He was born in Louisa County in 1881. He married Ida Mae Miles. Klotz T. J. Farmer & Stockraiser 16 75 5 Columbus Junction 1867 Knott C. A. Farmer & Stockraiser 17 75 4 Columbus Junction 1912 Knott J. P. Farmer, Stockraiser and Assessor 21 75 4 Columbus Junction 1878 Lang H. E. Farmer 15 75 3 Letts 1888 He was born in Iowa in 1865. He is married to Margaret M. Gast. Served as School Director and Township Trustee. Latta J. Kirk Publisher Morning Sun 1875 Letts James H. Farmer & Stockraisr 13 7 5 4 Letts 1854 Letts Record, The Newspaper Letts Letts W. S. Farmer & Stockraiser 1 74 5 Columbus Junction Lewis W. T. Grain Dealer Oakville 1864 He was born in Indiana in 1861. He is married to Emma Robertson and has held various offices. Lieberknecht H. A. Farmer 17 75 3 Letts He was born in Louisa County 1886. He married Winifred Lucy Shellabarger. Lieberknecht Henry Farmer & Feeder 4 75 3 Letts He was born in Louisa County in 1852 and married Soloma Wiederrecht. He has served as Township Trustee and School Director. Lieberknecht Lewis Farmer & Stock feeder 14 75 3 Letts He was born in Louisa County I 1856. He married Anna J. Crow and has served as School Director and Road Supervisor. Lieberknecht W. Floyd Farmer 19 75 3 Letts He was born in Louisa County in 1893. He married Marie Getts. Limberg Oscar Farmer & Stockraiser 8 74 3 Wapello 1901 Limbocker Harry Farmer 32 74 3 Morning Sun 1867 Lischer Bros. Livery and Dealers in Produce Wapello Lock J. H. Farmer & Stockraiser 36 75 4 Columbus Junction 1879 Louisa County Officials: Eversmeyer F. W. 20th Senatorial District Muscatine Wilson C. B. 22nd Representative District Louisa County Morning Sun Reiley Robert L. County Auditor Wapello Winter Vinnie Deputy Auditor Wapello Ives F. T. Clerk Wapello Foster Mary Deputy Clerk Wapello Cutkomp Fred M. Treasurer Wapello Cutkomp Mrs. Fred M. Deputy Treasurer Wapello Robertson Jennie Reorder Wapello Beane Mrs. Louise Deputy Recorder Wapello Guthrie J. M. Sheriff Wapello Oakes W. F. Deputy Sheriff Columbus Junction Sweeney Izola M. Superintendent Wapello Briggs C. W. Attorney Wapello Thompson Vail E. Highway Engineer Wapello Collins J. H. Corner Grandview Jones W. O. County Supervisor Columbus Junction Nelson W. F. Chairman of County Supervsors Wapello Weiderrecht P. G. County Supervisor Wapello Shaw Wm Superintendent County Farm Wapello Lowe Bert L. Farmer & Stockraiser 3 75 4 Letts 1886 McCormac J. H. Farmer & Stockraiser 15 75 4 Letts 1873 McCormick E. R. Cashier of the Citizens Savings Bank Letts McCally David C. Farmer 32 75 3 Columbus Junction He was born in Iowa in 1856. Married Ida McDaniel. He has served as School Director. McCullough David Farmer & Stockraiser 24 76 5 Conesville He has served as County Assessor. McDaniel R. S. Farmer & Stockraiser 27 75 4 Columbus Junction McGrew Harry Farmer & Stockraiser 10 74 3 Wapello McKean Albert Farmer & Stockraiser 21 76 5 Conesville McNamer W. B. Farmer & Stockraiser 13 75 4 Letts Manley E. Poultry Dealer 25 75 5 Columbus Junction Marshall Loyd Farmer & Stockraiser 21 74 4 Columbus Junction Martin J. H. Farmer & Stockraiser 5 73 4 Winfield Matthews S. B. Farmer & Stockraiser 32 74 2 Wapello Mellinger H. P. Farmer 15 73 2 Wapello He was born in Iowa in 1858. Married Etta Bell. He has served as School Director and Road Commissioner. Metzger Ed. Farmer & Stockraiser 4 73 4 Winfield Meyerholz Frank Breeder of Pole Aberdeen Angus Cattle; Horses and Hogs 2 73 3 Wapello He was born in Louisa County. Miller Otto Farmer & Stockraiser 32 74 2 Wapello Molsbury and Reaney Lawyers Columbus Junction Morgan James W. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Wapello 1863 Muller Peter General Merchandise Grandview 1899 He was born in Germany in 1856 and married Albertina Kamin. He has served as a member of the Village Board. Nelson Austin Farmer & Stockraiser 12 75 5 Columbus Junction 1916 Nelson O. D. Farmer & Stockraiser 9 73 4 Winfield 1891 Newton W. Farmer & Stockraiser 29 75 4 Columbus Junction 1886 Oakville State Savings Bank General Banking Oakville Ogle Harry Farmer 34 73 1 Oakville 1911 He was born in Illinois in 1882 and is married to Dolly Minor. Otto H. P. Farmer & Stockraiser 18 74 3 Wapello 1879 Owens D. E. Farmer & Stockraiser 19 75 5 Columbus Junction 1883 Paisley F. T. Livery and Horse Buyer Morning Sun 1860 Patterson S. B. Farmer & Stockraiser 11 74 5 Columbus Junction 1916 Paxton Wm. Veterinary Surgeon Wapello 1875 Persinger Fred Farmer & Stockraiser 31 74 3 Wapello 1910 Peters C. W. Real Estate and Constable Wapello 1884 Peters W. T. Farmer & Stockraiser 2 74 4 Wapello 1911 Potter Geo. S. Retired Farmer 30 74 2 Wapello 1854 Reiley Robt. L. County Auditor Wapello 1873 Rhyner Emil W. Farmer 9 75 3 Letts 1884 He was born in Switzerland in 1868 and married Mary E. Hidlebaugh. He has served as School Director and Townshhip Trustee. Rogers Wm. Farmer 4 73 3 Wapello Rold Edward C. Machine Shop and Farm Machinery Oakville. 1904 He was born in Iowa in 1882. Ross M. C. Farm Implements, Buggies, Wagons and Gasoline Engines Letts He was born in Louisa County inb 1866 and married Pearle Furnas. He has served as School Director and Member of Village Board. Runyon M. F. Auto Livery Letts 1915 He was born in Iowa in 1887 and married Erma Barnhart. Sage Frank R. Secretary Washington Loan & Trust Co. Washington Schmidt J. G. Retired Farmer 32 74 3 Morning Sun 1894 Scott G. E. Farmer & Stockraiser 7 75 4 Conesville 1913 Shaw Wm. Superintendent of County Home 11 74 3 Wapello 1868 Sheffer Ben Farmer 11 74 5 Columbus Junction 1916 Shew W. E. Farmer & Stockraiser 8 74 3 Wapello 1887 Siverly E. L. Photographer Wapello & Columbus Junction Small Mrs. Clara Farming & Stockraising 35 74 3 Wapello 1876 Smith R. K. Vice president First National Bank Muscatine Snyder Bros General Merchandise Letts Snyder B. F. General Merchandise Letts He was born in Iowa in 1887. Married Lulu M. Van Horn. He has served as Secretary of School Board and held other minor offices. Snyder C. C. General Merchandise Letts He is marrried to Martha C. Cox. He has served as City Recorder and held other minor offices. Solomon J. K. Farmer & Stockraiser 15 76 5 Conesville 1871 Spaeth John Farmer & Stockraiser 6 74 4 Columbus Junction 1873 Springer Arthur Lawyer Wapello 1855 State Banke of Morning Sun General Banking Morning Sun Strawhacker D. E. President Farmers Bank & Retired Farmer Oakville 1890 He was born in Pennsylvania in 1860 and married Emrence Herr. Swygard C. F. Farmer 33 73 2 Mediapolis Thomas Store, The General Merchandise Wapello Thompson Vail E. County Engineer Wapello 1890 Thomson M. D. Cashier Oakville State Savings Bank Oakville He was born in Louisa County in 1888 and married Gladys Williams. Toms Isaac Farmer & Stockraiser 29 74 4 Columbus Junction 1874 Tucker George P. Farmer & Stockraiser 32 75 4 Columbus Junction 1871 Van Horn F. L. Farmer & Stockraiser 19 75 5 Cotter 1870 Venard C. B. Farmer 14 73 2 Wapello 1905 He was born in Illinois in 1887 and married Sue M. Mallory. Wagner Philip H. Farmer 4 75 3 Letts He was born in Louisa County in 1890 and married Effie M. Garrett. He has served as School Director. Wagner R. W. Farmer & Stockraiser 5 75 4 Letts 1884 Walker E. N. Farmer & Stockraiser 36 76 5 Conesville 1916 Walsinger H. W. Farmer & Stockraiser 11 74 4 Wapello Wapello, City of
Wapello RepublicanThe Newspaper Wapello Wapello State Savings Bank, The General Banking Wapello Warnstaff F. J. Farmer & Stockraiser 26 75 5 Conesville Waterhouse W. T. Elevator Oakville He was born in Louisa County in 1869. Married Ella Elizabeth Moyers. He served as Marshall-Councilman and School Director. Weaver, Briggs & Erwin Lawyers Wapello Weber H. A. Express Agent Wapello Weber John S. Farmer 12 75 3 Fruitland 1895 He was born in Germany in 1887 and served as School Secretary and Treasurer. Werner Lee Farmer 21 75 3 Letts He was born in Louisa County in 1883 and married Nannie E. Graham. He served as Secretary of School Board and School Director. Westbrook James H. Farmer and Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs and Shire Horses 4 75 3 Letts He was born in Louisa County in 1877. Whetstine A. L. Farmer and Stockraiser 12 75 5 Columbus Junction 1904 Wiederrecht R. A. Implements and Garage Wapello 1881 Willey O. S. Farmer and Stockraiser 7 75 5 Ainsworth 1864 Williams J. A. Garage and Implements Oakville 1904 He was born in Iowa in 1880 and married Fannie E. Matthews. Wilson J. M. Veterinarian Winfield Wolfe M. Farmer & Stockraiser 16 76 5 Conesville 1900 Wykert Geo. Farmer, Stockraiser and Saw Mill 3 73 1 Oakville Wykert J. S. Farmer & Stockraiser 10 74 4 Columbus Junction 1850 Wyman Savings Bank General Banking Wyman Yohe & Jamison Garage and Auto Livery Morning Sun
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