Volume II
Biographical Sketches, 1911

By Arthur Springer

Submitted by Sharon Elijah, January 28, 2013


Pg 541

         The old family homestead in Wapello township was the birthplace of William Stewart Drake who is now one of the well known farmers of Louisa county and his natal day was March 10, 1870. He is a son of Jonathan C. and Mary (Hoffman) Drake, the former of whom was born in Indiana, May 10, 1822, and the latter in Pennsylvania, October 31, 1843. The father was one of the early settlers of Louisa county, arriving here in 1837. He located on one hundred and sixty acres of wild land and broke the prairie with oxen, being obliged to endure many of the trials and privations of pioneer days. He persevered manfully and became the owner of five hundred and ten acres of good land, also gaining a reputation as one of the reliable citizens of the county. He died April 14, 1903, being then in his eighty-first year, his wife having been called away April 10, 1902. There were four children in their family: Rhoda C., who married A. T. Ball, of Louisa county; William Stewart, of this sketch; Nellie M., deceased; and Eva F., who is the wife of W. S. Gunnels, of Louisa county.

         William Stewart Drake possessed good advantages of education in the common schools. As he grew to manhood he remained with his parents, it being necessary for him to assist his father on account of the increasing infirmities of the latter. He inherited his portion of the estate after the death of his father and subsequently purchased land of the other heirs, so that at the present time he is the owner of a beautiful farm of two hundred and eighty acres which he manages to excellent advantage. He carries on agriculture and also is a general stock-raiser, feeding and shipping cattle and hogs for the market. His farm . . .

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. . . is located on sections 28 and 29 and his residence is one of the pleasing features of the landscape.

         On November 5, 1891, Mr. Drake was married to Miss Emma A. Shipman, a daughter of P. O. and Orlena Shipman, and to them one child, Wilbur was born, who is now living at home with his father. Mrs. Drake died May 5, 1893, and Mr. Drake was married August 26, 1897, to Miss Carrie Hoffman, a daughter of Johnson and Mary (Mitchell) Hoffman, who were the parents of seven children, namely: Myrtle O., who died in infancy; Carrie, now Mrs. William S. Drake; Pearl A., who lives in Des Moines; Charles C., of Moravia; Edward K., of Nebraska; Floyd J., who lives near Monmouth, Illinois; and Bert, at home.

         Politically Mr. Drake yields a willing allegiance to the democratic party, believing that its principles are in accord with the best interest of the entire country. In religious belief he adheres to the Methodist church. His agricultural operations have been conducted with thoroughness and skill and his home is one of comfort and happiness, being the center of genuine hospitality. He has contributed his part toward the progress of his section and his record has been that of a praiseworthy citizen and an honest man.

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Page created January 28, 2013 by Lynn McCleary