Submitted by Sharon Elijah, May 19, 2014


Pg 476

         LOUIS M. SAMSON, a leading farmer and stock-raiser, and one of the well-to-do citizens of Louisa County, residing on section 20, Elm Grove Township, was born on the 26th of October, 1843, in Caledonia County, Vt. His parents were Francis and Louisa (Cummings) Samson, the former a native of Canada, and the latter of Connecticut. When about sixteen years of age the father removed to Caledonia County, where he became aquainted with and wedded Louisa Cummings. To them were born six children: Martha A., wife of Wilson Dougherty, of Washington County, Iowa; Henry F., also a resident of that county; Owen L., who is engaged in farming in Louisa County, and Louis M. Two died in infancy. In 1856, accompanied by his family, Mr. Samson removed to Louisa County, Iowa, where he passed the remainder of his days. His death occurred in 1881, and his wife died in 1876. They were both members of the Reformed Presbyterian Church.

Our subject attended school in his native State until the age of twelve years, when he came to this county. He next attended Howe’s Academy at Mt. Pleasant, after which he went to Chicago, being graduated from the Easton Commercial College of that city in 1866. On the 27th of April, 1871, he was united in marriage with Rebecca J. Dill, who was born in Armstrong County, Pa., and is a daughter of Richard Dill, who is residing in Eskridge, Kan. Her mother died in 1886, at the advanced age of seventy-nine years. By the union of Mr. and Mrs. Samson three children have been born: Arthur A., Etta L. and Tirzah E., all yet at home.

Mr. Sampson made his first purchase of land on section 20, Elm Grove Township, where he still continues to reside. The land was then but partially cultivated, and upon it was only a small house 16x20 feet. The little cabin has since been replaced by a nice home, good barns have been built, and waving fields of grain now take the place of the wild prairie. To the original purchase Mr. Samson has added from time to time until he now owns 280 acres of fine land, all highly cultivated. He and his wife and eldest child, Arthur A., are members of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, of Wyman, Iowa, of which he is one of the Elders, and they spare neither time nor money in the advancement of its interests and the cause of Christianity. Their influence is ever given toward the right, and their religious zeal is only equaled by their efforts to advance the temperance reform. Mr. Samson is a member of the State, the District and the County Temperance Alliance, in which organization he holds the office of Treasurer, while Mrs. Samson belongs to the W. C. T. U. of Wyman, and is also one of the officers of the County Union. She is also a member of the Missionary Society. Ever ready to lend a helping hand to those in need, they have by their upright and Christian lives won the confidence and love of the entire community, and hold an enviable place in the hearts of their many friends. Honored and respected citizens, their sketch deserves a prominent place in the history of the county which has been their home for many long years.

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Page created May 19, 2014 by Lynn McCleary