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ISBON METZGER, an enterprising and progressive farmer, and one of the early settlers of Louisa County, now residing on section 27, Elm Grove Township, was born in Monroe County, Pa., Feb. 3, 1837. His childhood and youth were spent upon a farm in his native county, where he attended the common schools, receiving a liberal education. On the 28th of June, 1857, he led to the marriage altar Miss Lydia Heller, who is also a native of Monroe County, Pa., and shortly afterward the young couple emigrated to Iowa, settling in Louisa County, where Mr. Metzger purchased forty acres of land on section 27, Elm Grove Township, where he still continues to make his home. Upon the farm was a small frame building in which he moved, and immediately began the work of improvement and cultivation.
By industry, economy and good management, Mr. Metzger has been enabled to add to that small beginning until he now owns 640 acres of beauty- . . .
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. . . ful prairie land, which pays a golden tribute to his care and labor. Upon his farm he has had erected one of the finest two-story farm residences in Elm Grove Township, and the barns and other out-buildings are in keeping with the house. Being in limited circumstances on his arrival in the county, Mr. Metzger did not complain of his lot, but with that determination to succeed which characterizes all his actions, he set to work, laboring early and late, overcoming all difficulties, until he is now one of the well-to-do farmers of the county. His farm is stocked with a good grade of horses, cattle and hogs, and is a model of neatness. Sympathetic and kind hearted, he is ever ready to lend a helping hand to those who show a disposition to aid themselves, and he has the confidence and love of both young and old, rich and poor. In his political views he is not at all partisan, but is broad and liberal, voting for the man whom he thinks will best fill the office.
To Mr. and Mrs. Metzger has been born a family of eleven children, eight of whom are yet living: Joseph, a farmer residing in Elm Grove Township; Frank, who is yet with his parents; Calvin, who is living in Colorado; Olive, at home; Eugene, Samuel, Frederick and Idela, also with their parents. Those deceased are Susan J., Marion and Elizabeth J. We are pleased to record the sketch of this family, which holds a high social position in the community and receives the respect of all.