Submitted by Sharon Elijah, March 8, 2014


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         DAVID R. HUGHES, a leading farmer residing in section 29, Columbus City Township, was born in Wales, and is a son of the Rev. Richard Hughes, a Welsh Calvinistic minister, whose sketch appears on another page of this volume. In 1870 David left his native land and crossed the Atlantic with his parents. He had previously attended school in Wales, but completed his education in the graded schools of Columbus City, Louisa County. At the age of twenty-two he left the parental roof to become the manager of a co-operative store, which carried a full line of general merchandise, and pursued this line of business for two years. In 1876 his marriage with Miss Elizabeth Ann Evans, a native of this county, was celebrated, and the young couple began their domestic life upon a farm in Columbus City Township, which still continues to be his home. It is situated section 29, and now comprises 290 acres, which are finely improved. A comfortable . . .

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. . . residence has been erected at a cost of $1,000, and a barn has been built which also cost $1,000.

By the union of Mr. and Mrs. Hughes two children have been born: Thomas, who died in infancy, and Richard David. The parents are members of the Welsh Calvinistic Church, and in his political sentiments he is a supporter of the Republican party. He believes in the strict enforcement of the prohibitory law, and is one of the well-known and respected citizens of Columbus City Township.

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Page created March 8, 2014 by Lynn McCleary