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WILLIAM J. CUBIT, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser, residing on section 36, Morning Sun Township, was born in Bloomington, Monroe Co., Ind., Jan. 4, 1840, and is a son of William and Rosanna (Huston) Cubit, both of whom were natives of County Antrim, Ireland. In 1833 they bade good-by to their native land, and emigrated to America, settling in Rush County, Ind., where the father purchased a tract of land, and made his home for about five years, when he removed to Monroe County, Ind., where all their children were born. Mrs. J. T. Hensleigh, of Morning Sun Township, and our subject, are the only children of the family now living. While in Monroe County, Ind., the mother and four children were stricken down, the death of all five occurring within six weeks of one another.
In the year 1854 William Cubit with his children, W. J. and Barbara J., left Monroe County, becoming residents of Des Moines County, Iowa, settling upon a farm which adjoins the land of our subject, the two farms being divided by the county line. The farm which Mr. Cubit purchased consisted of 120 acres. After coming to Iowa he was again united in marriage, with Mrs. Sarah Robins, who had one child by her former marriage. After becoming a resident of Des Moines county Mr. Cubit bought and improved a number of farms. A thorough business man, he was very successful, and received the highest respect of both acquaintances and friends. He was a consistent member of the Covenanter Church, and his death took place about the year 1884.
Our subject began his school days in his native county in Indiana, but came with his father at the age of fourteen to Iowa, where he finished his education in the High School at Morning Sun. He remained under the parental roof until twenty-six years of age, when, on the 21st of December, 1866, he was united in marriage with Miss Martha Hensleigh, a native of Indiana County, Pa. Six children graced this union, four of whom are yet living—William A., May A., Rosanna E. and Emma V. In 1883 Mr. Cubit was called upon to mourn the death of his wife. He was again united in marriage, Mrs. H. C. Welling, a native of Harrison County, Ohio, becoming his wife.
Mr. Cubit is the owner of one of the best farms in Louisa County, consisting of 240 acres, twenty of which is timber land, and the remainder being under the highest cultivation. In connection with his farming interests Mr. Cubit has for the past twenty years been buying and shipping cattle. He has a fine herd of Short-horn cattle, and probably no one in the county has shipped more than he. Plain, honest and unassuming in manner, he wins the confidence of all with whom he has either business or social relations. He pays the highest price for cattle, and his business is constantly on the . . .
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. . . increase. Mr. Cubit is one of the leading and representative men of the county. In all social, educational or moral interests, he is an earnest advocate, and in the support of the church none are more liberal than our subject. Since the organization of the Covenanter Church at Morning Sun, to which he and his wife belong, he has held the office of Deacon, and his aid and influence are ever given for the advancement of the cause. Though many times solicited to accept public office, he has steadily refused, much preferring the quiet of home life. Mr. Cubit is a temperance man to the fullest extent of the word, having never even used tobacco in any form, and for the suppression of the liquor traffic he gives freely of his time and means. In politics he is a Republican.