RG 48 Public Health

Deaths Records
Stillbirths 1921-1929

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Please be flexible with spelling of names. Interpretation of handwriting is a challenge!

Transcribed by Lynn McCleary, September 17, 2024

Image Registered No. Township Village or City Surname Given Name Stillborn Father Mother Cemetery
11 581022 Port Louisa   Ament Male Infant 28 Jun 1923 John Jenni Agord K Bros Wapello Cemetery
26 581037 Wapello   Bergen Mildred May 16 Dec 1925 Noah Edward Emma L. Eveans Fairview Cemetery
15 581026 Port Louisa   Bessler Male Infant 13 Sep 1923 Emil Mary Zehr Oakville Cemetery
28 581039 Grandview Letts Bunn Female Infant 21 Oct 1936 William Vira Keener Letts Cemetery
20 581031 Morning Sun   Caparoon Male Infant 25 Jan 1925 A. C. Phronis Higgins Private Burial Place
23 581034   Wapello Chittum Male Infant 22 Jul 1925 John W. Aliva Spencer K Bros Wapello Cemetery
13 581024 Wapello   Cummngs Female Infant 24 Jul 1923 C. M. Ethel Blanch Walker Marshall Cemetery
7 581018   Cotter Corporation Davis Female Infant 6 May 1922 Walter Elizabeth Thomas Cambrian Cemetery
22 581033 Grandview Letts Denham Male Infant 2 Mar 1925 Wm. S. Minnie Todd Letts Cemetery
4 581015 Wapello   Devore Loura 8 Apr 1922 Earl Merle Callahan Fairview Cemetery
31 581042 Columbus City Columbus Junction Edwards Mary Alice 17 Jan 1927 Evan Mary Jones Cambrian Cemetery
2 581013 Elm Grove   Evans Infant 23 Feb 1922 Ernest Cora Chamberlain Winfield, Ia
6 581017 Oakland Lone Tree Fountain Anthony 13 Aug 1922 Harry L. Sarah L Gallaher Swank Cemetery
36 581047 Elm Grove   Gabriel Anna Marie 28 Apr 1929 Edward Lester Ruth Jurean Dauhl Columbus City Cemetery
12 581023 Port Louisa   Greiner Female Infant 5 Jun 1923 Carl Louise Rapp On the Farm
14 581025   Wapello Guthrie McKay 12 Aug 1923 Marvin Mary N. Yakle K Bros Wapello Cemetery
24 581035 Wapello   Hainey Iola Maxine 4 Aug 1925 Chet Zetta May Holload K Bros Wapello Cemetery
30 581041 Grandview   Kemp Raymond Ross 24 Apr 1926 Clarence Raymond Emma Caroline Beik Grandview Cemetery
19 581030 Marshall   Kerr Male Infant 28 Dec 1924 Rix Ruby Herr Elmwood Cemetery
32 581043 Grandview Letts Lamb Male Infant 7 May 1928 Sylvis R. Leona Hildebaugh Wagner Cemetery, Grandview Twp.
10 581021 Wapello   Linville Female Infant 11 Jan 1922 Ed Lola Nicciun Wapello Cemetery
35 581046   Wapello McDowell Female Infant 6 Sep 1928 W. E. Mary E. Robb K Bros Wapello Cemetery
5 581016 Port Louisa   McGowan Male Infant 1 Jul 1922 Aylette T. Mary Ellen Huber St Mary Muscatine Ia
25 581036   Morning Sun Munshower Betty Irene 27 Oct 1925 Burr Leora May Stone Rice Cemetery
8 581019   Morning Sun Nichols Harold Leo 18 Dec 1922 Leo Ted Blanch Moore Elmwood Cemetery
21 581032 Grandview   Parsons Betty Jean 17 Mar 1925 Laird LeRoy Vinnie Nita Kemp Sterling Cemetery, Concord Twp.
18 581029 Columbus City Columbus Junction Philips Female Infant 5 Feb 1924 Henry Ethel Foster Columbus City Cemetery
34 581045 Morning Sun   Royer James Lewis 15 Jul 1928 Luthy Jessie Walventon Elmwood Cemetery
27 581038   Wapello Russell Edwin Robert 30 Nov 1936 R. E. Beda Vollmer K Bros Wapello Cemetery
29 581040 Columbus City Columbus Junction Rutt Male Infant 8 Aug 1926 Floyd Marie Allen Columbus City Cemetery
17 581028 Grandview   Stephens Ermond 26 Oct 1923 Merle Twila Reed Grandview Cemetery
9 581020 Morning Sun   Thompson Female Infant 21 Jan 1922 C. A. Roxy Parker Elmwood Cemetery
33 581044 Concord   Thompson Margery Ann 24 May 1928 Arthur Ellsworth Mary Susan McCoy Letts Cemetery
3 581014 Oakland   Warmstaff Celeo Wm 8 Feb 1922 Frank Clanch McCulough Not given
16 581027 Grandview   Werner Male Infant 16 Sep 1923 William Albert Pearle May Pantel Grandview Cemetery

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Page created September 17, 2024 by Lynn McCleary