1846 Census Louisa County, Iowa Territory

Adams, John

Adle, William

Allen, Sarah

Allison, John

Alloway, Azer

Alloway, Nelson

Aloway, Abraham

Anders, George S.

Anderson, Isabella C.

Arthur, William

Atchison, John

Avery, Solomon

Ayers, Michael

Bacon, Samuel

Bailey, J. P.

Barker, Charles

Bartimus, Simon

Bathric, Peter

Bau, Samuel

Bau Samuel

Baxter, William W.

Bayne, John

Bayne, Thomas

Beard, Adriana

Beard, John

Bedwell, Eliza

Bedwell, James

Bedwell, Samuel

Bell, Harvey

Bell, John

Bell, John, Jr.

Bell, John, Sr.

Bell, Samuel S.

Benefiel, John W.

Benefiel, Robert

Benson, John H.

Benton, Oliver

Bevard, William

Bier, Henry

Biggs, Ruth

Bird, John

Birt, F. S.

Black, Nancy

Blake, Henry

Blake, Joseph

Blake, Peter

Blake, Ward

Blake, William

Blanchard, Jame

Blanchard, James

Boling, Jesse

Boulton, Henry

Bouton, Philander

Bowen, Susanna B.

Bowman, William

Bragg, John H.

Brass, Thomas

Brewer, Daniel

Brockard, Andrew

Brogan, James, Sr.

Brogan, John

Brogan, Tobias

Brown, Hamilton, Sr.

Brown, James S.

Brown, John C.

Brown, Johnc.

Brown, Joseph

Brown, Joshua M.

Brown, Thomas C.

Brown, W. T.

Brown, Wililam P.

Brown, William P.

Browning, William

Brownson, Joel

Budwell, Martin

Buffington, Joseph

Buffington, P. I.

Burchell, R. C.

Cahil, Philip

Calhoon, Zabok

Calhoon, Zadok

Carey, Matilda

Case, Austin

Case, David

Case, Riley

Catlin, B. F.

Chamberlain, Aaron

Chambers, S. G.

Chaney, Samuel

Chapman, Thomas

CChilders, Robert

Christalier, J. P.

Christalier, William

Christelier, William

Christy, Henry

Cisco, Nathaniel

Clagg, Mary A.

Clark, Alvin

Clark, William M.

Cleave, John

Cleaveland, Charles

Coats, Robert

Cochran, Jane

Coe, George L.

Cole, James

Collin, Patrick

Congdon, George

Cook, John

Coonrod, Henry

Coonrod, Philip

Cooper, Hamilton

Coulter, James

Coulter, Robert

Cowden, Alexander

Craig, David

Craig, Orison

Craig, William

Creighton, Samuel

Creighton, W. H.

Cresswell, Ebenezer

Cresswell, James M.

Cresswell, John

Crow, Humphrey

Crow, Joseph

Crow, William

Cudney, Robert

Cummons, Joseph

Curney, John

Curren, Francis

Davenport, John

David, Samuel

Davidson, Ephraim P.

Davidson, James

Davidson, Mark

Davidson, Richard

Davis, Samuel

Day, Isaac

Deihl, John

Demott, Jeremiah

Denham, H. S.

Dennis, Gregory

Dennis, Greogry

Dennis, John

Dennison, Ezra

Dickerson, William

Dicks, John

Dixon, Israel

Dodder, Joseph

Dollardhide, John A.

Dollarhide, Absalom

Dollarhide, John A.

Donahoo, John

Donaldson, David

Drake, John

Duff, Jackson

Dugan, Jacob

Duncan, Ann

Duncan, Archibald

Duncan, James K.

Duncan, John

Duncan, Joseph

Dunham, Sylvanus

Dunkin, Andrew

Durbin, Joseph L.

Durbin, Samuel

Dyer, John

Easley, George

Eastwood, Maxmillion

Edmondson, Matthew

Ellis, John J.

Elsea, George W.

Emery, Thomas

Eperly, William

Erwin, James

Estly, T. L.

Evans, Thomas

Ewing, Samuel

Faunce, P. M.

Faux, Christopher

Finley, Margaret

Flack, David

Flack, John

Fleming, George W.

Foot, Jared B.

Fowler, William

Fox, William

Francis, Jane

Francis Jane

Frizzle, Jefferson

Gainer, Garret

Gainer, Shelby

Gainer, W. W.

Gardner, John

Garrison, Garret B.

Godfrey, Lemuel

Gorden, James

Gore, Philip

Graham, Wilson

Graw, John

Gray, James

Gray, Martin

Gray, Robert

Greenwood, John

Gregory, David

Gregory, Wiley

Grewell, James

Griffeth, Arthur

Griffeth, Elizabeth

Griffeth, John

Griffith, Isaac

Grisham, George

Grisham, Joseph C.

Griswold, Franklin

Grub, Samuel

Guest, James

Hale, George

Hall, Edward

Hall, James G.

Hall, Jesse

Hall, Jessee

Hall, Joseph

Hall, Lydia

Hall, Wesley

Hamilton, Cicero

Hamilton, James

Hamilton, Jesse

Hamilton, John

Hamilton, Jonathan

Hamilton, Samuel

Hamilton, Silas

Hammond, Amos

Hand, Stephen

Haney, Jonas

Harden, William

Harman, James


Hatton, David

Hautz, Jacob

Hays, Thomas

Hector, John

Helbig, George

Helmick, S. R.

Helverson, James

Herm, Daniel W.

Herron, James

Hiatt, George

Higby, Joseph

Higgins, Charles

Highby, Joseph

Hill, Abraham

Hill, Elizabeth

Hill, Henry

Hinton, James

Hobs, Henry

Hogland, David

Holland, Gabriel

Honeywell, Jacob

Hook, Elisha

Hopson, Carey

Houlton, Henry

How, Enos

How, Peter

How, Samuel

Howey, Harris

Humphrey, David

Hunt, Charles

Hunt, Huron

Hurley, Elizabeth

Hurst, Abednego

Ingham, S. W.

Inghram, Z. C.

Ireland, John L.

Ireland, Katherine

Ireland, Zephania

Iselt, Edward B.

Ives, Cicero

Ives, Nathaniel

Ives, Nathaniel J.

James, Gregory

Jamison, George

Jamison, Merit

Jamison, Samuel

Jamison, Thomas J.

Jarvis, Zadok

Johnson, Archibald

Johnson, George B.

Johnson, James

Johnson, Joseph

Johnson, William

Johnston, John

Jones, Albert

Jones, Elisha

Joy, James

Joy, William

Keck, Michael

Keever, James

Keever, Peter

Kellough, John

Kelly, Jonathan

Kenady, Barney

Kenady, Wililam

Kenady, William

Kendall, Andrew

Kendall, Francis G.

Kertz, Zachariah

Key, George

Kinsey, Lewis

Kirkpatrick, A. J.

Kirkpatrick, George

Kirkpatrick, Samuel M.

Klein, John

Kline, David

Klum, William

Knaus, Samuel

Knight, Curtis

Koons, Alfred

Kreider, John

Kuder, George W.

Langford, Katharine

Latta, James

Latta, Samuel

Laughlin, George O.

Laughlin, John O.

Lee, William H.

Lewin, John A.

Limbrocker, Alfred

Lines, L. H.

Linton, Nathan

Little, William

Littleton, James

Lockwood, J. C.

Long, George

Lucky, Samuel

Ludlow, Francis

Lunbeck, Jonathan

Mahood, Thomas

Majors, James

Mallory, Harmon

Mallory, Riley

Manley, James

Marian, Mary

Marsdon, William

Marshall, Alexander

Marshall, Benamin

Marshall, Benjamin

Marshall, John

Marshall, Joshua

Mason, James

Matthews, S. B.

Maxon, L. F.

Maxwell, George

Maxwell, James P.

May, Stephen

Mc Allister, James

Mc Call, Alexander

Mc Cleary, Abram

Mc Cleary, G. W.

Mc Cleckin, Matthew

Mc Cleckin, Thomas

Mc Climans, William

Mc Clung, John

Mc Clure, Jane

Mc Clure, William

Mc Collough, Samuel

Mc Connel, John N.

Mc Coy, John

Mc Daniel, C. M.

Mc Daniel, James

Mc Daniel, John

Mc Daniel, Thomas

Mc Elhaney, Robert

Mc Fall, Henry B.

Mc Farland, Isaac R.

Mc Gannon, Reuben

Mc Gill, Robert

Mc Gonagel, William

Mc Neamer, Joab

Mc Nemar, N. A.

Mc Vay, John

Mc Vay, Luther

Medler, Sarah

Mercer, John

Messick, George

Mickey, Henry H.

Mickey, John

Miles, Italian

Miller, David M.

Miller, George W. C.

Miller, Henry

Miller, L. L. B.

Milligan, Willam

Milligan, William

Mincher, Edward

Mintten, Jacob

Mintun, Charles

Mock, Sarah

Moore, Joseph M.

Morgan, John

Morgan, Rawley

Moriss, Moses

Morris, William

Morrison, Jeremiah

Morrison, Nancy

Moses, William

Moses, Willima

Mullen, Charles W.

Murdock, Wililam

Murdock, William

Murray, Charles

Neal, James

Neal, Thomas

Nevill, Isaac

Newell, Elizabeth

Newell, George

Newell, James

Newell, Robert

Newell, Thomas

Newell, Thomas, Sr.

Newmaster, Charles

Nichols, B. B.

Nichols, Joseph R.

Nichols, Robert

Niswonger, Lossen

Noble, William

Nye, Jacob

Ocheltree, Henry M.

Ogle, Joseph

Olds, Briggs E.

Olds, Henry F.

Orr, George

Orr, John

Orr, John W.

Orr, Samuel F.

Owens, Norman

Owens, William

Packard, R. B.

Pallett, William

Palmer, James

Palmer, Nathaniel

Paris, S. J.

Parris, S. J.

Parsons, Isaac

Parsons, Joel C.

Parsons, Jonathan

Paschal, Joseph

Paschal, William

Pashcal, William

Patton, Duston

Paullins, Willam

Paullins, William

Paxon, William

Pettit, Thomas

Peyton, John

Philips, Samuel

Pitt, John, Jr.

Pitt, Philip

Popanoe, Presley

Powelson, John

Prelberry, Septimus

Preleberry, Septimus

Prime, Nathaniel

Prunel, William

Ramsay, John

Rapold, William

Reed, Dehart

Reed, Emma

Reed, Hugh D.

Reed, William

Reeder, William

Reister, Adam

Reister, G. H.

Rexrode, George

Rexrode, Geroge

Reynalds, James R.


Riggins, G. W.

Rinearson, Mary

Ristine, Richard


Roberts, Nixon

Roberts, Richard

Robertson, Hiram

Robertson, J. M.

Robinson, David

Robinson, Leonard

Rockerfella, Samuel

Rockerfeller, Henry

Rockerfeller, J. R.

Roddan, David

Roddan, Hugh

Rollf, Nelson

Ronalds, John

Ross, Alexander

Ruffner, Jonas

Sammons, Achariah

Sammons, Elija

Sammons, Joseph

Sammons, Zachariah

Samuel, Koon

Sanford, George

Sargeant, Abram

Scull, Richard

Scull, William

Searl, Franklin

Searl, Sarah

Sellers, John

Sellers, William

Shanar, John

Shaw, Freeman

Sheets, Henry

Shepherd, Elisha

Shoemaker, Permillia

Shopshire, William

Shuck, Christopher

Shue, John

Sidell, Michael

Simpkins, Annias

Siverly, Elhennon W.

Skates, Hannah

Skillman, E. H.

Slaughter, Henry

Slaughter, Richard

Slaughter, Richard, Jr.

Smith, George

Smith, James

Smith, James N.

Smith, John

Smith, Samuel

Smith, William

Sowards, Charles

Spafford, Matthew

Spafford, Orlean

Spencer, John

Spragen, Hamilton

Springer, Francis

Spurgin, Jeremiah

Stage, Edward

State, Edward

Stephens, John H.

Stephens, Levi

Sterling, James C.

Sterling James C.

Sterrit, Joseph P.

Stewart, J. B.

Stewart, J. G.

Stickney, Albert O.

Stilson, Leonard

Stoddard, Benjamin

Stoddard, John

Stoddard, Thoma

Stoddard, Thomas

Stone, George

Stone, Geroge

Storey, Kenady

Storey, William

Stronick, Ebin

Stronick, William

Sullivan, Thomas

Swett, Oliver

Taber, Emmons

Talbott, John

Taylor, John

Taylor, Paschal

Thom, George

Thomas, Evan

Thomas, G.

Thomas, W. H. R.

Thompson, A. W.

Thompson, Charles

Thompson, Elizabeth

Thompson, J. Q.

Thompson, John

Thompson, John W.

Thompson, S. B.

Thompson, William

Thonrton, Katharine

Thornton, Elias

Thornton, Katharine

Thornton, Lot

Thrope, Washington

Toole, Francis

Toole, James A.

Toole, William L.

Townsend, John

Trask, Jared H.

Trask, Sophia

Triggs, Jacob

Trimble, Porter

Tuck, W. P.

Tuck, William

Tucker, James

Tudor, David

Vandevert, Charles

Vandevert, James

Vandevert, James M.

Vandevert, John

Vanloon, Charles

Vanloon, John

Ventrees, Josiah

Vinage, Alexander

Wagner, Philip

Wain, Samuel

Wainright, Sidney

Wallace, Rebecca

Wallace, William

Walling, Gabriel

Walling, George

Walling, J. B.

Walling, J. D.

Wanzer, Reuben

Ware, Margaret

Warner, Simon

Warnstaff, Henry

Warnstaff, William

Watson, Alexander

Watson, John W.

Watson, John W.

Watts, John M.

Weaver, Henry

Webster, David


Welch, John D.

Welch, John M.

Welch, Truman

Wheatly, Henry

Wheeler, Mary

Wheelock, Marvel

Whipple, E. O.

Whitaker, James

Whitman, George

Wigginton, David

William, Zabina

Williams, Ambrose

Williams, Barsto

Williams, Charles

Williams, Dennis

Williams, Isaac

Williams, Richard

Williams, Robert

Williams, Wright

Williamson, James S.

Williamson, John H.

Willibe, Vincen

Willits, Amos

Wilson, James

Wilson, John

Wilson, Robert

Wilson, Spencer

Wilson James

Wisser, John

Wolcott, Mose

Wolcott, Moses H.

Wood, Sidney

Wren, Jacob

Wright, Charles

Wygant, Abraham

Wygant, Peter

Wykert, Francis

Wykert, Nicholas

Zimmerman, Aaron

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