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The Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa ran a series on old people. It started with who is the oldest and then listed the citizens of the various towns and their age (80yrs +) then over the next several weeks they did mini biographies of the people in the first list.
Transcribed by Beverly Gerdts, November 6, 2022 Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa
Thursday, August 26, 1909
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Who is oldest?Who is the oldest person in Louisa county? A woman in fairly good health, Mrs. Katherine Lewis, celebrated in Des Moines county last week the one hundredth anniversary of her birth, an event unique in the history of the county. We have heard the question asked frequently, who is the oldest person in the county and the Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa asks each of its correspondents in the county to send us with their letters next week the names and ages and if possible place of birth of those living in their neighborhood over eighty years of age. We will publish the names next week and have our readers join us to find who really is the oldest person living in the boundaries of Louisa county.
* ~ * ~ * Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa
Thursday, September 2, 1909
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Who is oldest?This question asked in the Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa last week has aroused unusual interest and we give to our readers this week the names sent us by our correspondents and also several others which have been handed us. The list is not nearly complete this week. We want the name and age of every person residing in the county over 80 years of age.
Our Spring Run correspondent writes, Mrs. Elizabeth Patten is the oldest woman in our vicinity. She will be 82 years of age next October and was born Oct. 7, 1827. Wesley Hall an old resident of our vicinity, now living in Columbus City will be 87 years old in December and was born Dec. 11, 1822.
From Fredonia we receive the following names and ages of persons who have passed the four score mile stones. Mrs. Christina Newell aged 91 years, Mrs. Charlotte Walker aged 89, Mrs. Mary Whistler aged 88 and Mrs. Mary Jones aged 81.
Columbus City sends the name of Mrs. James Manley. She was born in Frederick county, Maryland, May, 1812 and was 97 years of age last May. She and a crippled daughter live alone and she enjoys good health. Then we have the name of Mrs. W. L Doud, who lives west of town with her daughter, Mrs. L. B. Lancaster. She was born May 25th 1815 and is therefore past 94.
Mrs. A. Owens of this city, mother of W. L. and Robert Owen is also entitled to be mentioned here. She was born in Waynesboro, Kentucky, Nov. 26, 1823 and next November will be 86 years of age. She has been a resident of Iowa for just 55 years.
Warner Selmon born Oct. 10, 1818, is perhaps the oldest resident of Columbus Junction. He was born in Ohio but has lived in this state over fifty years. He is still hale and hearty and eats three good meals a day.
Correspondents and readers are requested to send or hand us the names of all persons living in their neighborhood in this county over 80 years of age. Where possible send date and birthplace and also time of coming to Iowa.
* ~ * ~ * Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa
Thursday, September 16, 1909
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Who is oldest?
Spring Run Age Concord Township Age Mrs. Elizabeth Patten 81 Gottlieb Blankenhorn 85 Mrs. Gottlieb Blankenhorn 85 Fredonia Age Mrs. N. A. McNamer 83 Mrs. Christina Newell 91 Jerry Browning 83 Mrs. Charlotte Walker 89 Mrs. Mary Whistler 88 Morning Sun Age Mrs. Mary Jones 81 Mrs. Hannah Wagner 86 Jesse Hamilton 89 Columbus City Age Julia Ann McClurkin 89 Mrs. James Manley 97 J. C. Brown 85 Wesley Hall 87 Mary Lagle 83 G. L. Thomas 83 Trollis Wheeler 85 Mary C. Baird 82 Gavin McElhinney 87 C. D. Bent 94 Mary Graham 88 O. H. P. Linn 80 Ellen Stewart 89 Caroline Orchard 81 Catip Ridge Age Anderson Orchard 88 Katy L. Yocum 84 Henry Lentz 95 Mrs. Mary Hill 80 Columbus Junction Age Mrs. W. L. Doud 94 Mrs. A. Owen 86 Warner Selman 91 Additional items of interest concerning those we have added to those who are over 80 years of age are Mrs. Julia Williams is the youngest daughter of Charles and Jeanneta Kellog Robinson. She was born February 14, 1822, near Oxford, Ohio. Coming west at an early age she was married December 12, 1847 at Burlington, Iowa by Rev. Dr. Salter.
Jesse Hamilton was born February 6th, 1820 and came to Iowa in 1842. The first house he built in 1844 he lived in until twenty years ago. He now lives one half mile from the old homestead and has lived in Iowa 67 years. He will be 90 years old his next birthday.
Annie Rooney writes. Mrs. Mary Hill was 80 last New Year's day. She was born in New York City. Mrs. Katy L. Yocum, born in Pottstown, Penna., June 6th, 1825. Both of these elderly ladies make their homes with their married children and are well and hearty and enjoying the health the grace of God has given them. While they have passed three score and ten they are young a heart and enjoy the hospitality of young folks as well as those near their own age. Their husbands preceded them to the better home years ago.
Concord writes as follows:
Mr. Gottlieb Blankenhorn was born in Dettingen, Wurttenberg, December 13, 1823. He left in 1854 for New York, where he lived for three years, coming to Iowa in 1857. He will be 86 years old December 13, 1909.
Mrs. Gottlieb Blankenhorn was born in Dettingen, Wurttenberg, July 23, 1824. She left in 1854 for New York, where she lived for three years, coming to Iowa in 1857. She will be 86 years old July 23, 1909.
Mrs. N. A. McNamer was born in Ohio, December, 1826 and came to Iowa in 1838. She is 83 years old.
Mr. Robert Edmondson born October 8, 1829; will be 8- October 8, 1909.
Mrs. Hannah Wagner was born in Dallas township, Luzerne county, Pennsylvania., August 17, 1823 and came to Iowa December 5th, 1854 and moved to her present home in Virginia Grove December 11, 1865.
Mrs. Eliza Guinn writes from Hebron, Indiana as follows, " In your paper of the second of September 1 read the question, "Who is Oldest?" and as I am acquainted with several of the ones mentioned I will say we came to Columbus City, November 1, 1854, after a six weeks drive overland from Green county, Tennessee. I was born June 9, 1823, and am enjoying good health, attend church every day when the weather permits and I will be 87 June, 1910. I am making my home now with my daughter, Mrs. Mary A. Gibbs."
Additional items of interest concerning many of the above especially of those from Morning Sun will be given next week.
* ~ * ~ * Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa
Thursday, September 23, 1909
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Who is oldest?Question is still undecided.
Unusual war record of John Welsh at Columbus City.
Gavin McElhinney was born in Ireland, March 6, 1821. Came here in 1822.
Mary Graham was born in Preble county, Ohio, December 1821. Came to Iowa 1851.
Ellen Stewart was born in Pen, September 1820.
Caroline Orchard was born August 12, 1828, Meade county, Kentucky.
Anderson Orchard was born October 15, 1821 in Madison county Kentucky. Anderson Orchard and wife were married in 1843 and came to Iowa in 1833. They celebrated their 66 anniversary, February 9, 1909.
Henry Leuty was born in Yorkshire, England November 16, 1813 and came to this country 1868.
Julia Ann McClurkin was born August 3, 1820 in Union county, Indiana. Came to Iowa in 1843.
J. C. Brown was born in Madison co. Ohio, in 1825. Came to Iowa in 1840.
Mary Lagle was born in Hardin county, Kentucky, July 5, 1827. Came here 1878.
Trollis Wheeler was born in Pen, April 16, 1824 Came to Iowa 1866.
Thomas Marshall was born in Berry county, Ireland November 17, 1817, moved to this country in 1850.
Mr. G. L. Thomas was born in Birmington N. Y. state in 1825 and came to Iowa in 1863 and has lived in Columbus City since. Age 84.
Mrs. G. L. Thomas was born in Holton, Maine, in 1825. She came to Iowa in 1863 and has lived in Columbus City ever since. She will be 85 in November can work without the aid of glasses and made a cushion for the fair receiving 1st premium and also a spool rack.
Mr. John Welsh of Columbus City has a remarkable record. He was born in London, England, June 24th, 1827. He was in the British navy and served in the Crimea war and took part in the capture of Sevastapool. The Crimea war closed in 1855. He came to the country in January 1856 and came to Iowa in July of the following year. On Feb. 28th, 1862, he enlisted in the Union army and served 3 years and 1 month, returning home when the war was over. Will be 83 years of age if he lives until next June. he is enjoying good health now and has lived in Columbus City township 51 years last July.
* ~ * ~ * Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa
Thursday, September 30, 1909
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Who is oldest?Mrs. Manley at Columbus City Seems to be first. Sixty-seven names now in the list.
Spring Run Came to Iowa Age Mrs. Elizabeth Patten 81 Catnip Ridge Came to Iowa Age Katy L Yocum 84 Mrs. Mary Hill 80 Columbus Junction Came to Iowa Age Mrs. W. L. Doud 94 Mrs. A. Owen 1854 86 Warner Selman 1859 91 Concord Township Came to Iowa Age Jerry Browning 83 Gottlieb Blankenhorn 1857 85 Mrs. G. Blankenhorn 1857 85 Mrs. N. A. McNamer 1838 83 Wapello Came to Iowa Age Dr. H. Howey 1840 93 Zibi Kremer 1860 91 Rev. W. R. Woodruff 1851 90 Mrs. W. R. Woodruff 1851 89 Fredonia Came to Iowa Age Mrs. Christina Newell 91 Mrs. Charlotte Walker 89 Mrs. Mary Whistler 88 Mrs. Mary Jones 81 Columbus City Came to Iowa Age Mrs. James Manley 97 Wesley Hall 87 Mary C. Baird 82 C. D. Bent 94 O. H. P. Linn 80 G. L. Thomas 1863 84 Mrs. G. L. Thomas 1863 84 John Welsh 1857 82 Letts Came to Iowa Age Charles Furnas 1853 80 Wilkinsin Furnas 1857 82 Mrs. W. Furnas 1857 82 Thomas Dawson 1853 87 J. L. Brown 1851 80 G. W. Gipple 1852 82 Mrs. G. W. Gipple 1852 83 J. S. Gipple 1852 86 Barton Garrett 1853 81 John Weaver 1854 81 Stephen J. Cook 1860 82 James R. Letts 1855 89 Mrs. Cynthia Huff 1852 81 Morning Sun Came to Iowa Age Julia Ann McClurkin 89 Mary Lagle 83 Gavin McElhinney 87 Ellen Stewart 89 Caroline Orchard 81 Anderson Orchard 88 Mrs. E. J. Minchr 1837 85 Mrs. Hannah Wagner 1854 86 Jesse Hamilton 1842 89 J. C. Brown 1840 85 Trollis Wheeler 1866 85 Mary Graham 1851 88 Henry Leuty 1868 95 Mrs. Julia Williams 1847 87 Grandview Came to Iowa Age Henry Long 87 Amos Hammond 86 Mrs. Carrolin Reed 1841 89 Mrs. Cathryn Wagner 1855 87 Rueben Cocklin 1853 86 Mrs. Rueben Cocklin 1853 82 J. P. Walker 1844 86 Mrs. Francis Jackson 1850 83 Conrad Deitrick 1843 84 Mrs. Wm. McGill 1859 83 Mrs. Mary Kellenbarger 1847 83 Michael Ryan 1853 88 Mrs. Harriet Gradey 1847 83 Wm. B. Robison 1851 81 If the readers of the Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa know of any one in Louisa county past 80 years of age whose name is not in the above list we hope they will send or telephone the name and age to this office.
* ~ * ~ * Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa
Thursday, October 7, 1909
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Who is oldest?Samuel Paisley was born in Londonderry, Ohio, in 1822. Came to Iowa in 1856. James Wilson was born in 1823, came to Iowa in 1851. Henry Johnston was born in Pennsylvania in 1820. Came to Iowa in 1857. James Glasgow is 81.
Owen Devine is on of Louisa county's oldest citizens, being 82 years of age. He was born in Ireland, county Longford,and came to America when quite young and to Iowa 53 years ago. He lived in Columbus City township, all of the 53 years except 3 years while in the army. In 1862 he enlisted in Co. F. 25 Iowa, under Capt. Allen.
If the readers of the Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa know of any one in Louisa county past 80 years of age whose name is not in the above list we hope they will send or telephone the name and age to this office.