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1859 Washington Press--9 February 1859: - Newspaper at Columbus City--Mr. J.M. Edwards, formerly of the"Independent" at Fort Madison, is making arrangements to start a paperat Columbus City, Louisa Co., to be called the "Enterprise". Mr.Edwards is a practical printer and a good writer. We are satisfied thathe will make the "Enterprise" creditable in the growing interestsof Columbus City and Louisa County. We hope he will receive a liberalsupport. The first number of the paper willl be issued about the 15thinst. It is to be Republican in politics.
1888 Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, April 25, 1888, page 1: - Oakland. April 23- The prolonged dry weather has made the roads very dusty with us, consequently it is quite disagreeable travelling.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, May 16, 1888 page 4: CORRESPONDENCE. - Oakville. May 14th. Folks have quit praying for rain down this way. Somebody overdid the thing ..... Very little corn planted yet and what is planted is not coming up as it should ..... Fall wheat is looking 100 percent better since the rain. The Iowa and Mississippi rivers are both booming. Some of the people living on the low land have had to move out ..... This windy weather has been very bad on the R. R. embankment across the bottom. Has washed it out so that it is not safe to run trains across.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, May 30, 1888 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE. - Wapello. The city council have decided to have part of the city road tax worked out on the levee east of town. They want to raise the levee considerable above the high water mark, so that there will be a good road at all times leading into the metropolis from that direction.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, May 30, 1888 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE. - Conseville. Mar 21st. Cedar river is falling but is yet to high for getting to the bridge with teams.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, May 30, 1888 page 4: - Sunday's hail storm was a storm of genuine hail stones - no pebbles. They were hard and solid as flint and of every imaginable shape. In size, they were prodigious, many of them weighing more than five pounds. We saw single ones quite as large as a hulled walnut- a small walnut. They were reported on the bill quite as large as turkey eggs.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, June 6, 1888 page 1: Oakland. - June 4. Cold weather still prevails and keeps vegetation of all kinds in a very backward state. Replanting has been all the go for some days past.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, June 13, 1888 page 1: LOCAL. - Tuesday evening of last week, about six o'clock, the large barn belonging to James Thompson, near Letts was struck by lightning and burned to the ground with nearly all its contents. The loss aggregates about $2100. The property was insured in the Famers Mutual for $500. This leaves a total loss for Mr. Thompson to bear of about $1000. He had been carrying several hundred dollars additional insurance in another company, but which later expired only a few days before the loss. Mr. Thompson lives in a neighborhood of able and generous men and we have no doubt they will, as under the circumstances they should, help to lift a part of this burthen from his shoulders.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, June 20, 1888 page 1: Lettsville. - Jun 12- James Thompson's barn was struck by lightning on Tuesday evening of last week and was burned up totally including a lot of farm machinery, eight or ten tons of hay, 200 bu. oars, two sets harness and numerous other things. Loss about $2000. Insurance about $500.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, August 1, 1888 page 4: Oakland. - July 30, Unless rain comes soon the pasturage will be greatly injured by the dry and extremely hot weather.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, September 19, 1888 page 1: Concord. - Frost was seen by some of our villagers Thursday morning. No damage. A refreshing rain enlivened the pastures for fall feeding.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Wednesday, October 10, 1888 page 4: Columbus Junction came near having a disastrous fire Monday night. Soon after 10 o'clock flames were found bursting out from the shed that stood back of S. H. Blair's store room. Very fortunately no wind was blowing at the time to which fact alone we can attribute the prevention of a worse blaze than that of April last year. Everybody in town came in with a rush and the fire was stopped, though the shed was burned away as were the windows and doors adjoining of the brick to which it was attached. We all think this town should have a fire engine of some kind.
The residence of Wm. Rhinehart, Columbus City, burned to the ground Sunday. All, or nearly all the contents were consumed. He is a poor man, has a family of two or three children and is desiring substantial aid.
1889 Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday, March 14, 1889 page 1: Lettsville. March 11 - Our quiet little village was aroused from their slumbers by the alarm of fire on Thursday night about 12 o'clock. It was discovered that it was the meat shop in connection with the ice house belonging to Jack Idle. The building with its connection with its contents excepting ice was a total loss. The property of A. Eisenhart and of George Eperley was miraculously saved. The loss will probably reach $500, insured with N. G. Coder in State and Hawkeye Insurance Company's of Des Moines.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday, April 4, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE. Welsh Neighborhood. - April 1- Fletcher's residence, near the county line, was destroyed by fire, Monday of last week.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, May 15, 1889 page 3: Local News. - The storm, Friday afternoon, did considerable damage east and south of us, especially at Grandview. Among other freaks it unroofed Vibber & Krohl's thoroughly. This damage would all have been paid for had they held a policy of Tornado insurance from Robert McConnell of this place.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, June 26, 1889 page 1: CORRESPONDENCE. Virginia Grove. - June 24- Jno Higgins' residence was burned to the ground. No insurance.What reckless indifference to leave a house which your family depends upon for shelter and comfort uninsured. he is again building a two story 32 by 30 and will insure in the old reliable, the Farmers of Cedar Rapids.
Owing to the excessive rains and cool nights our corn on the sandy ground is very small and weedy.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, July 17, 1889 page 4: S. D. Miller's dwelling burned to the ground Thursday. The family had gone to the funeral at Clifton and about 10 o'clock David Miller saw the smoke and was the first one there. The entire south and east sides were in flames when he arrived. An organ, some chairs and a lounge is all that was saved. Strong suspicions are entertained that it was set on fire, as no fire had been in the main building for six weeks. the summer kitchen containing the stove was some twenty feet south and was the last to burn. The house was among the best in this part of the county. It was built some 18 years ago, but was in good repair and with its contents will be a heavy loss.
CORRESPONDENCE. - Conesville. Mr. Fremont Billick's residence was struck by lightening during Saturday night's storm. The subtle messenger passing from the comb down on end of the house to the floor where it divided into three parts and made the splinters fly. None of the family were hurt in the least though the current passed along the wall immediately buck of the bed in which Mr. and Mrs. Billick were sleeping. The house was filled with smoke but no fire was generated unless the pouring rain put it out.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, September 4, 1889 page 4: CORRESPONDENCE. Fairview. Sept 4.- Heavy rain here last night. The drought has been very severe.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, September 11, 1889 page 1 CORRESPONDENCE. Oakville. - Sept.7- We had a good rain here Wednesday afternoon and evening. There was an inch and quarter of rain fell. Came to late too do the corn any good, but will help the pastures and fall plowing.
1891 Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Friday, August 14, 1891 page 1 - J. H. Bond's residence was struck by lightening during the storm Sunday. It came down one of the corner posts of the house and split it into kindling. From there it jumped to the bed post and left it scattered over the floor. No one hurt but pretty badly frightened.
1892 Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Friday, April 8, 1892 page 5 - The tornado, Monday afternoon southwest of Cario, did a great deal of damage. Widow Ross's barn was blown pieces; two horses in the barn were not injured. The shingles were blown off one half the roof of the house. Jim Maiden's barn was blown down. The barn at the Bemis place was also injured as was Joe Allen. Mr. Allen was in the barn when the roof was blown off but her was not injured. A number of other smaller losses are reported.
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa Friday, June 17, 1892 page 5 - The worst rain storm of the season in this vicinity was that of Monday night. It was accompanied by wind, thunder and lightning. Up in Oakland township the electric storm was the worst ever known. Vic Cecil had five fine young horses killed and two others badly crippled by a stroke of lightening. In another field near by, John Hankins had a horse killed. In the same neighborhood Lou Siverley's barn was struck and burned to the ground including one horse and all his feed and other valuables. Cecil was insured, but we do not know as to the others.
1895 Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Wednesday, January 9, 1895, page 1 - The ice season is just on, and the supply is most excellent. Rippey put about 70 tons in his house and finished work on Saturday. Gardner was through on Thursday last and the result is about 30 tons of the "cold comfort." W. A. Smith finished today and has about 50 tons. Hilt Letts will use part of this. Cecil Bros. will put up in the neighborhood of 500 tons, a large amount than that put up by any other firm. A. R. Raymond comes next with about 300 tons. The former commenced work yesterday and the latter began today and Messrs. F. G. Coffin and and W. A. Carr are filling a small house for their own use, as are also Kelly and R. F. McConnell. Dr. D. W. Overholt is also putting up some. The ice this year is particularly fine, ranging in thickness from 7 to 11 inches, and being very hard and solid.
1895 Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa, Thursday, June 12, 1902, page 1 - Tuesday night's storm was a bad one. The loss of life was not so great as the destruction of property. This was general all over southeastern Iowa. In Morning Sun nearly half the business buildings were unroofed and a tile factory destroyed. The worst accident we have to record is reported from near Washington. On their way home from a picnic one load of young folks had just broken an entrance into a school house when the whole building went to pieces burying them in the debris, seriously injuring then all, two, it is feared, fatally. The damage in this vicinity was not so serious as at most points near. Some stock killed by lightning, and some mills blown down; but no buildings of importance wrecked. Ricard Jenkins, of the Welsh neighborhood had two cow killed by lightening and some other casualties of the kind reported.