The Wapello Republican
June 18, 1981, Section B, Page 18

Transcribed by Shirley Plumb, July 14, 2018



Picture: G. W. YOUNKIN

    The people of Wapello and surrounding country as well, are fortunate in having located in their midst a physician and surgeon of so high reputation as Dr. G. W. Younkin. He is a graduate from the medical department of the Iowa State University and began the practice of medicine in Wapello in 1894. He has met with excellent success in his practice which proves that in his choice of profession he has made no mistakes. Besides attending faithfully to the wants of the sick, Mr. Younkin is a member of the board of Examining Surgeons of the bureau of pensions of Louisa County, and is secretary of the board. He is also the physician for the county hospital. In 1897 he was elected coroner of Louisa County, which office he has filled with entire satisfaction.


    The above gentleman is proprietor of one of the leading creameries of Louisa County and his product is of the very highest grade. He runs three teams in the summer time, and they cover all of the territory in this vicinity. His creamery building is two stories, 30 x 40 feet, with an ice house and cold storage room attached to the west end. The product off this creamery finds a ready sale in eastern markets, and maintains the high reputation this state has earned for superior creamery products. He also deals largely in eggs and ships a great many cases in the course of a year.


    The above named gentleman established himself in the furniture business in this city last fall, and he has enjoyed a splendid patronage ever since. He is a practical cabinetmaker and upholsterer of many years’ experience, and is prepared to do any kind of work in the line on short notice and at reasonable rates. His stock comprises some of the best class of goods brought to Wapello and consists of upholstered parlor suits, antique oak bedroom suits, book cases, rocking chairs, couches, tables, mattresses, springs, pictures, and in fact everything carried by a first class furniture house. He marks all of his goods in plain figures and his prices will be found as low as the lowest. If you are needing anything in his line it will pay you to see him before buying.


    Is proprietor of one of the leading tonsorial parlors of Wapello, located next door to Ruthenberg Bros. Is was formerly owned by P. C. Shipton, but Mr. Kelly bought that gentleman out and took possession last week. Harry has worked at the business for a number of years, is a first class barber and has a grand assistant in the person of Gay Mullen. The shop is very neat and well kept, and patrons are assured the best of work and the most prompt attention.


    The above named gentleman is a practical tinner of many years’ experience. He is a fine workman, and whenever he does a job of work you can rely upon it being done just right. He started in business here nine years ago, and is now located next to Morgan Bros. under Myron Opera House. He makes a specialty of the copper, sheet iron and furnace work. His workmanship, together with the reasonable prices he asks, makes his work in demand, and he has all that he can do. All parties having work in that line will make no mistake by changing Mr. Levy.


    The “term purveyer to the people” applies with apt force to Mrs. L. C. Wonnell, who presides over the model millinery and dry goods business. This establishment, under her twenty years able management, has taken and held the front ranks in concerns of its kind, and her prosperity only demonstrates what success a determined, able and courteous woman can attain in the business walks of life. This prosperity is due not only to careful and wise management, but also to the fact that she has schooled herself in the wants and tastes of the people, and carries nothing but the very best goods. In the military line Mrs. Wonnell is noted for being strictly up-to-date, and she always keeps pace with the ever changing styles in women’s head wear. She employes the best trimmers, and her bonnets and hats are always of the latest shapes, and trimmed in the latest styles. In the dry goods and notion line her stock will likewise be found very complete and abreast the times. She makes a specialty of goods in the line of women’s and children’s wear, and her establishment is well known and draws trade for miles around Wapello.


Picture: D. S. FARVER

    Dealers in general merchandise, is one of the old established business houses of the city. For years this mercantile establishment has been a leading and prominent feature of the city’s business interests, and enjoys a good trade that is justly merited. The enterprise was established in 1875, and from its inception the house has been recognized as one of the most reliable establishments of the kind in Wapello. The business of the firm embraces the sale of dry goods, notions, groceries, shoes, furnishing goods, etc. and the buyer can always depend upon getting a good quality of goods at the lowest prices. By virtue of his age, experience, and liberal and fair dealing methods this house has a hold upon the esteem of this community that is as pronounced as it is gratifying. The elder Mr. Farver was one of the “boys” who went to the front to put down the rebellion, and he now holds the honorable position of Quarter Master in the G. A. R. post of this city. D. N. Farver the junior member of the firm is one of our brightest and most popular young men, and holds the important office of alderman from the first ward. He is enterprising and progressive and enjoys the complete confidence of the people.


    As the name implies, the above company operates an electric light plant in Wapello and right glad are the people of this city that such is case. Electric lights are a necessity in all well-regulated cities and the people of Wapello would not go back to kerosene lamps for anything in the world. The plant is owned by local men, who, having the best interests of Wapello at heart, invested their money in an enterprise that has done as much, and probably more, to advertise Wapello than any other business institution in it. The service rendered is all that could be asked for, and the plant is first class throughout. The incorporators of the company were W. S. Isett, Jonas Miller, G. R. Keller, L. A. Reiley, W. H. Prescott, F. M. Ong, W. S. Grimes, and D. C. Thomas and lights were turned on for the first time on June 12, 1896. The plant consists of a 1200 light dynamo which is operated by a 130 horsepower engine and two boilers of 70 horsepower each. There are now a few over 1000 lamps installed. The city is admirably lighted by forty thirty-two candle power and one are light. Most of the business houses, churches, and public buildings and many residences use the lights. The plant has been enlarge and circuits extended until the aggregate cost has reached $ 10,000. The power house is located near the B. C. R. & N. depot, and Jas. Bailey is the electrician in charge. The present officers are G. R. Keller, president; W. S. Grimes, vice-president; F. M. Ong, treasurer, R. L. Bailey, secretary. Directors G. R. Keller, W. S. Grimes, F. M. Ong, W. S. Isett, L. A. Reiley.


    There is a religious organization in Wapello known as the Holiness church which was organized some years ago. They had a house of worship partly completed when a small cyclone visited Wapello and demolished the building. Since that time they have been holding occasional services at homes of the members, and of late in Myron Hall. The membership is not large, but very conscientious and faithful in its beliefs.


    Mr. Semones is a recent acquisition to our professional element, and trust he will find his new home congenial both socially and financially. However, he is not a total stranger in this city, having at different times preached from the pulpit of the Christian Church. He has been a preacher in the Christian demonization a number of years, and began the study of medicine while pastor at Atlantic, Iowa. He entered the Homeopathic department at Iowa State University in 1894, finishing the course in that institution. Since that time he practice successfully in Colorado. His ability as a physician has been recognized by the medical profession. He having been one of the regular instructors in the Denver Homeopathic Medical College and hospital. His object in leaving Colorado was on account of his wife’s health which was affected by the high altitude. We wish Mr. Semones success.

G. W. WYATT, D. D. S.

Picture: G. W. WYATT, D. D. S.

    The above gentleman is one of Wapello’s new citizens, coming here last December from Nauvoo, Ill. He is a graduate of the American College of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. Since his residence here he has made many friends in a social as well as professional way. He does all kinds of work connected with the practice of dentistry, and the quality of his work is first class.


    Has recently opened a news depot and cigar stand in Nerbovig’s jewelry store, where he keeps on hand a stock of paper, envelopes, tablets, ink, pens, pencils, etc. He also handles the leading magazines and other publications, including Chicago daily papers. He has stared in a small way and hopes to increase his stock in time. In addition to the above line he is agent for several reliable insurance companies.


    These gentlemen are proprietors of the “Elite” billiard hall, a popular resort for those that enjoy a game of billiards or pool. It is equipped with three first class Brunswick & Balke billiard and two pool tables. It is a quiet, orderly place and every effort is made to please the patrons. W. L. Perkins was born in Wapello, and F. R. Allen is also a native of this city.


    Wapello is fortunate in having a business man with as much energy and public spirit as Mr. W. S. Isett, and few men of this place have done as much as he has towards building up Wapello. He is a son of E. B. and Nancy Isett, two of Wapello’s early settlers, and was born and raised in this city. Mr. Isett at an early age learned the carpenter business, and he has a record of twenty-six active years as contractor and builder. He is a man of great energy and splendid business ability, and nothing is too difficult for him to undertake. He does an immense business in carpentering and building and furnishes employment for the following carpenters the year round: W. W. Emery, R. M. Archibald, S. B. Stone, Wm. Archibald, Geo. Stone, H. O. Pease and D. W. Sweeney. In the summer season he employs several others. Mr. Isett, with commendable enterprise, has been erecting residences on the installment plan, thus aiding in building up Wapello as well as providing comfortable homes for men of small means. Mr. Isett put in a stock of lumber in 1891 and started a planning mill, where he makes all of his finishing lumber, window frames, mouldings, etc. Mr. Isett was one of the promoters of the electric light company, and is withal a public benefactor and a credit to his town.


    C. M. Wright Is probably one of the best known pension attorneys in the state. He has been remarkably successful in all cases he has undertaken and from long experience in the work has become so familiar with the routine and red tape of the pension department at Washington that he is enable to push cases entrusted to him to a final issue in far less time than the average pension attorney. Mr. Wright was born in Morning Sun. He received his education at Burlington and Woodhull, Illinois, and was admitted to the bar in 1879. He immediately began the practice of law in Wapello. In 1883 he started a pension agency, in which line he has made a phenomenal success.


    We believe we are safe in saying that very few of the older residents of Louisa county have not at some time in the course of their lives partaken of the hospitalities of this notable hostelry. If they have not, it is because they have never been in Wapello. We are not informed when the building was erected, but it dates back in the early history of Wapello. It has always been a popular resort for the wayfarer, and is today. It has had many different landlords in its time, but none have given satisfaction or enjoyed a better patronage than the present proprietor, Mr. Horatio Beane. He hand his estimable wife have put forth their best efforts to please the patrons of the hose, and that they have succeeded is attested by the large patronage they have had since they took possession last spring. They set a good table and at all times look out for the comfort of their guests. The rates are $1.00 a day.


Picture E. W. Joy

    Mr. Joy conducts a business that is constantly increasing in volume with prospects of assuming greater proportions the coming year than any time in its history. That this is the case is attributable to Mr. Joy’s constant attention to business and his indomitable perseverance in anything he undertakes. His sock of goods consists of hardware, tinware, stoves, sporting goods farm machinery and bicycles. In stoves his leader is the Charter Oak. In the farm machinery line he carries these well known makes: Deering binders and mowers, (and the famous Deering binder twin) Rock Island Plow Co’s goods, Geo. W. Brown Co.’ goods, and F. B. Tate’s corn planter. The above are all standard makes and are sold on the most reasonable terms. It is in the bicycle business that Mr. Joy is making things hum. He sells the celebrated “Crescent” bicycle and sells lots of them, too. Last year he put out thirty-eight of these machines and this year the prospects ae that he will at least duplicate last year’s business and possibly go beyond it. Mr. Joy is thoroughly schooled in the bicycle business, and what he don’t know about a “bike” isn’t worth knowing. He is what you might term a bicycle expert. He has selected the “Crescent” as a leader, and he fully guarantees the wheel. Mr. Joy has made a specialty of doing all kinds of repair work on bicycles for several years, but this year he is going to branch out a little further and manufacture a wheel to be called the “Wapello Indian.” He has had most of the machinery necessary for doing this work for some time and has ordered what was lacking, together with the steel tubing. He expects to manufacture every part of the wheel except the tubing, doing all the work himself. That he is thoroughly capable of doing just what he says he intends to do, we have no doubt, and we believe that his new product will be first class in every respect. Mr. Joy also has the agency for the Economy Gas Light, something new in the illuminating line. In the last few years he has turned his attention to taxidermy, and he has as fine a collection of specimens of his work as you will often see. The collection is large and embraces most of the bipeds and quadrupeds of the animal and feathery kingdom of this section, as well as many from other times.

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