Lee County IAGenWeb

Lookup Resources

If you own or have access to reference materials of genealogical value to Lee County Iowa family researchers, please consider listing yourself and the resource available to you at this page.

As a lookup contact, you will be required only to perform limited lookup information on ONE individual (or couple) at a time. Reference material of interest could include family histories, marriage records, death records, cemetery lists, county or town history books, census index, etc.

Please contact this Email Address to volunteer as an e-mail lookup contact for Lee County. Thank You in advance!

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Reference Material E-mail Address of Contact
1890-91 Keokuk City Directory   W. M. Rees & Co. Complete Index to the residents, street directory, street description, and a classified business director. Names, Addresses and Occupations. An appendix of useful information of the churches, societies, banks, city, county, and other miscellaneous matter. Robert Henderson
1869 Des Moines Valley Railroad Business Directory:  It is a business directory of towns/cities along the Des Moines Valley railway.  It lists the town/city and the businesses in that town. Robert Henderson
"Passenger Arrivals, Port of New York, 1830-1832."   Robert Henderson
Iowa State Census  Years: 1852-1854-1905-1915-19251925 is an important Census, it shows Father's & Mother's Name Carol Griswold Salli
Keokuk 1941 Telephone Book with Yellow Pages Mary Sue Chatfield


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