Lee County IAGenWeb


Pensioners on the Roll

January 1, 1883;

The name of each Pensioner, The cause for why
Pensioned, The Post-Office Address, the Rate
Of Pension Per month, and the Date of
Original allowance,

As Called for by
Senate Resolution of December 8, 1882

Washington :
Government Printing Office

Compiled by Sally Youngquist

CertificateName of pensioner.Post-office addressCause for which pensionedMonthlyDate of Original
140861Raneday, ElizabethKeokukwidow8.00Mar, 1870
4445Rankin, Wm. C.Fort Madison surv. 18128.00Sep, 1871
183391Ray, JosephMontrosechr. rheum, sunstroke, epilepsy18.00Feb, 1881
148965Rees, William H.Keokukg. s. w. left arm4.00--
12584Reeves, JamesMontroseg. s. w. rt. thigh6.00--
206212Reffley, Charles F.Keokukg. s. w. lft. leg8.50Apr, 1882
98013Reid, James M.Keokukg. s. w. lft. side neck, deaf's19.25--
183075Reimeis, BendixKeokukmala. pois'ing, neuralgia, and heart disease10.00Feb, 1881
83119Rix, JohnFort Madisonfract. rt. arm11.25--
22635Robb, Lewis C.Vincennesg. s. w. rt. hip8.00Jun, 1876
218316Roberts, BerrymanFort Madisondis. of eyes6.00Sep, 1882
17468Roberts, Mary B.Primrosewidow8.00Oct, 1867
141039Rollins, Serlina J.Keokukdep. mother8.00Mar, 1870
92533Rooney, JamesVincennesblindness72.00--
220205Roseberry, James M.Belfastg. s. w. rt. hand, dislocation rt. ankle6.00Nov, 1882
204667Ross, Francis M. Montrosepleurisy6.00Mar, 1882
183282Ryan, MaryKeokukdep. mother8.00Mar, 1879
23525Sample, Jane B.Fort Madisonwidow 18128.00May, 1879
205558Sawyer, Iram A.Keokukg. s. w. rt. thigh4.00Mar, 1882
166684Sawyer, Silas N.Montroseg. s. w. lft. index finger3.00Apr, 1880
184649Schever, RudolphKeokukchro. diarr.6.00Mar, 1881
167932Schevers, AnnaKeokukwidow15.00Mar, 1875
194384Schiller, Charles E.Vielechronic rheumatism4.00Aug,1 881
165563Schima, JosephKeokukch. diarr., dis. of ht. & liver8.00Mar, 1880
172170Seitz, Anna M.Keokukwidow8.00Feb, 1876
197084Shaw, Elizabeth N.Keokuk widow8.00Aug, 1882
49564Shaw, HannahKeokukwidow8.00Oct, 1867
110322Simon, MariaWest Pointdep. mother8.00Mar, 1868
191042Sloanaker, Amerlia H.Montrosewidow25.00Feb, 1881
165800Smalley, Abner S.Denmarkdis. of eyes6.00Mar, 1880
192344Smith, CharlesFranklin Centrechro. diarrh., dis. of heart10.00Jul, 1881
168456Smith, Charles W.Donnellsonminor of10.00Apr, 1875
89327Smith, EdwinFort Madisonwd. lft. hand4.00--
84857Smith, WilliamWeverwd. rt. shoulder7.00--
110355Snyder, NicholasWest Pointdis. of eyes12.00--
178807Soechtig, AugustFort Madisonsunstroke res. dis. of heart6.00.Nov, 1880
129597Sommerholder, B.Keokukdis. of spine, paral. agitans18.00--
20184Spain, Wm.Montroseg. s. w. rt. shoulder6.00--
149416Spohnheimer, JacobDonnellsong. s. w. lft. side of neck4.00Nov, 1877
179346Sprague, George D.Ft Madisondis. of lungs4.00Dec, 1880
105307Stauffer, ChristianWest Pointg. s. w. rt. ankle12.00--
--Stayss, Stephen G.Montrosewe. lft. foot6.00--
165742Steel, ElizabethKeokukwidow8.00Jul, 1874
133820Stephens, John P.Keokukinjury to abdomen8.00--
114404Stephenson, BenjaminKeokukg. s. w. rt. hand, wd. in head5.00--
79555Stephenson, LewisSanduskyg. s. w. rt. thigh, dis. of eyes12.00--
169029Stewart, AbrahamVincennesminor of10.00May, 1873
25693Stoker, George W. Keokukfract. rt. thigh14.00--
185550Stopper, EmelyFort Madisonwidow8.00Sep, 1879
167941Strackman, Wm.Fort Madisong. s. w. rt. leg8.50May, 1880
108775Stults, George F.Keokuk g. s. w. both thighs4.00--
144106Sutherland, RobertKeokukg. s. w. lft. arm & rt. hip7.00--
178717Swartz, David W.Keokukg. s. w. lft. shoulder4.00Nov, 1880
182970Talbott, RobertKeokukloss index finger, g. s. w. rt. hand and 2 fingers4.00--
110415Tarr, James F.Keokuk dis. of eyes8.00--
183108Thomas, GeorgeKeokukfrozen feet, ulceration4.00Feb, 1881
180023Thompson, WilliamLa Crewlung dis. & chr. diarr.4.00Dec, 1880
180794Thompson, Wm. L.Keokuksunstroke8.00Jan, 1881
32634Timberlake, Ann M.Keokukwidow8.00Jan, 1868
112589Tompkins, Samuel J.Montroseg. s. w. forearm4.00Jul, 1878
186599Trimble, Benjamin F.Montrosechr. diarr., rheum., heart dis.8.00Apr, 1881
125148Trimble, Henry H.Keokuk g. s. w. rt. malar. & sup. maxillary bone15.00--
67428Tuckaberry, SarahKeokukdep. mother8.00Mar, 1866
165152Turner, James P.Keokukch. diarr. & inj. to abdomen12.00Mar, 1880
151307Turner, Wm. H.Keokukmala. poising, chro. diarr.17.00Mar, 1878
179911Underwood, Eliza A.Vincennesdep. mother8.00Feb, 1878
181209Van Steinwyk, Wm.Keokukchro. rheum., chro. diarr.6.00Jan, 1881
134367Vanoleet, Willard B.Montroseg. s. w. lft. arm4.00--
8425Vanridal, Emily J.Montrosewidow8.00Oct, 1867
185736Vansant, Wm. H.Keokukchro. diarr., dis. of heart, inj. rt. leg8.00Mar, 1881
42706Vaughan, Erasmus G.Keokukg. s. w. rt. side8.00--
95913Wagner, ConradMontroseg. s. w. rt. thigh6.00--
209069Wagner, FrankFranklin Centretumor rt. side4.00May, 1882
181136Wagner, JosephFranklin Centremala. poisoning, disability4.00Jan, 1881
181360Walker, Fletcher D.Montroseepilepsy, chr. diar., & dis. of abdominal viscera12.00Jan, 1881
105512Wall, Wm. K.Fort Madisong. s. w. lft. hand3.00--
176112Wallace, JohnKeokukchro. diarr.6.00Oct, 1880
127772Walters, MariaKeokukwidow8.00Apr, 1869
208336Warson, Martin V.Warren chr. diarr., heart dis., & lungs12.00May, 1882
216390Waste, Francis H.Belfastincised wd. rt. foot2.00Aug, 1882
152781Waterhouse, ThomasMt Hamillinjury to abdomen8.50Apr, 1876
101839Watkin, HannahKeokuk widow8.00Oct, 1867
18604Watts, TlihuCrotonwd. r. shoulder20.00--
200889Welch, JohnKeokuklung dis.4.00Jan, 1882
27576Wheatley, MargaretVincenneswidow 18128.00Oct, 1879
161290Whetstone, Jasper N.Montrosechro. diar., dis. heart & lungs8.00Jul, 1879
939Whitaker, JohnFort Madisonsurv. 18128.00Jul, 1871
113001White, JohnKeokukinjury to abdomen4.00--
64256Whitmarsh, Eliz'beth A.Denmark widow8.00Jun, 1868
21273Whitney, Ann JennettKeokukwidow20.00--
18960Wilkinson, Sophia M.Fort Madisonwidow8.00Feb, 1879
129160Williford, AugustusMontroseinj. to chest4.00--
191957Wilsey, Ephraim B.Charlestonchr. diarr. & rheum.6.00Jun, 1881
143738Witherill, Arvin D.Keokukwd. rt. hand2.00--
10117Wolgemuth, JohnFort Madisonanchylosis lft. elbow jt.12.00--
166333Woods, AnnieKeokukwidow8.00Oct, 1874
67048Wright, JohnKeokukg. s. w. lft. leg10.00--
141767Wright, John N.Montroseg. s. w. lft. arm7.50--
170551Wyatt, Wm. H.Keokukchro. diarr., dis. of abd. vis., malarial pois'ng.10.00Jun, 1880
72867Yeardley, MargaretKeokukdep. mother8.00May, 1866

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