Lee County
Free genealogy records
State Census
Census Totals
Number of Males 1852
Number of Females 1635
Number. of Colored 39
Total Population 3526
Number of Heads of Families 676
Number of Persons Engaged in Merchandizing 42
Number of Grocers, Wholesale and Retail 30
Number of Clergyman 7
Number of Physicians 10
Number of Lawyers 17
Number of Voters 613
Notes from transcriptionist:
On Flyleaf
Copied from the Census of the City of Keokuk.
Taken between the 1st and 15th of October 1852. By and under the
direction of E. R. Ford.
Copied in alphabetical order by G. W. Delaplaine January 1, 1901. It
didn't come to me in alphabetical order, but it came with A's, B's,
etc., or one or more files of each letter.
Loaned to Elaine Clark Williams by fellow member of Questers, Dolly
Theim. The book belongs to her sister, whose husband Beverly
Dickinson was a relative of J. W. Delaplaine
I transcribed it like I received it. I received copies of files done in
beautiful penmanship, hand written by Mrs. Delaplainet.
Purchased at a Keokuk Antique store by Fran Sprunger, who donated a
copy to us. (Sally Youngquist and Carol Griswold Salli)
The explanation of when and how it was done said it was alphabetized -
as you see, it isn't.
Disappointedly it doesn't do a good job of placing people together in a
certain residence, either home or maybe a boarding house.