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1929 Historical Brochure and Directory
Methodist Episcopal Church


The Richland Methodist Episcopal Church had its origin at the Illionis Conference of 1839, under Bishop T. A. Morris, who said, "Brethern, we must have a district in Iowa, for I have passed enough Methodists between this and Cincinnati, bound for lowa to form a district, and I am resolved to have it. So begin. Give me the names of creeks, groves, prairies, settlements, or anything suitable to designate the localities of newcomers." It was done and the first lowa district was designated on this plan. Henry Summers was appointed presiding elder and Jesse Herbert the preacher in charge of the Richland Mission.

The Iowa Conference was organized at Iowa City, Iowa, under the same Bishop T. A. Morris but this did not take place until August, 14th, 1844.

The Richland Mission included all the settled parts of Keokuk and Washington Counties south of Skunk River and Jefferson County as far south as Fairfield where Herbert formed his first class.

The next year M. F. Shinn filled the work and organized the Richland class. The charter members were: Henry Harden, James Forman, George Ruggles, and Lovina Ruggles, This class maintained their organization and in 1847 built the first church. The first church was a frame building about one block northeast of the square. In the year of 1857 a brick church was built where the present church now stands.

A new frame church was erected in 1898 during the pastorate of W. S. Moore. This church was destroyed by fire October, 27th, 1925, and the present structure was erected and dedicated October, 3, 1926 during the pastorate of E. G. Hankins.

The Richland Mission established in 1839 was changed to the Fairfield Mission in 1841. From 1859 to 1869 Richland was connected with the Brighton circuit. The Richland circuit was organized October 7, 1870, The pastors from the establishment of the Mission in 1839 were: Jesse Herbert, 1839-40, Moses F. Shinn, 1840-41, William B. Cooley, 1841-42, Robert Hawk, 1812-43, Joel Arlington, 1843-44, Hugh Gibson, 1844-45, Micajah Reeder, with A. Rucker as assistant, 1845-46, Joseph Brooks, 1846-17, John Hayden with J. C. Smith assistant, 1847-49, D. N. Smith, 1849-51, Joseph McDowell, 1851-52, D. N. Smith, 1852-53, L. B. Dennis, 1853- 54, John Harris, 1854-55, Joseph Gassner, 1855-57. Those serving from 1857 to 1870 were: John Maynos, John Burgess, T. M. Kirkpatrick, Joseph McDowell, John Harris, O. C. Shelton, T. W. Quillen, David Donaldson, John N. Elliott. Those serving from 1870 to 1900 were: Strange Brooks, Benjamin A. Wright, James Coleman, William Miller, Henry F. Pugh, J. S. Ferguson, George Swanson, S. R. Ferguson, John C. Kendrick, John Potter, P. J. Henness, Robert W. Wilson, N. C. Vanschoinck, G. W. Byrkit and W. S. Moore. From 1900 to the present the pastors were: G. W. Pool, W. F. Gilmore, P. J. Hawk, J. F. Barnett, J. C. Coughlan, J. S. Decker, E. M. Vance, J. A. Wilson, J. C. Behrens, C. S. Baumgarten, E T. Lewis, O. J. Fix, B. G. Hankins, and R. V. Pike.

1929 Membership

Allman, Mrs. Bertha.

Balderson, Olive; Balderson, Raymond; Bales, Jesse; Bales, Mrs. Armintha; Bales, Donovan; Bailey, Sarah; Bishop, Mrs. Izora; Bishop, Zelma; Bond, George; Bond, Mrs. Stella; Bottorff, B. T.; Bottorff, Mrs. Armanda; Bottorff, Adrian; Bottorff, Mrs. Bethel; Bond. J. W.; Bond, Mrs. Leora; Bond, Doris; Braunt, Horatia; Braunt, Mrs. Fatima; Bristow, Mrs. Jane; Bray, Harold.

Coffman, John; Coffman, Mrs. Marcella; Collett, Mrs. Jerusha; Cox, Joshua; Coleman, Mrs. John; Coleman; Dorothy, Coleman, Elizabeth; Coppock, Benjamin; Coppock, Mrs. Benjamin; Curtis, Mrs. Sarah; Curtis, H. V.; Curtis, Mrs. Elizabeth.

Dagle, Joseph; Dagle, Tom E.; Dagle, Albert; Dickenson, Mrs. Carrie; Dickenson, Mrs. Pearl; Dickenson, John; Dickenson, Esther Mae; Dodds, Dr. W. E... Dodds, Mrs. Florence; Dowell, Oscar; Drake, Mrs. Frances Lee; Duke, W. T; Duke, Lillie B.; Dutton, Mrs. Anna.

Elmore, Nellie; Elmore, Bertha; Elmore, Mary; Elmore, Lloyd; Euliss, Michael; Euliss, Tenna; Everett, Elouise; Failyer, Eva; Fountain, Mrs. Martha; Fitch, Margaret.

Greeson, Mrs. Ollie; Greeson, Mrs. Cora; Greeson, Helen Lee; Greeson, Mrs. Myra; Greeson, Frankie; Greenlee, Mrs. Martha; Greenlee, John A. Jr.; Griffith, Mrs. Minnie; Harken, William; Harken, Mrs. Adda; Harken, John; Harken, Mrs. Karl; Harlan, Mrs. Anna; Harris, Mrs. Laura; Heilman, Mrs. Cora; Hinshaw, Mrs. Clara; Hinson, L. P.; Hinson, Mrs. Anna; Hinson, Dorothy; Horning, Mrs. Eliza; Horning, Mrs. Adelia; Horning, Charles E.; Horning, Mrs. Hazel; Hosler, E. A.; Hosler, Carrie; Hosler, Edith; Hosler, Florence; Humphrey, Mrs. Lyda; Hyzer, A. H.; Hyzer, Mrs. Esther; Hyzer, Fred M.; Henderson, T. L.; Henderson, Mrs. Margaret; Hoskins, Mrs. John; Hendrickson, Mrs. Ruby.

Irwin, Mrs. Jessie.

Johnson, Dr. Raymond; Johnson, Mrs. Kathryn; Johnson, Raymond Jr.; Johnson, Mrs. F. M.; Johnson, Mrs. Charles; Johnson, Mrs, Grover; Jones, Everett R.; Jones, Mrs. Ollie; Jones, Harold; Jones, Mrs. Isabelle.

Kent, Mrs. Claude; Kime, William; Kime, Mrs. Ed; Kinney, Miss Lura; Klingerman, Mrs. S. E.; Long, Mrs. Mary; Lyon, Miss Mary; Luithly, Dr. W. E.; Luithly Mrs. Lucille; Lind, Mrs. Julia; McClure, Mrs. Jane; Mills, Lemma; Mills, Mrs. Barbara Ellen; Morgan, Mrs. Edith; Mowery, Mrs. W. S.

Nordyke, Mrs. Roy; Nordyke, Mrs. Ralph; Nordyke, Clarissa Marie; Nordyke, Homer Lee; Neuhart, Lewis; Neuhart, Mrs. Lenna.

Olive, D. C.; Olive, Mrs. Elizabeth; Olive, George Emmet; Olive, Mrs. Mildred.

Pendergraft, H. H.; Pendergraft, Mrs. Ethel; Pendergraft, George W.; Pendergraft, Phyllis; Pringle, P. A.; Pugh, Mrs. Frank; Pickens, John; Pickens, Mrs. Emeline; Paxson, Mrs. Marie; Paxson, Mrs. Prudence; Parcel, Warren; Pike, Mrs. R. V.; Pike, Harriet; Pike, Ada; Pike, Luella; Pike, Ruth; Pike, Robert; Pike, Vernon.

Quakenbush, William; Quakenbush, Mrs. Delia.

Ramsay, John; Ramsay, Mrs. Maud; Ramsay, Elizabeth; Ramsay, Helen; Reighard, Mrs. Ruth; Reighard, Ronald; Reed, Alonzo. S
Senton, Mrs. Ed; Seyb, Mrs. Theodore; Seyb, Dillon; Sellars, Mrs. Logan; Sellars, Agnes; Smith, Mrs. Minnie; Snyder, Miss Marie; Spaulding, Rosella; Spaulding, Rollin; Stroud, Howard A.; Swinney, Dr. R. G.; Swinney, Mrs. Minnie; Stalker, Mrs. Anna; Shirkey, Miss Lucille; Sheraden, L. O.; Sheraden, Mrs. Laura.

Ulrich, Mrs. Maude.

Vastine, Mrs. Alice.

Wade, Miss Lois; Walker, I M.; Walker, Mrs. Elsie; Walker, Miss Mary; Ward, Mrs. V. W.; Ward, Miss Ella; Ward, Mrs. Will; Ward, Ray; Ward, Mrs. Ray; Ward, Mrs. Gail; Worley, Mrs. Alice; Wagner, A. M.; Wagner, Mrs. Nettie; Wagner, Vaudrey; Wallerick, Forrest; Westerbrook, Jennette.

Zook, J. C.; Zook, Mrs. J. C.

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Uploaded March 17, 2023.