Who pushed the screen over on Mr. C. at the Junior-Senior banquet? L. D., trying to balance a pencil behind his ear, finally succeeds, and looking up to Miss French for an approving smile, is told that it takes more than a lead pencil to look business-like.

Heard in biology: Warren L.— “Elephants use their trunks to make billiard balls.”

Miss B.— “Lyle, have you had the Latin word for ‘water’ yet?”
Lyle S.— “No; but we’ve had ‘lake.’”

A small, insignificant Sophomore affirmed that Miss Lee smiled at him for the first time while returning from the passenger depot Thursday night.

She also seems to uphold the doctrine “The longest way round is the sweetest way home.” Only an extraordinary circumstance could justify such unusual conduct.

John B. and Grey Daly, in Caesar class, expose their knowledge of ship loading by insisting that a rope is tied to the cattle’s horns and then the animal is swung over by means of a derrick.

Chas. T. (translating German)—“When we meet the first thing in the morning, where shall we go?”

L. D., feigning sickness in American History, gets permission to be excused. A little later he returns and makes such a brilliant recitation that his sickness was really doubtful.
The arithmetic class has discovered a new method of dismissal. When the class work gets tedious merely catch Miss French napping, then throw chalk at the bell.

May seventh, Anna R. is seen motoring around town and vicinity in a bright red auto. O, for such a friend!

“Sue T. (having heard that the track meet at Iowa City was not held, on account of the rain, said to Edna T.: “Wasn’t it too bad the rain spoiled the meet Saturday!”
E. T. – “Why, didn’t you have any meat for dinner?”

Lambert L. (translating in German the sentence, “Er gruszte das kind”)— “He greased the kid.”

“A point is a spot without any dimensions”— “Bud” D.

Who put the tack on the seat in the Science room?

Miss B. – “How do you get seeds for new beets?”
Frances McL. – “Why, you slice them, I guess.”

New Year Resolves

That, if I can’t get the “Million—Dollar Kid,” I’ll take any old fellow—Sue Trump.

That I will not giggle after death—Lavena Walker

That I will not take the last three—weeks’ work in Agriculture—Florence Christensen.

That I will not study so hard this year, for fear of graduating too young—Joe McGuire.