IAGenWeb Project

Johnson County Towns & Villages


The Tiffin Railroad Depot
Clear Creek Township
According to the History of Johnson County, IA 1836 - 1882:

The land on which the town is situated was a part of the farm belonging to Rolla Johnson, Esq., who named the town Tiffin, after Tiffin, Ohio, the city from which Mr. Johnson originally hailed. Mr. Johnson about this time sold his farm, and Tiffin interests passed into other hands.  Tiffin proper contained about 50 souls for its entire population.
The C. R. I. & P. R. R. was completed in 1860, but was of little practical benefit to the township, although passengers were let on and off trains at Copi, the township post-office, until Tiffin was laid out as a town.

According to "Before 52340:  A Place in Time,  The Tiffin Depot was destroyed in 1935 when the train jumped the tracks.
By 1882 -
Tiffin had one dry goods and grocery store, R. Morse, proprietor.
Hotel accommodations were at the Beam House.
Village blacksmiths were Messrs. Chas. Hubner and Antoine Colby.
Dr. Steele office in Tiffin dispensed drugs and medicines.
Mr. J. K. Snyder, carpenter, was also engaged in bee keeping. He commenced the year of 1882 with forty swarms; had doubled that number and secured over 3,000 pounds of strained honey, besides large quantities of honey in boxes. During the wet weather of spring 1882, he purchased buckwheat and gave it to farmers to plant on ground that had been inundated until the corn was killed. By September of that year, he was reaping a harvest of buckwheat honey.
Mrs. Rolla Johnson, near Tiffin, was also a large bee keeper, with considerable success. Also, Mr. S. J. Plymesser, Ed. Craig, J. R. Willis and others kept a large number of swarms for family use and generally had more than they could use. Mr. Craig had taken several premiums at county fairs on honey.
The largest business done in Tiffin was the lumber and grain business of Plymesser & Douglass, and the stock business of Wm. Wolfe.
In 1882 - Tiffin was the only post-office in Clear Creek township, and Bryan Dennis was the postmaster.
In 1882 - The Christian Chapel was located in a beautiful grove in Tiffin. The Grace Methodist Episcopal Church was on the state road, a few rods north of the town.
Tiffin News