*NOTE: the dates shown below reflect the date the news appeared in the newspaper. *
1 Oct 1918 - Horton Payne sends word to his friends that he is completely
recovered from an attack of influenza. He is stationed at the Great
Lakes Naval Training station. 6 Oct 1918 - Miss Elsie Hayek is steadily improving after an attack of influenza. 6 Oct 1918 - The afflicted members of the family of Mr and Mrs Dewey davis of Union township are all better this morning. 6
Oct 1918 - C. F. Robinson, electrician at the S. U. I. plant, is
recovering from his recent illness at his home on east Jefferson stret.
His son, Alfred, is also slightly better today. 8 Oct 1918 - Professor Percival Hunt is steadily improving after an attack of Spanish influenza. 9 Oct 1918 – Oxford – Peter Rourke returned home Thursday after being in the hospital several weeks. 10 Oct 1918 - Dr. W. M. Rohrbacher is improving at the Homeopathic hospital after an attack of influenza. 10
Oct 1918 - Attorney Henry G. Walker , Mrs. Walker and their daughter,
Gertrude are all improving after a siege of the prevailing epidemic. 12
Oct 1918 - W. L. Zager returned yesterday from Fort Riley where he
visited Bert Lewis who has been very ill of pneumonia following an
attack of influenza, and not appendicitis as was reported. Mrs. Lewis
remained at her son’s bed side and it is thought he is well on his way
to recovery. 12 Oct 1918 - Miss Eva Machovec of north Gilbert
Street continues to show a temperature above normal but shows no more
serious condition. 12 Oct 1918 - Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Rohrbacher are both improving at the Homeopathic hospital today. 12 Oct 1918 - Harold Harmon son of Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Harmon is much improved this morning after being ill
the past week. 12 Oct 1918 - William Felkner is improving today at his home on Kirkwood Avenue, after an attack of influenza. 12 Oct 1918 - Glenn Griffith of 414 Iowa Ave. is able to be out of the house today after a siege of illness. 15
Oct 1918 - Eugene Taylor, son of Mr. & Mrs. M. H. Taylor on East
Court street, has fully recovered from his recent illness and has been
released from the S.A.T.C. isolation hospital. 15 Oct 1918 - Dr. S. J. Smith is on the road to recovery from his recent illness. This is good news to his many friends. 15 Oct 1918 - Mrs. John T. Ries and son Edward are both much better at the family home on North Clinton Street. 15 Oct 1918 - Andrew Drews is another on the list who is decidedly better this morning after a siege of illness. 15
Oct 1918 - Catherine, the nine year old daughter of Geo. W. Dvorsky of
the Commercial bank who has been ill is doing very well in her fight
with illness. 15 Oct 1918 - Dr. J. G. Mueller is improving at his
home today. His pulse is better and the fever is down. His condition is
partly due to overwork. 16
Oct 1918 - C. F. Robinson, electrician at the S.U.I. plant, is
recovering from his recent illness at his home on east Jefferson
street. His son, Alfred, is also slightly better today. 16 Oct 1918 - The afflicted members of the family of Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Davis of Union township are all better this morning. 16 Oct 1918 - Miss Elsie Hayek is steadily improving after an attack of influenza. 15 Oct 1918 - Many inquiring friends will be glad to know that Dr. & Mrs. Rohrbacher are both decidedly better this morning. 17 Oct 1918 – Mr. Arthur Bates of the First National Bank is recovering from a severe attack of influenza. 17 Oct 1918 – M. J. McLaughlin after a serious battle with Spanish Influenza is recovering and will be around in a short time. 17 Oct 1918 – Hills – Mr. Chas. Knebel is able to carry mail again after his recent illness of influenza. 17
Oct 1918 – Hills – Dr. Fitzpatrick of Iowa City was a professional
caller at the Tom Brennan home. Several members of the family are sick,
Helen being the worst victim, having pneumonia, but is getting along
nicely at this time. 17 Oct 1918 – Miss Mariam Chase has recovered from an attack of the influenza. 17 Oct 1918 – Hills – Little Cleo Hall who has been sick is much improved at this writing. 17
Oct 1918 – Solon – Little Joe Zenishek is recovering after a severe
case of pneumonia and influenza. The little son of James Ham who has
been very ill is also much improved. 17 Oct 1918 Lester Amish is
recovering from a severe attack of Spanish Influenza. Mrs. Ansel is
back at her duties in Dean Kay’s office after a successful battle with
the influenza. 17 Oct 1918 Robert Luscombe, who has been ill with the influenza, for more than a week, has been growing better since yesterday. 17
Oct 1918 – Mrs. Louis Leighton (Loretta Wicks) is happily recovering
from an attack of the present epidemic which threatened to become
serious. 17 Oct 1918 – Earl Utterback who has been sick in bed for
near a week, with influenza, is out again today. Earl expected to have
reported at Fort Riley before this with the hospital corps, but will
not go now until he gains more strength. 17 Oct 1918 – Major Frank
Love, who had intended to leave for Fort Riley last Monday has been
detained on account of illness. He is somewhat improved today and hopes
to be able to join his hospital corps in the near future. 18 Oct 1918 – Kalona – Mrs. Theda Frederick has been a very sick woman for some time but is some better at this writing. 18
Oct 1918 – Cosgrove – Adam Scheetz is doing nicely after being confined
to his home the past week with Spanish plague but is doing nicely now.
He will soon be himself again we are glad to hear. 18 Oct 1918 –
Cosgrove – The many friends of Miss Helen Hofmann at Iowa City and
Cosgrove is convalescing nicely at her home and will soon be able to be
around again after a siege of unpleasant influenza. 18 Oct 1918 –
Cosgrove – Harvey Michaels family have also been unfortunate to fall
victims to the Spanish plague but are improving nicely now. 18 Oct 1918 – Wm Traska from near Kinross has pneumonia. He is reported better at this writing. 18
Oct 1918 – Miss Ella Brady is recovering after a ten days siege of
influenza. Miss Edith Sterba is also on the list of those recovering
from influenza. 18 Oct 1918 – Dr. Augustus is growing better from an attack of the influenza. 18
Oct 1918 – George H. Duker, Iowa City Shoe dealer, who has been very
low with pneumonia, is reported somewhat better this afternoon, at his
home on Iowa Avenue. 18 Oct 1918 – Albert Drews is much better today
after a severe illness. Mrs. Joseph Fuhrmann is very much
improved after a siege of illness. 18 Oct 1918 – Bruce Strain of the Louis Drug store is back at his post after a conquest of influenza. 18
Oct 1918 – Otto Eden writes to his home at Lone Tree from Camp Pike,
that he is gradually improving after a severe attack of pneumonia. 18
Oct 1918 – Monroe Twp. – Mr. & Mrs. Joe Feyerabend were Cedar
Rapids callers Friday. While there they called on Gladys Kucert who is
seriously ill with pneumonia. 18 Oct 1918 – Monroe Twp. – Miss
Blanche Halla, who has been working in Cedar Rapids, came home quite
ill Monday. She is some better at this writing. 18 Oct 1918 –
North Liberty – James E. Appera of the Farmers savings Bank is able to
be at his duties again after a serious attack of influenza. 18 Oct
1918 – North Liberty – A. J. Rup has gone to help care for his father,
who is quite sick at the home of Ms. Chas. Wolfe, who lives near
Wheatland. 19 Oct 1918 – Master Ralph Lind, three year old son of
Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Lind of 712 East Ronalds is suffering from
an attack of pneumonia. He is reported improved today. 19 Oct 1918 –
Mrs. M. D> Malone is recovering after a serious attack of influenza.
C. E> Graf, county agent, is also improving after an attack of the
influenza. 19 Oct 1918 – Mrs. Edward Donovan is recovering after a
serious attack of the influenza. Joseph Hutchinson has recovered from
influenza and is able to be about again. 19 Oct 1918 – Albert Drew, after a serious battle with pneumonia is reported to be improving. 19
Oct 1918 – Arthur Dryer, in a letter home to his relatives here states
that he is improving and has been transferred from the pneumonia ward
to the convalescent ward. He is stationed at Camp Merritt. 21 Oct
1918 - Mrs. Will Maresh has recovered from a pneumonia attack. Miss
Inez Hauser is recovering from an attack of the “flu”. Leo Chapek, on
North Lucas Street, has been seriously ill from pneumonia but is
recovering. Wilbur Wickham, son of E. F. Wickham has been seriously ill
from pneumonia but is now out of danger. 21 Oct 1918 - Miss Cora
Richards is back at her post in the Alumni Bureau office after a
protracted struggle with influenza. Albert Drews is recovering from his
recent illness in a very encouraging manner at his home, 617 E. Brown
Street. Mr. Charles Secrest expects to be back at his place of business
with in a short time. He is making a good recovery after a struggle
with influenza. 21 Oct 1918 - The Albert Zager family of Sharon
Township is now recovering from a battle with influenza. Mr. Zager,
being the only member of the family who escaped. 21 Oct 1918 -
Mrs. Chas. Messner, of Keokuk Avenue is now recovering nicely from a
serious case of pneumonia which was complicated ten days ago by the
arrival of a baby daughter. The family of Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Davis
who have all been ill are now on their way to complete recovery. 23 Oct 1918 – Western - Emma Potter has been sick but has improved. 23 Oct 1918 - The Bleeker children who have been ill are all improving. 23 Oct 1918 - The sick at the home of John Sueppel are all much better. 23 Oct 1918 - Miss Maude Wieland is improving today after an attack of influenza. 23
Oct 1918 - Miss Edna Hauser, is now out of danger, after being ill with
pneumonia. Her sister, Miss INez is now on the list of those who are
able to sit up. 23 Oct 1918 - Miss Anna B. Robinson has fully
recovered from the attack of influenza which kept her away from her
work in the home economics department. 23 Oct 1918 - Miss Maude Lane
who teaches in the University hospital school has returned to her work
after a week's illness with influenza. 23 Oct 1918 - Edward Ries
is able to be at his post of duty at the Iowa Book Store. His mother
Mrs. J. T. Ries is slowly improving at her home on north Clinton street. 23
Oct 1918 - Friends of Albert Drews will be glad to know that he is
gradually recovering from his illness, and is now able to sit up and
take light nourishment. 23 Oct 1918 - County Agent C.E. Graff has recovered from an attack of influenza and is on duty again. 23 Oct 1918 - Miss Anna Casey is steadily improving after being ill with laryngitis, influenza and pneumonia. 24 Oct 1918 - Miss Helen Seemuth is recovering after a two weeks illness of the Spanish Influenza. 24
Oct 1918 - Miss Caroline Vogt is much improved at her home on Brown
Street after a protracted siege of influenza. Mr. Irving Bolts Company
M.S. A.T.C. has recovered from the influenza and is able to be about
again. 24 Oct 1918 - Miss Elsie Hayek is gradually improving at the
home of her parents after suffering with influenza the past two weeks.
Mrs. Irving Burnette of E. Market Street was out in the sunshine for
the first time since she became ill with the “flu” about four weeks
ago. Dr. & Mrs. W. H. Rohrbacker have both left the hospital
a few days ago and are gradually regaining strength after a battle with
influenza. 28 Oct 1918 - Mary Maher has been home from school on account of sickness for some time. She is better at present. 28
Oct 1918 - Jerry Aker’s whole family have been very sick the past two
weeks with influenza. Most of them are around again. 31 Oct 1918 - John Shrader is out of the hospital after a fortnight’s siege of isolation on account of influenza. 31 Oct 1918 - Miss
Edith Sterva, a reliable member of the Iowa Telephone company’s staff,
after a siege of influenza, has again taken up her duties with the
company. 31 Oct 1918 - Miss Iva Hayes, superintendent of the Iowa University’s
Homeopathic Nurses’ Training school, has had a battle with the
influenza, and is steadily improving. 31 Oct 1918 - Eula Fackler’s
condition remains practically the same today. She has been ill for some
days at the family home, 11 West Burlington Street. The elder daughter
of the family and her husband are both better today.
 Iowa City Press Citizen, 30 Oct 1918 |

Iowa City Press Citizen, 30 Oct 1918
HOW TO AVOID THE INFLUENZA GERM A competent medical authority gives
the following: "With an atomizer spray the nose and throat daily with a
mild antiseptic and alkaline solution, obtainable at any drug store.
Eat and rest regularly. Do not overdo. Have plenty of fresh air in the
sleeping room. If you have a cold be careful to use your handkerchief
when coughing or sneezing or wear a face mask, to avoid possible spread
of the disease germs."
Iowa City Press Citizen, 8 Oct 1918 |
Nov 1918 - Miss Minnie Boarts has recovered from her recent illness,
which has prevented her from leaving her home the past week. 2 Nov
1918 – Sharon Center – Mr. & Mrs. Fred Meer are the happy parents
of twin girls, born last week. Mrs. Meer who had a touch of the
influenza is improving nicely. 5
Nov 1918 - Hardin Sheldrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Sheldrick, and a
member of Dr. Frank L. Love's hospital corps at Ft. Riley, is much
better according to a message received by his father, Saturday evening.
His mother went to Ft. Riley last Friday after receiving a message that
their son was ill with pneumonia following influenza. 6 Nov 1918 Out of Hospital After Serious Illness George
A. Herring, son of Mr. & Mrs. William C Herring writes from France
saying that he is out of the hospital again after a serious battle with
the Spanish Influenza and is as well and happy as ever. He was on the
same ship that the late Albert Bogs sailed from the United States on. 6 Nov 1918 - Ralph Puckett is much better today at the homeopathic hospital, after battling with an attack of influenza. 6 Nov 1918 - Miss Helen Brennan is improving after a severe attack of influenza. 7 Nov 1918 – Joe Serbousek who has been seriously ill with pneumonia is reported better at this writing. 7 Nov 1918 - SOLON - Glen Fredrick is slowly recovering after being seriously ill with the "flu". 9
Nov 1918 – Mr. Ralph Thomason is improving daily at the emergency
hospital after a siege with influenza. His wife and little son Edward
Walter are likewise convalescing at their home on Kirkwood Avenue. 13
Nov 1918 - (Jefferson Twp.) The following influenza sufferers seem
generally to be on the grade of convalescence and improvement:
- Mr.
& Mrs. Lester Sword, who have both been down, are better, though
the latter is still at the old home on the Swisher Road.
- ernest
Cole, who has been quite sick, is improving and has had his father and
mother with him from the state of Missouri. Doubtless the coming of the
parents cheered the young man and aided the return to health.
- Arthur
Eaton of Western, who has had quite a protracted attack is reported on
the road to recovery, something that his friends will be very glad to
hear, it being so long since he was first taken ill.
- James Bowersox is also better.
14 Dec 1918 – Fred Stinner has fully recovered from a long siege of influenza. 14
Dec 1918 – Mrs. C. P. Evans and Miss Arthetta Ruth Evans, 526 south
Dubuque Street are convalescing nicely after their ten days siege with
influenza. 14 Dec 1918 – Carl Lillick is rapidly recovering from an attack of influenza and will soon be able to be out. 15
Nov 1918 - Miss Ruth Daggett has returned from Ottumwa whither she was
called by the illness of mother and sister. The latter has been very
serious ill with pneumonia, but happily is now convalescing. 16
Nov 1918 – Donald Price who has been confined to his home by illness,
is steadily recovering and will soon be able to be about as usual. 16 Nov 1918 – Mr. Will Coast who has been ill with influenza since Wednesday evening is making splendid recovery. 19 Nov 1918 – Miss Florence Smith is recovering from a serious attack of the Spanish influenza. 20 Nov 1918 – Miss Clara Abernathy is recovering from a brief illness. 20 Nov 1918 – Fred Chensky of east Church Street is recovering from a two week’s battle with influenza. 20 Nov 1918 – Donald Price has fully recovered from his recent illness, and is down town for the first time today. 20
Nov 1918 – Miss Marguerite Scheetz of Davenport is recuperating at her
home the past week after a battle with influenza the past three weeks. 22 Nov 1918 – Mr. Geo. Cook of Oxford has been able to return to his home after many weeks of illness at a local hospital. 22 Nov 1918 – J. E. Reizenstein is improving after a battle with influenza and is now able to sit up part of the time. 22
Nov 1918 – Hills – Word was received here from Rev. L. Kottenstette,
who is ill at Mercy hospital, Iowa City, stating he is improving nicely
and it is hoped by the people that he will soon be able to return home
again soon. 22 Nov 1918 – Hills – Mrs. Abbey who has been on the sick list the past few weeks is able to be up and around again. 22
Nov 1918 – Hills – Mr. Joe McLaughlin received word last Friday from
his brother Jim at Camp Dodge, Des Moines, that he was quite ill not
yet being fully recovered from the flu, having several relapses but
latest reports that he is some better and will be mustered out to come
home as soon as he will be able to be up and around again. 22 Nov
1918 – Hills – Mrs. Francis Grass of Iowa City is still at the Alex
Gringer home west of town to help care for the sick ones there but now
all are reported as getting along fine although they were all quite ill
with the flu. 23 Nov 1918 – W. H. Bailey has recovered from the influenza and is now in his office part of the time. 23 Nov 1918 – Mr. Ed Slavata and wife and baby are much better at their home on Rochester road. 23
Nov 1918 – Miss Rosemary Black of 62? Bowery was able to be down for
the first time Friday after a severe illness from influenza and
pneumonia. 24
Nov 1918 – Donald Wieder, the little son of Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Wieder
is recovering after a serious battle with Spanish Influenza. 30
Nov 1918 – Mrs. W. O. L. Brown and her mother, Mrs. Jas. Inman of
Webster City who is her guest, are both improving after recent illness.
30 Nov 1918 – Mrs. Newsome of North English was called to Iowa City
on account of serious illness of her son, Philip of the S.A.T.C. The
young man’s condition has improved however. 30 Nov 1918 – Master
Halsey Klingaman youngest son of Prof. O.E. Klingaman was moved to his
home today from the university hospital where he has been most gravely
ill of pneumonia. Friends of the family will rejoice that he is on the
road to recovery after so serious an illness.

Iowa City Press Citizen, 27 Nov 1918 |
 Iowa City Press Citizen, 14 Nov 1918 |
 Iowa City Press Citizen, 12 Oct 1918 |
4 Dec 1918 -
Henry Louis, who was called to Seattle, Wash. about two weeks ago, by
the serious illness of his daughter, Nina and her husband, is expected
to arrive in Iowa City this evening. The daughter and son in law have
made a complete recovery from the dread pneumonia and the former is
accompanying her father on the return trip. They left Seattle Sunday. 6
Dec 1918 – Hills - Rev. F. Kottenstette returned home Monday evening
from Mercy hospital in Iowa City after a fifteen day stay there with
the influenza. We are all glad to welcome him home again. 6 Dec 1918 – Hills – Our barber, Dean Amish, is up and around again after his recent illness with the flu. 6 Dec 1918 - Roy Hill of the firm of Hill & Hicks who has been ill at his home is greatly improved today. 6
Dec 1918 - Frank Pomeroy of Grandrath's grocery who has been ill with
indigestion for the past few days is recovering and will be able to
return to his duties in a few days now. 6 Dec 1918 - Mr. & Mrs.
Frank B. Caraway have recovered from the prevailing epidemic at their
home in Seattle. Mrs. Caraway's father, Henry Louis, who went thither,
is now on the homeward journey accompanied by his daughter, who will
visit at the home of her parents in Iowa City. 6 Dec 1918 - Miss Lydia Edwards of South Governor street is steadily imrpving after an attack of influenza. 6 Dec 1918 - Mrs. Etta Edwards of Coralville, is getting along nicely, after being ill for a few days with influenza. 6 Dec 1918 - John Voparil has recovered after a two weeks siege of the Spanish influenza and is able to be at his work again. 09
Dec 1918 - Mrs. H. R. Moor is recovering nicely from the flu and her
shampooing parlors will be open for business after Jan 1st. 10 Dec 1918 – Ira Albright has recovered from a two weeks siege of the Spanish influenza. 10 Dec 1918 – Miss Agnes Brum is improving after a serious battle with the Spanish influenza. 10 Dec 1918 – Mrs. J. C. Watkins is improving after a recent illness and is able to be around again. 10 Dec 1918 – Miss Helen Langworthy is able to take up her school work again after a week’s illness. 10 Dec 1918 – Miss Mildred Morey has recovered from the influenza and is able to attend school again. 10 Dec 1918 – Mr. & Mrs. R. L. Dunlap and daughter Muriel, are all improving after being ill with influenza. 10 Dec 1918 – Miss Dorothy Lillick is recovering after a recent siege of the influenza. 10 Dec 1918 – Mr. & Mrs. Grover Watson are both recovering after an attack of influenza. 10 Dec 1918 – Solomon Simpson is recovering from the Spanish Influenza and is able to be around again. 10
Dec 1918 – Miss Irene Linder has recovered from the Spanish Influenza.
Her sister, Helen is improving but is not able to be around yet. 10
Dec 1918 – Roy Hill, who was taken to the Homeopathic hospital
yesterday seriously ill with pneumonia is reported much improved today. 10
Dec 1918 – The two children of Mr. & Mrs. Louis Schump, who
have been ill with influenza, are now recovering. Mrs. Schump has also
been afflicted with the same disease. 10 Dec 1918 – Stanley C.
Thomas, son of Mrs. C. H. Thomas of Iowa City, who is a member of the
naval section of the S.A.T.C. has been in the university hospital since
October 1 with pneumonia and has improved sufficiently to be up and out
of bed. His many friends will be glad to hear of his recovery. 11 Dec 1918 – Mr. & Mrs. Will Kulhavy have fully recovered after being sick with the “Flu”. 11
Dec 1918 – Miss Clairs of Cedar Rapids, who has been attending at the
bedside of Joe Servonek for six weeks, and who is now fully recovered,
went to nurse Frank Skalla who is very ill with the same disease of
double pneumonia. 11 Dec 1918 – Miss Vera Koser of Coralville is recovering from a serous attack of the Spanish influenza. 11
Dec 1918 – Margaret Schindhelm of the registrar’s office staff who has
been ill with pneumonia is greatly improved at this time. 11 Dec
1918 – Mrs. A. D. Means on south Johnson street who has been very ill
with bronchial pneumonia is somewhat improved today. 11 Dec 1918 –
The condition of Miss Lorena Nelson, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Earl
Nelson of Fairview Avenue has improved since yesterday, but she is not
able to be around yet. 12 Dec 1918 – Friends of Gilbert Meyers
will be pleased to hear that his health is rapidly improving at Oakdale
and that he expects to return home soon. 12 Dec 1918 – Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Robinson
of east College Street have both recovered from influenza, and Mr.
Robinson is down town as usual. 12 Dec 1918 – Dr. C. S. Grant is
recovering from an infected face and Mrs. Grant has recovered from an
attack of influenza. Both will be out in a few days. 12 Dec 1918 –
C. J. Garnett, formerly of Chicago, who is now in the service was
called here from Paris Island, S. C. on account of the illness of his
brother, Glenn Garnett, of the West Side. The former was detached from
the 25th regiment and is in Iowa City on a fifteen day furlough after
which he expects to return to Paris Island. His brother Glenn is now
recovering from an attack of pneumonia. 12 Dec 1918 – Mrs. John Voss is improving nicely after a week’s attack of influenza. 12 Dec 1918 – Ellen Hughes has recovered after a two week’s illness with the influenza. 12 Dec 1918 – Lillian Ten Eyck has recovered from an attack of flu and is back in school. 12 Dec 1918 – Harriet Franker has recovered from a week’s illness with the influenza 12 Dec 1918 – Ann Rock of the registrar office staff is now rapidly recovering from pneumonia. 12 Dec 1918 – George Brum has recovered from a recent attack of influenza and is able to be around again. 12 Dec 1918 - Miss Agnes Brum has recovered from a recent siege of the flu and is able to be back at school again. 12 Dec 1918 – Mrs. Clarence Johnson and children of Coralville are recovering from an attack of the Spanish Influenza. 12
Dec 1918 – Miss Marckle an instructor in the French department at the
university is able to attend classes after a week’s illness. 12 Dec 1918 – Miss Mary McLaughlin is improving after an attack of influenza but she is not able to attend school as yet. 12
Dec 1918 – Gertrude Bauhm has recovered fully from an attack of Spanish
flu and is back at her post in the office of the dental supply company. 13 Dec 1918 – Mrs. Roy Hill is improving after a week’s illness with influenza. 13 Dec 1918 – Miss Mildred Morey is able to be around again after a recent illness. 13 Dec 1918 – Mrs. Clarence Johnson is improving after a siege of the influenza. 13 Dec 1918 – Mrs. J. J. Lorack on south Clinton Street has recovered after a recent attack on influenza. 13 Dec 1918 – Grover Watson continues to improve at his home on South Lucas Street after a recent illness. 13 Dec 1918 – D. L. Hoover is making a rapid recovery from influenza according to late reports from his home. 13 Dec 1918 – Miss Mary McLaughlin has recovered from a recent illness and is able to attend school again. 13 Dec 1918 – Mildred Whitcomb of the Daily Iowan staff is back at her post after a serious illness with the influenza. 16
Dec 1918 - A. J. Feeney, secretary of the Iowa City Produce Co. is
making a rapid recovery at his home after a recent illness. 17 Dec 1918 - Miss Olem Burger is improving after a recent illness but as yet she is not able to be around again. 17 Dec 1918 - Miss Geneva Pillars is improving after a battle with influenza, although she has not fully recovered yet. 17 Dec 1918 - Miss Marie Phillips is improving after a recent siege of the influenza but is not able to attend school yet. 17 Dec 1918 - Miss Helen Langworthy has recovered after a recent attack of influenza and has resumed her school work again. 17 Dec 1918 - Vera Koser is recovering after a recent siege of the influenza. 17 Dec 1918 - Miss Inez Pillars has recovered after a recent attack of influenza. 17 Dec 1918 - Barney Dondore is now fully recovered from a recent illness of influenza. 17
Dec 1918 – Mrs. L. J. Benda is expected home from Riverside tomorrow
where she has been in attendance upon her daughter, Mrs. Ray Cummins,
whose condition is now greatly improved. Mrs. Cummins has been ill for
the past week with influenza. 17 Dec 1918 – The Iowa City friends
of Mr. Jas. Wallbank will be pleased to learn of his continued
improvement. Mr. Wallbank is a prominent clothing merchant of Mt.
Pleasant, Ia., and has been in the care of Dr. Dean. He is making his
home temporarily at the Hotel Jefferson after spending a few weeks at
Mercy hospital. 18 Dec 1918 – Sam J. Gibison has now fully recovered from a recent illness. 18 Dec 1918 – Miss Emma Watkins has recovered from a recent attack of influenza but is not able to be around yet. 19
Dec 1918 - Mrs. LeRoy Mercer is improving at Waverly, Iowa where
she was taken ill with pneumonia recently while visiting friends. Mr.
Mercer expects to leave Friday for Waverly to spend the Xmas holidays. 19
Dec 1918 - Hoyt Bonham spent about a week at home being down with
influenza. He has entirely recovered and has gone back to his school
work at business college in Iowa City. 19 Dec 1918 - Miss Lizzie
Dickel had a siege of influenza but she is better now and is engaged
again in nursing. She is at present at the Geo. Swartzendruber home
where they are all sick. 20 Dec 1918 – Irene Ross of the Iowa City high school is now recovering from a three weeks siege of influenza. 21 Dec 1918 – Mrs. H. H. Matt is slowly improving from a severe attack of influenza at her home on north Capital Street. 24 Dec 1918 – Hills – Miss Evelyn Dietsch resumed her work at the Roy Bulechek house after a two weeks illness of the flu. 24
Dec 1918 – Hills – Miss Lauretta Draker returned home last Friday from
the Joe Eisenhoffer home partly recovered from the flu, she having been
quite ill but friends are glad she is thus able to return home. 24 Dec
1918 – Mr. Roy Hardy returned Saturday evening from South English
having been called there by the death of his niece and nephew, Mr.
& Mrs. Thomas, who died with pneumonia following the flu. 24 Dec 1918 – Miss Lucette Weyerman who has been nursing flu cases for several weeks left Friday for John L. Adams at Solon. 24 Dec 1918 – Mrs. John Lacher who has been sick with the flu for the past two weeks is able to be up again. 24
Dec 1918 – MORSE - Agnes Wanick has been very low with the flu
followed by pleurisy and then pneumonia. Her life was despaired of but
we are glad to say that she seemed a little better at the present. She
is a sister of James Wanick who died about a week ago. 26 Dec 1918 - George Hitchcock is ill at his home on Iowa avenue. 26 Dec 1918 –
Coralville – Mrs. Gaunt has returned from the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Delos Francis south of Iowa City. She helped nurse the family
through an attack of the influenza. 26 Dec 1918 – Coralville – Mrs.
John Williams, north of town, is recovering from several weeks’ illness
which began with the influenza. 26 Dec 1918 – The teacher who opened
school in District No. 8 was taken ill with the flu and has returned to
her home in Muscatine. She notified the board she would not return to
reopen the school. 27 Dec 1918 - Miss Emma Watkins of University Elementary school is slowly improving after a serious attack of influenza. 31 Dec 1918 – Cecil Ewen has now completely recovered from a recent illness.
city board of health last night held a short session and after
considering the influenza situation passed a resolution allowing pool
halls to operate under supervision of the mayor and health physician.
Another meeting will be held Friday, Dec 13.
Iowa City Press Citizen, 10 Dec 1918 |
The 1918 flu was known as the Spanish Flu because Spanish newspapers were one of the first to openly report high rates of flu.
 Iowa City Press Citizen, 6 Dec 1918 |
Source: Iowa City Press Citizen