Washington Township Rural School House News
| The Country Schools Attendence Report for Prairie Dale School House Report
of Prairie Dale School, District no. 7, Washington township, for three
months ending July 11, 1879. No. of scholars enrolled: 20 School Attendees:
Sherman C. Snider | Josiah T. Snider | Delia A. Snider | George N. Smith | Ernest Fenstermaker | Charlie Somers | Ella S. Rogers | Annie Miller | Susie Brenneman | Mary Leibig | Olive I Snider | | | | | Rural School Notes Happenings in Many Rural Schools of Johnson County
Nos. 8 and 9, Washington Township, new school buildings have been
erected of which the districts may well feel proud. The one in No. 8 is
a modern building in every respect with slate blackboard and furnace
heat. Link Shaver andother patrons have helped with the building,
hauling and grading, and have thus secured at reasonable figures one of
the best rural school buildings in the state of Iowa. (Source: Iowa City Press-Citizen, Oct 6, 1900, pg. 1)
Washington Township School Houses
# 1 Brush in Section 12 (located near Amish) # 2 Oakland in Section 3 # 3 Woodland in Section 7 # 4 Hickory Grove in Section 19 # 5 Center in Section 21 # 6 Lincoln or West Lincoln in Section 23 # 7 Prairie Dale in Section 26 # 8 Unknown in Section 27 # 9 Pacific in Section 31