There is but one school district in Clear Creek township and six sub-districts.
first school house built in Clear Creek Township was on land donated by
Isom Haller from his farm. The building was constructed of logs from a
building claim vacated by J. J. Shephardson; the work being done by
Bryan Dennis, S. Huston, C. Evans, Ebenezer Douglass, Virgil Lancaster,
J. D. McConnell, J. J Shepardson, and others.
The first school
house in the eastern part of the township was where Mr. A. Gilliland
built a frame for a granary……and he and Mr. J. N. Headly hired a young
lady named Cynthia Wooster to teach a school in it, paying her $1.50
per week and board. Others sent children, paying their
proportion, but the lady took sick and returned to Iowa City before her
school (year) was finished.
The first school house in the west
end of the township was built on the hill opposite where J. C. Hamilton
lived. The school was taught by Samuel Dilley, at $12 per month.
Source: History of Johnson County 1836-1882, pg. 607
Clear Creek Township School Houses
# 1 Oakdale in Section 35 # 2 Tiffin # 3 Oak Hill in Section 30 # 4 Sand Hill in Section 28 # 5 ? in Section 23 #6 ? in Section 31
| In 1842 James Douglas, in the Clear Creek Settlement, gave a part of his house for use as a school. Source: Johnson County History, Iowa by the Iowa Writers' Program, Chap. 10, pg. 68
School District Maps in 2009 (click images to enlarge)
Map credit: Johnson County Auditor
Data gathered as a result of the Johnson County Schools Project