The Newtonia

Class of 1940

Seniors 1 Seniors 2 Seniors 3 Seniors 4 Seniors 5
Row 1Row 1Row 1Row 1Row 1
Lewis Achtemeier George Christen Norma Lee Elliott Betty Irene Hart Wayne Kithcart
Donald Ackelson Ray Christen Frances Ellsworth Dorothy M. Hauptly Clifford Klein
Arthur L. Adams Opal M. Clement Marguerita Ettelson Verland Helberg Merriem Kling
Duane Antle Theodore Norman Clouse Miriam Evans Wayne E. Hesson Virginia Knox
Row 2Row 2Row 2Row 2Row 2
Robert I. Arbs Margaret Cocks Eldon E. Fales William Hickey Raymond Koger
Joe Arvidson Roberta Cole Carroll Fane Gordon Roy Hickman Leo Koppin
Carl Henry Backus, Jr. Dudly Combs Robert Farrell R ay Hickman Juanita A. Krieger
Wayne Leslie Bagnall Wayne B. Conwell Shirley Fenner Eleanor Louise Hill Leo Lane
Row 3Row 3Row 3Row 3Row 3
Mazda E. Bailey Lillian Mae Cooper Kathryn M. Fisher Dale Hodgson Betty L. Law
Martha Baldwin George Rex Cowdery, Jr. Sam Fleming Luella Mae Hood Harold E. Lawton
Burdette W. Barnes Marjorie Crane Wanda Flor Irene Hotger Glyndin Layton
Clyde C. Bayse Edith Mary Daniels Norma Jeanne Fryer Mary Ellen Hughes William L. Leaning
Row 4Row 4Row 4Row 4Row 4
Beatrice Bell Hubert W yron Davidson Lucille A. GearhartElsie Marie Illingworth Barthal W. Lightfoot
Ben Berg Betty Mae Davis Martha Gettleson Shirley Irwin Ray Limbrec ht
Wilbur Wayne Beukema Doris Davis Marie Charlotte Gonzolez Virginia Iske Dorothy Logsdon
Dorothy Birkenholtz Willis DeCamp Rosaura M. Gonzalez Atanacio Joseph Jimenez George Logsdon
Row 5Row 5Row 5Row 5Row 5
Robert D. Bradt Betty Ann Decker Wilma Elizabeth Grace Cecelia Johnson Lois Jean Long
Mary Brisel June Anita Decker Gerald Graham Doris June Johnson Charles P. Luscombe
Virginia L. Broadston Bette Arlene Dennis Edna Rose Green Florence Johnson Virginia McCall
Ragan Brock Catherine Ann Di ckinson Betty Gross Don E. Jones James R. McClean
Row 6Row 6Row 6Row 6Row 6
Wanda Belle Brodersen Betty Jane Dissinger Jack Edward Gross Eugene Jones Boneta McDaniel
Esther Brom Delmar Doty Wilma Grunhaupt Harlene Jones Helen J. McDaniel
Jane Brugger Don L. Drake Erma J. Gullette Cleora June Jordan Paul B. McDermott
Donald Callison Delores Dunning Marcella R. H arness Roberta Lucille Jordan Virginia McGriff
Row 7Row 7Row 7Row 7Row 7
Margaret Campbell Winifred Eckey Jean Harper Earl D. Jorgensen James McNew
John Cannon H. Edwin Elnor Charles R. Harrington Elsa Mae Keeler Howard McVay
Marjorie C. Cass Margaret Eilert Alta Marie Harris Margaret Rose Kimmel Clarice McWhirter
Jeanne Chapman Helen R. Eldridge Fern L. Harri s Boyd F. Kirkman David Mahl
Seniors 6 Seniors 7 Seniors 8 Seniors 9  
Row 1Row 1Row 1Row 1  
Cloris Marion Eugene Richardson Frank Taylor Wendall E. Woods  
Marcella L. Masters Ralph G. Ringgenberg, Jr. William Terpstra Agnes Marie Wurdeman
Maurice E. Masters Ralph W. Rivers Homer W. Tharp Gearold Wyatt
Gordon Mean James C. Roush Evalyn E. Thornton H elen Virginia Wyatt
Row 2Row 2Row 2 Row 2  
Cyril J. Messenger Raymond Kelly Rucker Gwendolyn Fay Thornton Keith York
Ed Mickle Virgil M. Rudloff Helen Carlene Towsend George W. Young
Barbara Jean Miller Amy N. Samuels Francis A. Townsend
J. R. Miller Edanelle Saunders Donald M. Trent
Row 3Row 3Row 3 Senior Class Officers  
Louise Morgan Helen Irene Scheel Robert Trevethan Senior Ballot
Othella Letty Mullenberg Robert W. Schnathorst James Utterback
Lowell Ernest Munger Marjorie Schnug Margaret Van Baren
Phyllis Ann Nelson Alice Scofield Naomi Van Baren
Row 4Row 4Row 4
Adeline E. Neufarth Robert Shankland William Van Epps
Gwendolyn Newquist Roseva Shaver Nadine Vermillion
Carolyn Louise Osten Lucille Shelley Lyle Waddell
Imogene Stella Osten Fred Shenton Robert Hugh Walker
Row 5Row 5Row 5
Jack V. Paschal Anna Maxine Sherrick Ralph Westwood
Doris J. Paul Janice Shriver Helen White
Margaret A. Payne Wilma Ann Simpson Dean williams
Melvin Payne Seward Sims Jane Wilson
Row 6Row 6Row 6
Hubert M. Perryman Mary M. Smith Lola Maxine Wilson
Zane Peterson Ruby Irene Snoon Mary C. Wilson
Paul James Park Wanda M. Snook Opal L. Wilson
Calleta Louise Pringle Daryl L. Spencer Wesley Wilson
Row 7Row 7Row 7
Robert Pritchard June Spillers Arlene Eleanor Winters
H. Beatrice Pyle Robert Stow Lavonne Wise
Patricia Quinn Genevieve swisher Lois Woodcock
Gerald Rabourn Carroll Talbot Mary Kathryn Woodrow

Administration and Faculty

Cover Administration Faculty Faculty Faculty
Inside Cover B. C. Berg, Superintendent R. E. Aanestad Opal Munger Robrert H. Henry
H. A. Lynn, Principal M. Reid Boyle N. G. Griffith Charles J. Mackey
Gertrude Beard Hesther Douthart Alice Mead
Charity Brom Cliford E. Gullette Catherine Orwick
Vest Beard Bernie Eastburn John F. McMillan
Florence Brown Elizabeth Emerson Adelaide Pajari
Bernadine D. Burge Florence Cooper Aleta J. Malmberg
Walter E. Brown George A. Hansu ld Mrs. Winnie M. Palmer
Mrs. Edna Bestor Beverly Hesse Mae L. Manning
A. Eugene Burton Delma E. Harding Neva Petersen
Mae R. Campbell Pauling Franklin James A. Moninger
Van Dyke Clingman B. Franklin Hull Illa Podendorf
Eunice Blackburn Ray L. Gaylor
Jeanette Collins A. I. Hunt
Faculty Faculty
Elizabeth Pollock Beatrice Strieby
Esther Saupe Mrs. Ruth H. Widmer
Hildred Potwin Robert H. Wick      
Marjorie Smith Faye Wilkinson      
Kathyrene Ramsey Velma Warner    
Marian Speake Helen Bishop      
C. G. Sykes      
Mrs. Ila Mae Talley Board of Education      
Alice Reed N. E. Molleck      
Adele Weiser Lela Bishop      
Delinda Roggensack Mrs. P. L. Stow      
Hortense Wells C. A. Peck      
Arthur E. Rust A. E. Sterling      
Alice Wheeler Homer w. Dennison