The Newtonia

Class of 1939

SeniorsSeniors Seniors Seniors Seniors
Row 1Row 1 Row 1 Row 1 Row 1
Helen Acklin Ruth Bowers Homer Davidson Mary Germann Merle Johnson
Jeanne Ainsworth Donald Breckenridge Lena Davidson Ruthe Gidley Norman Karr
Max A. Albee Miriam Broderick Billy Davis Betty Goforth Betty Keith
William Albee Wayne Brown Keith Davis Clark Gooding Geraldine Keith
Row 2 Row 2 Row 2 Row 2 Row 2
Clarice Aldridge Raymond Bunker Kenneth Davis Betty Graham Kathleen Keith
Elaine Anderson Robert Bunz Merlin Decker Dwayne Gray Merna Kennedy
Betty Arbs Doris Bussey Charles Doane Donald Greene Ray Kennedy
Harry Atwood Lois Butin Max Dodge Ruth Gross Bill Kimler
Row 3 Row 3 Row 3 Row 3 Row 3
John Auten Russell Byerley Geraldene Dunning Robert Ham William Kincebach
Edwin Bailey Floyd Carleyh Warren Earnest Carolyn Hammerly Mabel Kingry
Lois Baldwin B. F.Carlson Clarence Eaton Joan Hammerly Doris Kilin
George Banks Cecil Carpenter Doris Eaton Lester Hardenbrook Lynn Kleinendorst
Row 4 Row 4 Row 4 Row 4 Row 4
Kathryn Banks Clyde Cavitt Duward Eaton Donald Hasselbrink Donald Kling
Walter Barrett Carlton Chriss Robert Eden Willaam Henderson George Kling
Jean Barton Dean Chriss Laverne Edgeton Doris Hendricks Nada Klopping
Lorraine Baty William Cobbs Lana Bess Efnor Freda Henning Shirlie Klopping
Row 5 Row 5 Row 5 Row 5 Row 5
Jean Beckham Robert Cole Earl Ellsworth Vernon Hodgson Dorothy Kohloff
Dorothy M. Beitel Bette Cooper Bette Eslcott Marieta Hoyt John Kolfschoten
Earl Bell Jackson L. Cooper Edwin Ergenbright Peary Hoyt Nadine Kreager
Eileen Bell Paul Cooper Rebecca Evans Teleen Hughes Clair Lackey
Row 6 Row 6 Row 6 Row 6 Row 6
Helen Benjamin Ruby Irene Cooper Dean Fahrney Bertha Hummel Curtis Lamb
Charlotte Bennett Betty Craig Marjorie Farland Thomas Hummel Shirley Lambert
Bernice Benskin Elizabeth Cramer Lyle Ferguson Carroll Irwin Irene Land
Marjorie Bestor Jessie Cross Betty Finch Keith Iske Lloyd Lester
Row 7 Row 7 Row 7 Row 7 Row 7
Helen Beukema Twyla Culberton Robert Finn Marjorie Iske Mildred Lewellen
Ruth Ruth Birkenholtz John Cumming Margaret Galuska Nadine James Enes Linari
Glenn Bishop Barbara Cuthbert James Gardner Virginia Jenson Malcom Livengood
Nadine Bixby Karl Dammeier Jack Gerhart Lorna Johnson Marcia Livingston
Seniors Seniors Seniors Seniors Seniors
Row 1Row 1Row 1Row 1Row 1
Junior Long Junella Morris Donald Rollstin Maxine Still Iris Whittaker
Dean Lynch Jean Mudd Walter Rosenburrough William Swisher Philip Wilcox
Charles Lynn Betty Murphy Mary Ross Theadore Thomas Kendall Wilson
Arlene McConeghey Eldon Mustard Herbert Roush Irene Thomason Shirley Wilson
Row 2 Row 2 Row 2 Row 2 Row 2
Harold McConeghey Robert Nelson Maynard Roush Ivor Thomason Harriet Woodrow
Mary Alice McConeghey Edith Norris Clark Rouze Donald Thompson Walter Woodrow
Muriel McConeghey Margaret Ogden Lura Beth Russell Dorothy Thompson Evelyn Wollard
Ruth McConeghey Chester Olsen Virginia Rutledge Roderick Thornton Hazel Wormleyt
Row 3 Row 3 Row 3 Row 3 Row 3
Marion McDaniel Carmen Olson Pauline Sarvis Leo Thurman -
Mardelle McGregor Nola Osten Louis Schaumburg Helen Tillson Marjorie Wormley
Wayne McIlrath James Owens Inez Schrader Maxine Toye Lois Zirbel
Sara McKibbin Sylvia Owens Ruby Schrader Leland Tratchel
Row 4 Row 4 Row 4 Row 4 Senior Class Officers
Catherine McMasters Neenah Paris Gladys Schumann Morris Trout Senior Ballot
Jack Madin Robert Pauls Shaw Wanda Trusler
George Magyar Paul Peck James Shipley Gerald Van Gilst
Paul Maines Harriet Pentico Clyde Shives Laverne Van Gorp
Row 5 Row 5 Row 5 Row 5
Raymond Mains Howard Peters Clyde Shives Albert Van Zanten
Jack Marion Floyd Phares Lauchette Shott Louise Wake
Edwin Matousek Ruth Poage J. C. Shriver Mavis Walker
George Messick Helen Poidl Evelyn Smith Mary Jean Warburton
Row 6 Row 6 Row 6 Row 6
Mildred Meyers William Pritchard William Smith Evert Weeks
Curtis Miller Frances Pyle Betty Snook Glen Wehrman
Rosamary Millisack Ann Rash Helen Snook Keith Wharff
Row 7 Row 7 Row 7 Row 7
Ogle Lee Minear Jean Ray Maxine Spain Donald Wheeler
Frances Moore Huberta Richardson Lorene Sparks Earl Wheeler
Eldred Morgan Dorothy Ritter Ruth Spencer Mary Wheeler
Donald Morris Donald Robbins Vernadine Stickney Warren White

Administration and Faculty

Cover Administration Faculty Faculty Faculty
B. C. Berg, Superintendent R. E. Aanestad Maude Cooper Margaret Henderson
Dedication H. A. Lynn, Principal Gertrude Beard Hesther Douthart Robert H. Henry
Forward Vesta Beard Bernice Eastburn Beverly Hesse
  O. H. Beaty Florence Cooper John F. McMillan
Mrs. Edna Bestor Marjorie Frank Aleta J. Malmberg
Mae R. Campbell Pauline Franklin Mae L. Manning
Eunice Blackburn Ray L. Gaylor James A. Moninger
M. Reid Boyle Joe Griffin Opal Munger
Charity Brom Clifford E. Gullette Charles J. Mackey
Florence Brown Randall W. Hartlieb Catherine Orwick
Bernadine D. Burge George A. Hansuld Adelaide Pajari
A. Eugene Burton Delma E. Hardin Mrs. Winnie M. Palmer
Van Dyke Clingman H. Franklin Hull Neva Petersen
Jeannette Collins A. L. Hunt Illa Pondendorf
Faculty Faculty
Elizabeth Pollock Beatrice Strieby
Hildred Potwin Robert H. Wick
Kathyrene W. Ramsey Velma Warner
Betty Sue Redman Mrs. Ruth J. Widmer
Alice Reed Faye Wilkinson
Delinda Roggnesack Helen Bishop
Arthur E. Rust
Esther Saupe Board of Education
Marjorie Smith N. E. Molleck
Marion Speake Mrs. E. C. Smith
Mrs. Ila Mae Talley Mrs. P. L. Stowe
Adele Weiser C. A. Peck
Hortense wells A. E. Sterling
Alice Wheeler Homer W. Denniston