The Newtonia

Class of 1936

Page 20 Page 21Page 22 Page 23
Jerold Aiken Esther Jane Bwol John F. Galuska Wilfred Jones
Richard Aiken Earl D. Campbell Jessie M. Gifford Louis Kalma
Vernon Allan Nina Carnahan Esther Gray Robert Keith
John M. Atwod William Howard Chriss Katherine Mary Guthrie Durkey Lolfschoten
Dorothy Avitt Ruth R. Cobb Kenneth C. Guthrie John Lemley
Merle Badgley Lois L. Cochran Geraldine Haller George Lind
Dale Benjamin Carmen C. Cooper Marvin Ham Ruth M. Lind
Doris Benjamin Kasel L. Davis Virginia Harper Frances Livengood
Betty Bess Beukema Naomi Dow Virginia Anne Hart Myrtle E. Loupee
Richard Bishop Helen Irene Ellis Burl Hess Clarence E. Luscombe
Jean Blackwood Delmar Emmack J. Carter Hoen Walto McGriff
Wanda Bowen Jacob Ettelson Leonard James Donald E. Manley
Joseph Boyd Wayne Farland LeOra Jensma Lilly May Matheny
Howard Taylor Brokaw Christine Frazier Margaret Irene Jess Neoma Ruth Maxwell
Page 24Page 25 Page 26 Page 27
Anna Meade Claude A. Rusk Mary Ann Underwood Lenore Jean Aaillaud
Robert W. Meredith Ethel H. Sandvig Margaret Vance Harold Albee
Glenn Minear Lucille Sanford G. Wayne Van Dalen Evelyn F. Barns
Edwin T. Moffitt John Sarchett Betty Wehrman Myrtle Barton
Daniel Murphy Glenn Schaumburg Robert Orland welliver Geraldine Marie Baty
Esther D. Myers Wanda Pauline Scheel Margaret Wheeler Esther Beukema
Paul Newell Louis Schutty, Jr. Frances white Engeline Mary Birkenholtz
Adine Francis Nolin Gladys Smith Zelma White Marion Lee Birkenholtz
J. Francis O'Roake Lucille Snook Harry Whittaker Mary Birkenholtz
Clifford Pink Virgil Swisher H. Lorene Wood Arlene Bollhoefer
Victoria Ann Polhamus John Synhorst Evelyn R. Wood Alexander Bovenkamp
E. Cathryn Robinson Pauline Thomas Roberta Wood Madge Brain
Lila Mae Rose Edward S. Townsend Richard Wormley Dale Breckenridge
David Ross Ralph Trussler Howard Youk Helen Brom
Page 28Page 29Page 30Page 31
Delores Callison June A. Dennis Ruth Jennings Eugene Morelock
Lenard Carstens Harold H. Dodge Roberta Karr Jeanne Morgan
Mary Jane Castner Curtis Ferguson Walter Keith Harry E. Mortice
Leona Anne Clements Lloyd Firman Virgil L. Lane Doris Neal
Clara Helen Cobbs Eleanor C. Gants Letha Irene LeGore Dorothy Neal
George Cocks Bette Louise Hammer Burt Livingston David Nelson
Margaret Irene Cooper Melvin Lloyd Harbin Nellie Longnecker Dorothea Nelson
Alice Aletia Cross Lela M. Hardenbrook John Luther Miriam Palmer
Irma Cross Norvin Harness Allan McAllister Gus Paschal
A. Dorothy Cumming Marjorie H. Harris William E. McLellan Forrest E. Perry
Bessie Davis Agnes Lucille Hatfield M. Charlotte Messenger Dorothy Raymond
Harold E. Davis Vaughan Hulse, Jr. Eileen Mickle William L. Reed
Robert Deal Homer James Anne Mikulasek Evelyn M. Reynolds
Richard De Bolt Ruthe Jeanette James Wendell Miller Marie Mae Riley
Page 32Page 33Valdictorian/SalutatorianCommencement Activities
Robert Robinson Evalyn E. Tune Miriam Palmer
Josephine Santen Helen Vance Evelyn Wallace
Juanita L. Schumann James Vance
Helen Shriver Martin James van Dyke
June Sladek Arthur Vinall
Adelia Snook Evelyn Wallace
Elizabeth J. Snook Kay Walton
James C. Sprague Donald M. Wharff
Harry Starrett Betty Whittaker
Earl E. Stepp Paxton Wise
Maxine E. Suman Clifton Woodcock
Katherine Terpstra Robert Wormley
Katherine Jeannette Tiedge Joe Young
Mildred Toye

Administration and Faculty

CoverAdministrationTeachers Teachers
Inside CoverB. C. Berg, SuperintendentGertrude Beard Florence Cooper
Dedication H. A. Lynn, PrincipalVesta Beard Maude Cooper
Dedication-Student O. H. BeatyJ. Bernadine Custer
  Louise Bergen Hesther Douthart
    Mrs. Edna Bestor Bernice Eastburn
1961 Class Reunion   Eunice Blackburn Pauline Franklin
    F. Howard Brady Ray L. Gaylor
    Charity Brom Velma T. Greenfield
    Florence Brown Joe Griffin
    James Brown Kathleen Hanson
    Harry L. Bryson Orvald J. Hanson
    A. Eugene Burton Earl W. Jones
    Van Dyke Clingman Jessie Jones
    Jeannette Collins Louise Kempthorne
TeachersTeachersBoard of Education  
Alice Reed Faye Wilkiinson Mrs. E. C. Smith  
Delinda Roggensack Helen Bishop Mr. Molleck  
Mae Rothrock Willard A. Wollenhaupt Mr. Morgan  
Arthur E. Rust Velma Warner Miss Bishop  
Esther Saupe   Mr. Cross  
Gail A. Smith   Mr. Peck  
Mariam Speake   Mr. Hindorff  
Gladys E. Stimpson   Mr. Denniston  
Mrs. Ila Mae Talley      
Verda Taylor      
A. P. Twogood      
Audrey Underkofler      
D. Irvine Walker      
Hortense Wells