The Newtonia Senior Annual

Class of 1926


Inside Cover     Forward     Dedication     Class Information


Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
Edumnd McCardell Leonard Davis Lorraine Hesalroad Jack Ross
Dorothy Gregson Velve Vincent Raymond Hesson Etha Neel
Zoe Stockman Maclyn Holdsworth Katherine Phillips Neva Petersen
Homer Chitty Maxine Zimmerman Hazen Sparks Dale DeBolt
Grace Stanley Tracy Haines Aletha Evans Jennie Wheatcraft
Madeleine Jasper Margery Bishop Tordis Salveson Mary Roberts
Burton O'Connor Emmabelle Herron Francis Swihart Karl Bishop
Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8
Judith Woodrow Virginia Wilson Minerva Law Kathlyn Waldridge
Ivan Penquite Harry Spellman Layton Kimler Wilma Richmond
Alta Turner Ethel Orwick Loys Cushatt Jay Barnett
August Laskewitz Faye Adams John Weathers Lucretia Chew
Roy Buchanan Leslie French Roma Ardis Efnor William Bean
Zella Snook Dolorez Mace William Robert Dodds Adah Clevenger
Leona Hammer Edward Jensma Florence A. Morris Marion Conn
Page 9 Page 10Page 11Page 12
Claude Hall Arthur Maurice Joy Mable Miller Dale Skow
Charles Hall Karl Hendricks William Livingston Rollie Rose
Darlene Young Dorothy Barnes Bertha Miller Bertha Belle Burroughs
Mary Lou Bobzine Thomas Smith Evelyn Adams Amelia Shields
Leora Emmack Marguerite Schultz Dorothy Atwood Glenn Engle
Reba Howard Irene Neasham Robert Bennett Mildred Horn
Helen Johnston Myron Murphy Irene Bisom Maude Hall
Page 13Page 14Page 15Page 16
Frank Klouda Paul Stevens Loyal Rusk Una Wormley
Velma Murphy Mae Smith Thomas Bray Walter Burrill
Marie Van Gilst Gilbert Schnathorst Agnes Byers Pauline Dullard
Harry Vance Pauline Reckler Harold Kilpatrick Eldos Carrier
Irma Tingwald Francis Woods Esther Snook Gretchen Pink
Deryll Young Robert Riley Dale Langmaid Everett Johnston
Ethel Squires Francis Young Oral Wheeler Clyde Carter
Page 17Page 18    
Ethel Young Martha Myrick    
Harold Varner Earl Compton    
Leonard Starrett Dorothy Quick    
Floyd Parsons Cecil Longnecker    
Floyd Reynolds Lindley Moffitt    
Harold Oliver Imogene Chollett    

Administration and Faculty 1926

AdministrationPage 1Page 2Page 3
B.C. Berg, Superintendent Alice Fernow Florence Henderson Ida Griebeling
C. A. Hogle, Principal John P. Wassenaar Merle Schlampp Ragnhild Christensen
  Mary McClaughlin Gertrude Finch Ida McKee
  Hiram M. Joslin Carol Sandy Harold Lynn
  Pearl Van Cleve A.P. Twogood Elsie Williams
  Katherine Goeppinger Marion Speake Jane Vincent
  Maude Cooper Earl S. Kalp Lily Sinclair
Page 4Page 5Page 6  
Margaret Gracey Pauline Davis Van Dyke Clingman  
D.M. Hall Dwight Fee Margaret Austin  
Emma Louise Eisenberg Myrne Moffitt George Ross  
Grace Beatty Mae Manning Eugene Burton  
Florence Cooper Vesta Beard Gertrude Beard  
Ethel Curtis Genevieve Edgerton    
Ruth Myers Elizabeth Butler