As a token of our appreciation for her many services to Newton High, and the inspiration and help which she has given to all with whom she has come in contact, we the Newtonia Staff of 1916, lovingly dedicate this Senior Annual to Miss Carrie E. Miles, Supervisor of Music.
Miss Carrie E. Miles who has been for four years our Supervisor of Music has surely been a success in her particular field. The possessor of a beautiful voice, she has used it unselfishly, for our pleasure and profit. She has given us freely of her time and energy. She has helped us with our programs, special exercises, our efforts to raise our Newtonia money as well as our Commencements; indeed no Commencement could be complete without a solo by Miss Miles. She has high ideals of life and the worth and values of music and strives always to make us appreciate and love the things really worth while, not only in music but in all lines of school activities. Her splendid womanhood and character make her the ideal friend and pattern for many of our girls. She has given us much and in return expects much from us. So here's to Miss Miles, the friend of all of us. May she long remain our Supervisor of Music in Newton High.