The Newtonia Senior Annual

Class of 1914


Inside Cover     Dedication     Class Information


Page 1Page 2Page 3Page 4
Albert Chapman Henry Iske Blanche Maytag Edward Philips
Ruth Lawrence Doris Preston Leland Morrison Wilma Davis
Jared Loveridge Lucille Scott Clarence Broadston Mille Cox
  Kathreen Aillaud Francis Raridon Arthur Deutsch
  Hiram Sloanaker Grace Doan Lillian Nelson
  Marie Livingston Elsie Hammer Gabrielle Griebeling
Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8
Georgia Knapp Malcom Price Kathryn Davis Carroll Roberts
Theona Miller Mildred Raymond Rex Sheeler Vera Hatfield
Faye Deal Bernice Trease Irene Ritter La Nore Earley
Cecil Compton Ruth Hall Marguerite Carl Mildred Oliver
Lee Kinyon Merle Hammer Joan Broadston Harold Rayburn
Edith Booton Roy Hickman Minnie Gertsma Celia Albee
Page 9 Page 10Page 11Page 12
Ruth McCardell Francis Kelly Ila Baldwin Roy Trout
William Hall Eva Booton Vernon Conn Bonnie Bryant
Marjorie Hough Mabel Eaton Emma Smith Maurine Baldwin
Florence Gibford Carl Van Steenbergen Ruth McLaughlin Loyl Allfree
Glenn Kennedy Muriel Gowin Glenn Jackson Esther Long
Faith Winger Emma Nelson Elsie Laskewitz Bertha Johnson

Administration and Faculty

AdministrationPage 1Page 2Page 3
H. P. Smith Vesta Beard O. J. Browning Sadie Furniss
Lucy E. Hall Laura N. Killduff Clara Broderick Abbie Western
  Ida J. McKee C. H. Studebaker Zoe Frazier
Page 4Page 5  
Buelah Shipley Bertha Campbell    
Nina O'Mealey Elizabeth Lamb    
Carrie Miles E.S. Baird    