The Year of 1912 and '13 brought a new regime to Newton High School.
Mr. H. P. Smith came to take the place of Mr. Beard, our former superintendent, who now bears the dignified title of mayor of Newton, an honor which our citizens have bestowed upon him as a recognition of his labor in the past.
Mr. Smith is an enthusiastic, hard worker and his influence has been felt throughout the school. Under his careful guidance changes have been wrought which have made the past year one of the most successful years in the history of the High School. Teachers and pupils alike vote his methods and plans most pleasing.
Our school board has been most kind to us, and has done all in their power to make us proud of our school, and we wish to give them a vote of thanks for the interest the interest they have taken in our welfare. Five new instructors, Miss Stotts, Miss Campbell, Miss Miles, Mr. Studebaker and Mr. Kelley were added to our corps of teachers making the number fifteen. The new steel ceiling which illuminates the assembly room is a source of enjoyment, also the physics laboratory with its six new tables and the new apparatus with which the seniors have worked so diligently.
It was with much pleasure that we welcomed Miss Hall back as our principal. She has manifested her ability in keeping the interest and co-operation of the school. Four literary societies were formed, and all the students, who have taken part in these have derived a great deal of benefit. Another interesting feature has been our spelling lessons, which have taken place once a week.
The mention of athletics, makes us all have a feeling of pride and loyalty. We cannot show our appreciation to the "Wearers of the N," simply by words, there are no words which will voice the sentiment of the school, to their victorious season. The school, as a whole have tried to show their spirit, and with just reason have shown other schools real whole-hearted loyalty at the football and basket ball games. The interclass basket ball teams have caused much spirit between the different classes. Mr. Studebaker, our coach, we shall give the credit for this honor, which has been attained and hope that next year, with him as the coach will find us the state champions.
The Manual Training and Domestic Science departments, have enlarged and advanced, also our music department has developed, especially the Girls Glee Club, which has been doing excellent work under Miss Miles' careful direction.
Now, as we look back over the year, let it be an inspiration, especially to you, Seniors, who are to go out into the world of men, follow the example which this school has set, that of untiring effort and energetic movement, one of fair plan and high ideals, and as the Germans say Lebe Wohl.