Jasper Co. IAGenWeb
Military Index

List of pensioners on the roll, January 1, 1883, giving the name of each pensioner,
the cause for which pensioned, the post-office address, the rate of pension per month,
and the date of original allowance, Vol 3. Jasper County, Iowa

Title Page of Pension Book     
abd. abdomen
amp. amputated
chr. chronic
dep. dependent
dia., diar., diarr., etc. diarrhea
dis. disease, diseased, disability
g. s. w. gun shot wound
inj. injury
l., lt., lft. left
r., rt. right
rheu., rheum. rheumatism
sh. shell
surv. survivor
typ. typhoid
var. varicose
wd. wound

Note: the "do" found in the "post office address" field and  in other fields is an  abbreviation used as we would use "ditto" marks today.  That is, a repeat of the information in the record above.


Page No. of certificate Name of pensioner Post-office address Cause for which pensioned Monthly rate Date of original allowance
722 187,279 Neighbor, Emanuel G. Baxter Scrofula [form of tuberculosis] $4.00 Apr., 1881
722 223,091 Titus, Ira do Synovites left knee $4.00 Dec., 1882
722 80,566 Higgins, Sidney B. do wd. of right hip $6.00 -
722 216,405 Webb, George M. do inj. of head & res. epilepsy $4.00 Aug., 1882
722 192,384 Cusshatt, Aquilla do chr. diarr. & inj L. side, & c $4.00 July 1881
722 109,686 Stock, Joseph Clyde disease of lungs $10.00 -
722 106,586 Hoy, Thomas aH do g.s.w. of left arm $8.00 -
722 120,423 Miller, Rebecca do widow $8.00 Oct. 1868
722 180,604 Kline, Peter do disease of lungs $6.00 Jan., 1881
722 138,570 Runyon, Joseph do g.s.w. of right side $2.00 -
722 147,871 Tramel, Joseph M. do var. veins legs & loss L. eye $10.00 Aug 1877
722 62,096 Kester, Mary do dep. mother $8.00 July 1866
722 17,429 Dewitt, Lucy A. do do $8.00 Mar., 1864
722 167,563 Kester, Jacob E. do minor $10.00 Feb., 1875
722 91,982 Mans, Rolinson D. do wd. of right shoulder $6.00 -
722 110,949 Hardenburgh, Wm. J. do inj. to right leg $16.00 -
722 174,723 Gerhart, Jacob Colfax inj. of rt. hip & hydrocele $10.00 Oct., 1880
722 40,603 Sanderson, John W. do wd. of left leg $10.00 -
722 44,489 Hammerly, Martin do g.s.w. of right arm $6.00 -
722 129,549 Hinton, Constance do g.s.w. of left groin $6.00 -
722 77,899 Lieghner, Isaiah M. do chron. rheumatism $31.25 -
722 220,636 Ingmire, Elias do shell wd. of rt. Limb $4.00 Nov., 1882
722 187,812 Dee, George E. do disease of lungs $4.00 May, 1881
722 168,589 Knight, Daniel do chr. rheum. & res. heart dis. $12.09 Aug., 1880
722 78,536 Fields, Alexander S. do shell wd. left hip $8.00 -
723 131,088 Whitehead, Austin Colfax g.s.w. rt. forearm $6.00 -
723 22,400 Pease, Joanna M. do widow $8.00 May, 1864
723 29,079 Lightner, Salathiel do loss of left hand $18.00 -
723 37,445 Smith, William A. do loss sight of rt. eye & res. disease of left & rheu. $12.00 July, 1873
723 5,459 Sumpter, Sally do widow 1812 $8.00 -
723 - Long, Wesley W. do wd. left nates & tibia (Navy) $6.00 -
723 217,565 Bean, Robert I. do chron. diarr $4.00 Aug., 1882
723 28,850 Binkherd, Joseph do wd. of rt. leg $6.00
723 50,927 Adams, Sylvester do wd. of left shoulder $4.00
723 209,322 Pentico, Peter do injury to abdomen $4.00 May, 1882
723 138,803 Pease, Hugh A. do asthma $8.00 -
723 80,879 Pickens, Charles do paralysis rt. side $50.00 -
723 168,832 Taylor, Susan Fairmount widow $8.00 May, 1875
723 8,446 Fuller, Eliza do widow, 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
723 180,298 Sellman, Charles O. Galesburgh varicose veins rt. Leg $6.00 Dec., 1880
723 155,669 Smith, Uriah A. do g.s.w. rt. arm $8.00 Oct., 1878
723 220,864 King, Henry do par. paralysis of right side $7.50 Nov., 1882
723 193,656 Butine, Anthonus J. do g.a.w. rt. thigh $4.00 July 1881
723 130,048 Romans, Asbury D. do g.s.w. left hip & groin $6.00 -
723 144,677 Payton, Tillman H. do g.s.w. left knee $4.00 -
723 182,613 Salmon, Henry F. Greencastle chron. diarr. $4.00 Feb., 1881
723 141,963 Salmon, George W. do inj. of left wrist $4.00 -
723 146,804 Stephens, James A. do loss of rt. index finger $3.00 -
723 6,469 Lacy, Abraham F. do neuralgia, chills & fev., & mind affected $15.00 -
723 186,713 Baker, Adelia E. do widow & 1 child $8.00 Jan., 1880
723 62,996 Rambo, John H. do g.s.w. left hand $5.00 -
723 142,729 Shell, Barbara do widow $8.00 May, 1870
723 182,234 Fisher, Silas H. do minor $10.00 Oct., 1878
723 114,989 Bailey, James E. do disease of lungs $18.00 -
723 39,918 Beems, David do chron. rheu. & ophthalmia $6.00 -
723 132,505 Fisher, John S. do g.s.w. of neck $6.00 -
723 157,908 Giles, Thomas W. Kellogg g.s.w. of left hip $2.00 Mar., 1879
723 193,536 Lent, Jesse C. do sh. wd. of head & dis of brain $8.00 July, 1881
723 182,130 Beals, Thomas B. do loss of vis. of rt. eye & imp. vis. of left eye $6.00 Feb., 1881
723 111,039 Frigard, Samuel C. do chron. diarr $14.00 -
723 190,456 Jones, Lewis do g.s.w. of head & rt. thigh $4.00 June 1881
723 128,841 Bradshaw, Harriet do dep. mother $8.00 May, 1869
723 196,223 Bondy, Mary A. do widow $20.00 June, 1882
723 9,430 Breeden, Sarah do widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 1878
723 87,080 Kellinbarger, John H. do g.s.w. rt. shoulder $6.00 -
723 70,378 West, Alexander G. do wd. of head & shoulder $8.00 -
723 143,046 Rolison, William J. do wd. of rt. hip $6.00 -
723 16,619 Doane, Charles N. do wd. of left elbow $8.00 -
723 217,658 Hawey, William do disease of lungs and liver $8.00 Sept., 1882
723 121,457 Konkle, Mary D. do widow $8.00 Nov., 1868
723 17,747 Doane, Bradley W. do paroplegia both eyes $8.00 -
723 124,868 McKinney, William B. do g.s.w. left arm & shoulder $4.00 -
723 52,484 McKetrick, Robert do wd. of right wrist $6.00 -
723 314,013 Blakeman, William N. do g.s.w. rt. forearm & left leg $8.00 -
723 32,285 Barber, Dow do loss left arm ab. elbow $24.00 -
723 133,516 Smith, Aaron Lynville disease of eyes $12.00 -
723 192,509 Hump, Eden do g.s.w. of rt. thigh $4.00 July, 1871
723 170,860 Burnham, Abraham do disease of lungs $4.00 June, 1880
723 209,107 Elliott, John B. do rattlesnake bite in left leg $4.00 May, 1882
723 202,019 Willocks, Robert do chron. diarr. $2.00 Jan., 1882
723 184,630 Rayburn, Joseph do g.s.w. rt. side of face $4.00 Mar., 1881
723 79,258 Rafferty, John W. do g.s.w. left hand & anchylosis of wrist $14.00 -
723 98,053 Morrell, Minerva do dep. mother $8.00 Aug., 1867
723 133,063 Palmer, George W. Monroe dis. of liver & kidneys $12.00 -
723 - Brounfield, Bowell B. do inj. both hands & inj. to abd. $18.00 June, 1881
723 36,480 Corney, Charles B. do g.s.w. rt. thigh $6.00 -
723 72,498 Catlin, John W. do imperfect use of left arm $ 5.33 1/2 -
723 197,732 Springer, Oliver P do chron. diarr $8.00 Nov., 1881
723 180,603 Simpson, Samuel do g.s.w. of rt. leg $6.00 Jan., 1881
723 165,531 Simpson, John W. do deafness of left ear $1.00 Mar., 1880
723 78,470 Lockwood, Aaron C. do loss of left eye $4.00 -
723 64,341 Fenner, Elizabeth do dep. mother $8.00 Feb., 1866
723 147,107 Downey, David W. do g.s.w. both thighs $6.00 July, 1877
723 108,119 Mullins, Delsay A. do widow $8.00 Feb., 1868
723 192,073 Simbro, Mary do do $8.00 Apr., 1881
723 127,413 Wilson, Ann do dep. mother $8.00 Apr., 1869
723 175,760 Hinson, Margaret E. do widow $8.00 Dec., 1876
723 123,239 Harper, Harriet do do $8.00 Aug., 1869
723 21,226 Allen, Olive do widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
723 33,891 De Walt, Jacob S. do loss of left leg $18.00 -
224 174,035 Gray, Malinda Monroe dep. mother $8.00 June, 1876
224 172,175 Kendall, George W do minor $10.00 Feb., 1876
224 78,217 Finley, John H. do loss of four fingers, rt. hand $ 2.66 2/3 -
224 84,258 Anderson, William G. do wound of left hip $12.00 -
224 180,821 Murphy, Hugh M do par. paralysis lt. side of face $4.00 Jan., 1881
224 71,672 Adams, Aaron do rheu. of right thigh $18.00 -
224 121,349 Petty, Samuel S. do chron. diarr. $8.00 -
224 173,477 Bell, David M. do g.s.w. of right eye, causing partial loss of sight $4.00 Sept., 1880
224 25,597 Sanderson, Elizabeth do widow 1812 $8.00 July, 1879
224 189,023 Siscoe, Obed Newburgh inj. rt. collar bone, rt. hip & side $8.00 May, 1881
224 95,617 Austin, Elizabeth do dep. mother $8.00 June, 1867
224 179,528 Gray, Mellissa do do $8.00 Dec., 1877
224 129,560 Morris, Howard H do g.s.w. rt. thigh $4.00 -
224 180,472 Carothers, Williamson Newton catarrh, resulting in par. deafness $4.00 Jan., 1881
224 183,765 Crose, Robert H., S.A. Montia, Guardian do disease of eyes $4.00 Mar., 1881
224 183,960 Cobaugh, Josiah B. do chron. rheumatism $20.00 Mar., 1881
224 213,436 Chenoweth, Andrew J. do disease of lungs $12.00 June, 1882
224 24,833 Crandal, George do dis. of lungs & paralysis of lower extremities $8.00 -
224 167,867 Smith, James do chron. diarr. $4.00 May, 1880
224 148,872 Spencer, Alexander do do $13.00 Oct., 1877
224 90,015 Squires, Samuel L. do g.s.w. left hand $4.00 -
224 47,847 Shaffer, Tobias do amp. left thigh $24.00 -
224 206,054 Silsly, William H. do concussion of brain & nervous dibility $15.00 Apr., 1882
224 47,887 Hunter, George B. do wd. of right thigh $7.50 -
224 127,855 Harcourt, Charles W. do chron. diarr. & necrosis lft. femur $8.00 -
224 149,208 Harris, David do g.s.w. left side, chron. diarr, & lung disease $6.00 Nov., 1877
224 169,043 Hellyer, David do chron. diarr $12.00 June, 1880
224 165,153 Humphrey, Miles do inj. to abdomen $8.00 Mar., 1880
224 153,437 Logsdon, Benjamin F. do loss of mid. finger left hand $2.00 May, 1878
224 206,193 Laird, James A. do dis. & par. deafn. both ears $4.00 Apr., 1882
224 192,695 Logsdon, George W. do dis. of feet & res'g lameness $4.00 July, 1881
224 189,236 Lamphier, Daniel do shell wd. of rt. Leg $4.00 May, 1881
224 138,038 Livingston, James C. do g.s.w. rt. thigh $4.00 -
224 221,668 Lyons, John W. do rheumatism $4.00 Dec., 1882
224 222,079 Wilson, John N. do chron. diarr., dysp., & dis. of abdominal viscera $6.00 Dec., 1882
224 61,987 Davis, Milton R do wd. of both feet $6.00 -
224 123,055 Dickson, Andrew J. do g.s.w. of left side $8.00 -
224 39,711 Miller, Margaret do widow $8.00 July, 1867
224 20,381 Miller, Catharine A. do do $20.00 Apr., 1864
224 82,678 McQuillan, Sarah do do $8.00 Dec., 1880
224 13,110 Longellow, Huldah E. do do $8.00 Oct. , 1867
224 194,535 Edge, Jasper N. do inj. to left knee $4.00 Aug., 1881
224 184,097 Zollinger, Jeremiah R. do g.s.w. of head $2.00 Feb., 1881
224 142,668 Jones, Lloyd D. do dis. of abdominal viscera $12.00 -
224 194,577 Warner, Elrin do chron. diarr. $6.00 Aug ., 1881
224 192,921 Winslow, Willard C. do g.s.w. of left side $4.00 July, 1881
224 189,126 Work, William G. do inj. head, face, neck, rt. hand & rt. Ear $6.00 May 1881
224 96,676 Newhouse, Mary do widow $8.00 July 1867
224 22, 439 Wilson, John C. do wd. of left arm $8.00 -
224 146,220 West, Joseph M. do injury to abdomen $6.00 -
224 180,958 Blanchard, Cordie L. do widow $8.00 May, 1878
224 11,805 Shelly, Tabitha A. do do $8.00 Jan., 1868
224 48,529 Smith, Mary M do do $15.00 July, 1874
224 134,562 Poore, Nancy A. do dep. mother $8.00 Sept., 1869
224 190,031 Skiff, Lucy J. do do $8.00 Oct., 1880
224 166,733 Hughes, Frances V. do widow & 1 child $8.00 Dec., 1874
224 104,659 Kennedy, James S. do dis. of lungs & heart $8.00 -
224 15,141 Kusel, Henry L. do wd. of left shoulder $12.00 -
224 22,827 Dorman, Christian do wd. of left arm, & c $12.00 -
224 161,727 Buckley, Richard K. do chron. rheumatism $10.00 July, 1879
224 32,229 Davis, Julia A. do widow 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1882
224 222,079 Wilson, John N. do chron. diarr., dysp., & dis. of abdominal viscera $6.00 Dec., 1882
224 215,146 Church, David W. do inj. to abdomen $6.00 July, 1882
224 154,616 Reckler, Frederick A. do g.s.w. of left side $6.00 Aug., 1878
224 162,781 Rawlings, Natha A. do dis. of abdominal viscera $4.00 Oct., 1879
224 48,797 Rumbaugh, Jesse B. do sprained back $18.00 -
224 170,832 Turnbull, Andrew do chron. diarr. $4.00 June, 1880
225 78,701 Turck, Andes Newton loss of left eye $6.00 -
225 176,279 Wilson, William do dis. of lungs, heart, & curvature of spine $18.00 Oct., 1880
225 25,619 Ulp, Charles C. do loss of left arm ab. elbow $24.00 -
225 14,894 Dodge, Joes do g.s.w. rt. thigh & left hand $10.00 -
225 7,285 Langamid, Solomon do surv. 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1871
225 9,035 Harcourt, Daniel do do $8.00 Dec., 1871
225 74,839 Bain, John R. do loss of rt. eye & imp. sight of left eye. $6.00 -
225 83,100 Blackwood, Birchem W. do wd. of left leg $4.00 -
225 39,196 Moore, John do g.s.w. right arm elbow $12.00 -
225 60,645 Asten, Charles do loss of part of thumb $3.00 -
225 109,836 Adamson, William do epilepsy $31.25 -
225 173,286 Austin, Jeremiah C. do disease of lungs $20.00 Sept., 1880
225 189,364 Aydelott, Ballinger do strain of muscles of back $6.00 May, 1881
225 198,472 Guthrie, Jacob do erysipelas of feet & legs & varicose veins $8.00 Nov., 1881
225 200,172 Caldwell, Samuel M. do sunstroke, resulting dis. of brain $12.00 Jan., 1882
225 122,897 Norris, Edward M. Prairie City g.s.w. of left leg $8.00 -
225 41,313 Owens, Robert do loss of left arm $18.00 -
225 29,301 Adkins, Ezra do loss of right arm $24.00 -
225 201,729 Mummert, Jacob do dis. of left knee $4.00 Jan., 1882
225 180,552 Millsap, Thomas do disease of lungs $8.00 Jan., 1881
225 104,628 McLellan, Belding r. do g.s.w. rt. leg & vari. veins $14.00 -
225 204,140 Turner, Josiah P. do g.s.w. rt. foot & chron. diarr. $6.00 Mar., 1882
225 113,209 Robertson, William J. do dropsy and heart disease $4.00 -
225 20,600 Johnson, Elizabeth do widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
225 24,476 Hanks, Susan do widow $8.00 June, 1864
225 19,413 Hawk, Emma do do $8.00 Jan., 1882
225 8,427 Scott, Rebecca do do $8.00 Dec., 1868
225 35,636 Worley, John W. do g.s.w. of left leg $8.00 -
225 208,099 Walker, Charles do chron. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis $4.00 May, 1882
225 200,036 Woodell, Milton I do g.s.w. of left thigh $4.00 Dec., 1881
225 150,291 Dinsmore, John W. do g.s.w. of head, affect. rt. eye $4.00 Dec., 1877
225 20,045 McLaughlin, Margaret do dep. mother $8.00 Apr., 1864
225 207,052 Brummer, William A. do injury to abdomen $4.00 Apr., 1882
225 222,269 Kitchens, N. W. M. do chron. laryngitis & bronchitis $4.00 Dec., 1882
225 141,967 Leeper, Gilbert F. do g.s.w. of left foot $2.00 -
225 202,263 Stephens, Edward C. do disease of eyes $24.00 Jan., 1882
225 134,715 Strawn, William do injury to abdomen $6.00 -
225 60,847 Stahl, John do loss of toes of left foot $4.00 -
225 115,443 Schooley, John W. Reasnor g.s.w. right knee $17.00 -
225 139,168 Herrs, George do g.s.w. of left wrist & hand $8.00 -
225 124,166 Efner, Henry do g.s.w. of rt. thigh $6.00 -
225 169,552 Williams, John K. do disease of lungs & liver $8.00 June, 1880
225 44,590 Mather, Ebenezer do wd. of back $12.00 -
225 168,439 Draper, John j. Vandalia chron. diarr., & dis abd. visc. $4.00 May, 1880
225 222,669 Soors / Sours, William do chron. bronchitis $6.00 Dec., 1882
225 24,045 Fleming, Martha do widow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
225 146,253 Rose, William do g.s.w. of left thigh $2.00 -
225 180,489 Wallace, Charles do disease of eyes $4.00 Jan., 1881
225 170,684 McPherson, James W. do chronic diarr $2.00 June, 1880
225 5,887 Shaffer, Joseph do surv. 1812 $8.00 Apr., 1872
225 189,958 Anderson, Robert do chron. diarr. $2.00 June, 1881
225 176,485 Price, Thompson do injury to abdomen $8.00 Oct., 1880
225 180,056 Porter, Nathaniel do disease of lungs $8.00 Dec., 1880
225 16,445 Shawhan, Robert F. do injury to abdomen $8.00 -