Jasper Co. IAGenWeb
Military Index
World War I

Honor Roll 1917 - 1918 - 1919
Jasper County, Iowa

U. S. Navy

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Aillaud, Harold C. 92 Denniston, Homer W. 88 Jackson, Dale E. 88 Polhamus, Earl A. 92
Angello, Paul S. 90 DeWitt, John 92 Jorgenson, Earl D. 90 Rhone, James D. 90
Apple, Sylas M. 88 DeYoung, Frank 90 Joy, Hollis J. Jr 94 Ritter, Fred D. 92
Beard, Sylvester A. 94 Flaharty, Delbert L. 92 Keables, Esther Dinsmore 94 Rucker, Lee R. 94
Bell, William C. 94 Fleck, Harold 90 Kelley, Durl W. 90 Schakel, John N. 90
Berg, Milton C. 94 Forsyth, Leslie 92 Kono, Lewis C. 94 Schoondek, Henry J. 90
Berlau, Herbert 94 Gharrett, Aziel A. 88 Lanning, Carl H. 88 Shepherd, Arthur B. 90
Birkenholz, Henry C. 92 Green, Edgar LeRoy 90 Marquis, Jesse S. 94 Shissler, Russell W. 88
Bliss, Joseph H. 92 Greenlief, Harry L. 92 Martin, Mason C. 94 Smith, George 90
Boyle, Hal H. 88 Griffith, Cyrus D. 94 Mateer, Harold L. 88 Stanley, William R. 88
Braley, L. W. 92 Grundman, Paul J. 88 McKenzie, Duncan 92 Stockman, Merle R. 88
Brown, Alexander M. 94 Hadsall, Fremont 92 Means, Homar Allen 94 Strovers, Charles Edward 90
Brown, Charles M. 94 Hanke, Raymond E. 90 Miles, John 90 Swisher, Almond R. 92
Bunker, Ervin L. 88 Harter, Dale W. 92 Miller, Fletcher M. 92 Thompson, James Rodney 94
Bunker, Orville W. 88 Hartnette, Sam 92 Morrison, Leland P. 92 Van Epps, Percy R. 88
Burnell, Milton C. 90 Holdsworth, George 88 Myers, Kenneth 88 VanWyngarden, Rudolph 92
Callison, Sidney R. 92 Housner, Leonard P. 92 Nicodemus, Marion Thor 88 Volk, W. M. 94
Callison, Walter A. 88 Hudson, William E. 90 Parish, Vinton T. 90 Willey, Frank J. 90
Cottrell, William Roscoe 94 Hulse, Lloyd 88 Parker, Dorsey w. 90 Winger, Frank 94
Cutter, William P. 90 Illias, Alfred N. 94 Phillips, Edward D. 88