Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Who's Who in Iowa

he was the head built many homes for workmen of his company and sold them on very liberal terms. Newton is proud of the record of F. L. Maytag.

Newton is not the only place in Jasper County where profitable factories are located. The Stamping Works and One Minute Washing Machine Factory at Kellogg is doing a profitable business and it is a great help in bringing prosperity to the town and especially makes profitable work for the men of the place.

Newton men have not stopped thinking of things to make our city prosperous. Many industries have grown big here before and our people know it, and they are today ready to fill any possible gap. For instance, the Peters Hatchery, located in the east part of town, has been gradually growing bigger and bigger for quite a number of years and is now hatching a total of 1,250,000 baby chicks every year, and in money this amounts to a total of $240,000 annually.

Novelties are generally very small things. They have been manufactured in Newton for a good many years. George W. Newton started the business here. He could make almost anything, and he could always make them work. One of his greatest successes was a safety match box, of which millions were made at his factory and by his imitators.

Some years ago two firms started here in that line of work and those two are still here and are making almost anything which please people and will sell well. They are The Newton Manufacturing Co., and the Advertising Novelty Co., and these two concerns, without making any great fuss about the matter, are now doing a business amounting (for the two) to close to one million dollars a year.

Automatic Washer Co.

The first electric washer ever made, and the first of Newton's electric washers was designed by two Newton men, H. L. Ogg and Blaine Woodrow. It was a success from the very start and the two boys soon opened a factory --first in a little wooden building; then in the old Normal College building and finally in the present large brick structure just north of the business district and they were soon turning out a large number of the washers and employing many men. The annual business soon reached large figures and they are still doing a large and prosperous business. Neal Gallagher is the president of the company at the present time and has been for a good many years.

The Newton Foundry began business about 20 years ago. It was a co-operative organization at first with each of the Newton factories which used castings. Dr. O. N. Green has been the president and general manager from the first and the company does business both locally and with factories in neighboring towns.

ABRAM, WILLIAM: Coal Dealer; b Wales, England Feb 13, 1868; s of Abram Abram-Ann Hughes; ed Rhondda Valley Wales England; m Margaret Jane Williams May 17, 1890 Oskaloosa; s William, Evor (dec); d Agnes Ann (Mrs Carl James Janney); Edith (Mrs George C Stuart), Gladys (Mrs Elmo R Berwick), Alice Evelyn (Mrs Ray Fisher); 1879-85 emp in coal mines, Tioga Co Penn; 1885-1905 mgr of mine near Oskaloosa; 1905-15 mgr Colfax Consolidated Mines Inc; 1915-18 mgr Central Iowa Fuel Co, Sheridan; 1918-22 supt & ptr Anderson Coal Co, Knoxville, 1922-26 supt McCagg Coal & Mining Co, Knoxville; 1926- gen mgr, secy-treas Colfax Coal Co Inc; 1937- bd mbr Iowa Mining Bd of Examiners; past mbr Colfax & Sheridan sch bds; Iowa Coal Oprs Assn; Ed of Iowa Coal; Comml Club, past pres; Colfax Golf Club, ch mbr; AF&AM 330; York Rite; Shrine; Presby Ch, elder; Rep; hobbies: coal mining & furthering edn; off 2 Walnut; res 33 Broadway, Colfax.

ADDICKS, MILTON G: Assistant Bank Cashier; b Geneseo, III July 23, 1888; s of Charles S Addicks-Lydia Baumgartner; ed III; GCI Aced, Geneseo III; m Lavina Bean Feb 22, 1916 Reasnor; prior to 1904 farm.. ed with father, III; 1904-07 emp by Savery Hotel, Des Moines; 1907-14 billing clk, for Maytag Co, later asst sales mgr, Newton; 1914-31 savings mgr, later asst cash First Natl Bank, Newton; 1931- teller, later asst cash, First Natl Bank, Newton; city treas several years; mbr lib bd 11 years; sch treas several terms; C of C, 25 year service certificate; MWA; OES; AF&AM, tress; Meth Ch, 7 years SS supt, 25 years ch treas, trustee; Rep; hobbies: traveling on streamlined trains, church work; off Newton; res 201 E 7th, Newton.

AGAR, RALPH FRIDLEY: Manager Lumber Building Material Co; b Scott Co, Iowa June 30, 1883; s of Henry William Agar-Ado Rachel Fridley; ed Jasper Co; Newton Normal Coll 1903-04; m Corabel Earp Mar 31, 1909 Murphy; s Ralph Wesley, Warren Eugene, Wilford Lloyd; d Lillian Jane (Mrs Wayne Helmning), Ada Pauline (Mrs Leland Nichol), Clarice Lucile; 1894-98 emp in father's elevator, Ibr & livestock business, Killduff; 1898-1906 emp on farm, Jasper Cc; 1906-11 mgr Macy & Fleck Lbr, Grain & Livestock Co, Killduff; 1911-mgr Denniston & Partridge Co, Colfax; post mbr city coun; 1925- secy Colfaxsch bd; 1924- capt vol fire dept; Comml Club; IOOF, past noble grand; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby: motoring; off 34 E Front; res 212 S Locust, Colfax.

ALLEN, ROY G: Manager Printing Co; b Reasnor, Iowa Dec 17, 1877; s of James T Allen-Sarah E Dunn; ed Newton HS; m Maude C Clement Jan 5, 1898 Newton; s Dale C; 1891-94 printers devil, Newton; 1894 clk in clothing store, Newton; 189498 printer for Iowa State Democrat, Newton; 1898-1901 printer for Grinnell Herald, Grinnell; 1901 printer, Chicago; 1901 printer for Des Moines Register, Des Moines; 1901-20 owner Allen Printing Co, 1920-21 ptr of Jim Traer, 1922-23 ptr of Walter Callison, 1928 inc, 1928- prop & mgr; dir City Bank, Newton; C of C; Doodle Bug; OES 100; BPOE 1270; KP 53; AF&AM 59; Dem; hobby: band; off 114 W 2nd S; res 605 1st Ave W, Newton.

AMMER, CARL O: Hardware Dealer; b Jasper Co, Iowa May 6, 1889; s of George C Ammer-Louise Mary Birkenholz; ed Monroe; m Ruth Elizabeth Cash Oct 20, 1925 Monroe; s Philip Cash, Rodney Hugh; d Elizabeth Lou; 1922 emp by father in G C Ammer Hdw, Monroe, later ptr, 1922-25 owner & mgr, 1925-35 ptr of 2 brothers, 1935- ptr of brother; Iowa Retail Hdw Dlrs Assn; Monroe Comml Club; OES; AF-&AM 194, past master; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby: woodwork; off & res Monroe.

ANDERSON, LELAND DALE: Dentist; b Watertown, Wis Dec 6, 1899; s of Wilbur Leland Anderson-Emma Adelaid Handy; ed Newton HS 1918; U of Iowa, DDS 1924; Psi Omega; Omicron Kappa Upsilon; m Margaret Ruth McAllister Nov 20, 1922 Newton; d Margery Jean; 1919-20 emp in Hanke & Blaylock clothing store, Newton; 1924- dentist, Monroe; past mbr town coun; 1940- town clk; 1936- pres Monroe indep dist sch bd; during World War enl 1918, Jefferson barracks Mo, base shop unit 304th motor transport, San Antonio & El Paso Tex 5 months, motor transport service park field unit 528, AEF 8 months, corp 8 months, disch July 31, 1919 Camp Grant III; Amer Legion post 363, past comm; Jasper-Poweshiek Co Dental Soc; Iowa Dental Soc; ADA; past pres Comml Club 2 years; OES, past patron 4 years; AF&AM, past master 2 years; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby: golf; off & res Monroe.

ANSPACH, ROYAL GLENWOOD: Physician & Surgeon; b Ida Grove, Iowa Oct 2, 1884; s of George Milton Anspach-Ella Dickson; ad Ida Grove HS 1904; Valparaiso Ind U, 1905-06; Northwestern U, MD 1909; grad work U of Buffalo 1935; grad work Chicago Polyclinic 1910 & 1914; m Alice Draper Sykes Sept 22, 1908 Des Moines; s Or Royal Sykes, Or Harold Milton; d Karlyne Alice; 1909-15 prat med, Colfax; 1915 ptr of brother William Earl, 1915-29 ptr of brother William Earl in Anspach Sanitarium, Colfax; 1929- owner & opr Colfax Sanitarium; past mbr sch bd; Comml Club; Jasper Co Med Soc, past pres; Iowa St Med Soc; Golf Club; IOOF; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby: travel; off 164 Walnut; res 106 5 Elm, Colfax.

AWTRY, HARRY DANIEL: Real Estate Agent; b Jasper Co, Iowa Apr 30, 1888; s of William Henry Awtry-Martha Mary Maytag; ed Laurel; m Clara Marie Klopping Mar 23, 1910 Jasper Co; s Dale Henry; d Lois, Reva Ann, Myra Moselle (Mrs C H Oehler), Erlene Ruby (Mrs T J Maher), Clara Bess (Mrs F S Stewart), Martha Magalene (Mrs F F Failor); 1904 emp on farm 2 months, Marshall Co; 1905-07 & 1909-10 helped mother opr Awtry Hotel, Laurel; 1907-09 owner & opr cafe, Laurel; 1909 estab restaurant & butcher shop, Haverhill; 1909 homesteaded in Yuma Co Colo; 1910-11 farmer, Franklin Cc; 191118 farmer, Newton; 1918-24 real est & ins agt, Newton; 1924-38 emp in assembly & service depts, The Maytag Co, 1936-38 mgr service dept; 1938- real est agt, Newton; 1940 ptr of Rev J W Phillips in P & 0 products, remedy for athlete's foot; past mbr city coun 2 years; C of C; Kiwanis; Newton Country Club; Doodlebug Club, gen chmn, pres & VP; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies: fishing, cribbage, golf; off 2141/2 1st Ave W; res 624 S 4th Ave W, Newton.

BAILEY, RAY OTIS: Vice-President of Savings Bank; b Diagonal Iowa Mar 30, 1899; s of Asa Bailey-Anna Barka; ed Diagonal HS 1916; Coe Coll 1919; Drake U 1919; Beta Phi Omega; m Inez Evelyn McPherren Oct 29, 1919 Mount Ayr; s Edwin Harry, Carroll Ray; 1919-26 asst cash & bkkpr Diagonal State Bank, 1926-27 cash; 1927-35 cash Kellogg Savings Bank; 1931- exec VP Jasper Co Savings Bank; 1939- pres Kellogg Savings Bank; 1937- executor & trustee F L Maytag est; during World War in SATC 1918, Cedar Rapids; Amer Legion post Ill; chmn (page 608). Next page.