Metz School Photos
Metz School Pupils

Metz School About 1915

Left to Right Back Row: Bertha Miller, Frank Hardenbrook, Lucille Kating, Ruby Engle, Irene Moffit, Hazel Henney, Carrie Engle, Thelma Engle, Fern Anthony, Eva Moffit, Dale Emmack, Teacher Ethel Emamck.

Left to Right Front Row: Lindley Moffit, Ella Anthony, Julian Kating, Wayne Henney, Donovan Emmack, Donald Miller, Glenn Engle, Ila Anthony, Frankie Fowler, LeOra Emmack, Olive Anthony, Gail Engle, Fred Engle, Jr.

Photo courtesy of Andrea Wing Birkenholtz

Grown Up Metz School Friends

School Friends From Metz

L to R: Fern Anthony Coffman, Irene Moffit Guessfort Toedt, Illa "Babe" Anthony Woody,
Olive Anthony Danley, Eva Moffitt Anthony, Thelma Engle Matheny

Photo courtesy of Andrea Wing Birkenholtz

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