Jasper Co., Iowa
Sugar Grove Players
L to R Back Row:Dewey Anthony, Earl B., Ralph Smith, Harry S.
Homer Clement, Fred Engle This photo might not be for the article, but several of the same people are involved. |
"A Poor Married Man" to be Given at Sugar Grove Grange Hall Friday Night. "A Poor Married Man," farce comedy in three acts, will be presented at the Sugar Grove grange hall Friday evening, April 27, by the members of the grange. The comedy was written by Walter Ben Hare. The cast has been rehearsing for several weeks and much work has been manifested among the players. The play takes place in a small college town in the middle west. The first and second acts take place in the interior of Professor Wise's pretty little bungalow and the third act in the same as the first and second acts, two years later. The case of characters include: Professor Wise -- Ralph Smith |
Everyone Loves A Parade! |
Return to Sugar Grove Grange Contact Barbara Lane Hug at barbhug3@gmail.com
or Marvelyn Lane Adams at mladams@js-adams.com
with questions or comments |