85th Anniversary of Metz Church

Script of Ceremony prepared by
Marvelyn Lane Adams

History 1951 - 1969 | Pastors | Choir | New Constitution

Church Construction:
Basement | Interior Remodeling

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History 1951 - 1969

On November 18, 1951, the first recorded baptism for church members was done by Johnnie Kain at the Monroe Baptist Church. Those baptized were: Phil, Marjorie and Barbara Lane, Marvel, Caroline and Janice Clement, Elizabeth and Robert John Hitchler, Marilyn and Benjamin Sample, Paul and Deanna Lane, Patty and Sandra Henderson, Dolores Bowers.

The next major event to happen in the church was in 1951. Sunday School Superintendent was Carrie Clement. Teachers were Irene Clement, Marjorie Lane, Helen Kain, Marvel Clement, Mrs. Hoyt, and Mr. Hoyt. Attendance was 43 and the collection was $5.65.

Basement Under Church
On July 13, 1951, a meeting of church members was held at the Phil Lane home to discuss plans for a basement in the church. It was recommended that $1000 be raised for this purpose. A committee consisting of George Selbher, John Hitchler and Perry Hoyt was appointed to raise the money.

A few days later a meeting was again held to approve or reject the plans for the basement. Plans were approved and pledges were taken that night. $630 was pledged for the basement in the church. The church basement was dedicated on October 14, 1951. See photograph and story.

For several years, Sunday School classes were held in the new basement but it was one large open room. Imagine the noise. Curtains were hung to divide the basement into class rooms on October 16, 1955. Those stripped curtains are now shepherd's robes for our Christmas pageants, and very nice ones at that!

Basement Divisions
In 1972, a permanent wall was put in the length of the basement with folding walls going the short way. The permanent wall down the middle made it difficult for special events to be held in the basement and the folding walls were large and heavy and hard to keep in place. In 1990, the permanent walls were removed and the current folding doors were installed.

In 1955 we find our Sunday School is headed up by superintendent John Hitchler. Teachers were Caroline Clement, Marvel Clement, Adra Clymer, Alice Beatty, Nola Hoyt and Glenn Beatty. Attendance was 52 and the offering was $9.92.

As a note of interest, in the Sunday School minutes of March 13, 1955, Mrs. Carl Clement made a motion to set aside the collection every third Sunday for a missionary fund. Motion carried. This is still being done today.

In 1955 the Newton Chamber of Commerce held a "Christmas on Wheels" parade. Churches were invited to participate with a float. Glenn Beatty, Sam Warrick, Carl Clement and George Dammeier were appointed to be in charge of the float. For the next few years, the Metz Church participated in the Christmas Parades.

In the 4th of July parade this year [1995], Metz Church will have a float to commemorate our 85th anniversary. Karen Lane and Donna Jackson are in charge of the float.

Youth choir and special music
1955 also saw the formation of a youth choir conducted by Wilma Lane which performed almost every Sunday morning in Sunday School. Not only did the choir sing but we had all kinds of specials. Musical instruments played included Accordions, trombones, clarinets, and guitars. Names I found in the records that participated in these specials were Sue Moffitt, Mary Joan Selbher, Janice and Caroline Clement, Lea Wing, Mike and Florette Mulbrook, Barbara and Marvelyn Lane, Joyce Murray, Mary Eleanor Neasham, Mike Lane, Bruce Clement, Marla Warrick, Marilyn Dammeier, Keith, Kenneth and Norvin Willis.

Adults who participated in the special numbers were Irene Clement, Wilma Lane and Nel Berdine Dryff. The choir and specials were stopped in the summer of 1957.

New Constitution
On January 1, 1965, the Metz Community Church adopted a new constitution. There had previously been no membership in the church except in the very early years. On January 10, 1965, thirteen members were recognized. A little later, and we can't tell the time frame on this, the membership increased to 44.

Descendants of William Hitchler, one of the founding families of the church are still members. They are Marvel Hitchler Clement, Caroline Clement Rasmussen, Marjorie Hitchler Lane, Marvelyn Lane Adams and Dean Lane.

In 1965, the Metz Sunday School still had Marvel Clement as its leader. Teachers were Adra Clymer, Alice Beatty, Marge Davidson, Marvel Clement and Nola Hoyt. Attendance was 52 and total collection was $18.50.

New ceiling and panel walls.
Time marches on and in 1966 Leo Lane was asked to put a new ceiling in the church, panel the walls, and fashion a cross for the front of the church.

After this was done, the seats looked pretty shoddy and a new pew fund was established. The pews were installed in March of 1967. Later in the year, the church purchased a new pulpit and the Emmack family gave the communion table to the church.

American Sunday School Union Missionaries and Pastors

Charles Baker, American Sunday School Union

First record of Charles Baker, our next American Sunday School Missionary is December 30, 1951. Mr. Baker served until 1953.

Charles Burton, American Sunday School Union

On April 4, 1953, Brother Charles Burton, our next American Sunday School Missionary conducted the church services. During his time with us, Brother Burton found Metz a full time minister, Rev. Charles Hawkins who served Metz from June 1953 through June 1954.

Rev. Charles Hawkins, Pastor

On April 4, 1953, Brother Charles Burton, our next American Sunday School Missionary conducted the church services. During his time with us, Brother Burton found Metz a full time minister, Rev. Charles Hawkins who served Metz from June 1953 through June 1954.

Bill Harriger, American Sunday School Union

Brother Burton left us in 1955 and Bill Harriger took his place and served until 1960.

Rev. Walter Martin, Pastor

On January 6, 1957, Rev. Walter Martin began his service at Metz. Rev. Martin served Metz until December 25, 1960.

Rev. Walter and Mrs. Martin 1995

Rev. Clarence Hoven, American Sunday School Union

In late 1960 Clarence Hoven began service as a missionary for the American Sunday School Union. His first visit to Metz was January 1, 1961.

Rev. Neal Busker, Pastor

Mr. Hoven's first immediate service to Metz was to find us a pastor. On March 12, 1961, Mr. Hoven introduced Mr. and Mrs. Neal Busker and their daughter Cynthia. Neal left us to go to seminar in New Jersey on June 3, 1962.

Neal and Caroline Busker

LeRoy Kelderman, Pastor

After Neal Busker left in June 1962, Mr. Hoven was again called upon to find us a new pastor. He found a young man still in School at the Open Bible College in Des Moines. First mention of LeRoy Kelderman was in the minutes dated July 8, 1962. LeRoy was pastor at Metz until his graduation on April 19, 1964.

Rev. LeRoy and  Lois Kelderman 1995

Continue with more information on pastors and missionaries

If you have old photos of stories of Metz, please send to Marvelyn Lane Adams at mladams@js-adams.com. I will be glad to give you credit for the submission. Thanks.

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