Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

1925 Iowa State Census
Sherman Township

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Cities without states are in Iowa.

  S/M/ Place of Father   Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
1 Baker William H Head M W 50 M Iowa Baker James England   Logsdon Martha Kentucky   Iowa
2 Baker Jennie Wife F W 28 M S Dakota Stevens Albert Iowa   Farington Judy Iowa 63 Iowa
3 Baker Clifford E Son M W 22 S Iowa Baker William Iowa 50 Beals Millie Iowa   Iowa
4 Baker Leon Son M W 11 S Iowa Baker William Iowa 50 Beals Millie Iowa   Iowa
5 Cross Wade Step Son M W 9 S S Dakota Cross Samuel Iowa   Stevens Jennie S Dakota 28 S Dakota
6 Cross Irma Step Dau F W 7 S S Dakota Cross Samuel Iowa   Stevens Jennie S Dakota 28 S Dakota
7 Cross Alice Step Dau F W 6 S S Dakota Cross Samuel Iowa   Stevens Jennie S Dakota 28 S Dakota
8 Cross Neva Step Dau F W 4 S S Dakota Cross Samuel Iowa   Stevens Jennie S Dakota 28 S Dakota
9 Cross Jessie Step Dau F W 3 S Iowa Cross Samuel Iowa   Stevens Jennie S Dakota 28 S Dakota
10 Schuman Henry Head M W 50 S Germany Schuman Henry Germany 76 Griebel Caroline Germany 73 Germany
11 Schuman Otto Brother M W 48 S Germany Schuman Henry Germany 76 Griebel Caroline Germany 73 Germany
12 Tiedje Henry Head M W 43 M Iowa Tiedje Henry Germany   Karta Madelina Germany   Iowa
13 Tiedje Dora Wife F W 33 M Iowa Iske Christian Germany 56 Carsten Sophia Iowa 52 Iowa
14 Tiedje Lawrence Son M W 11 S Iowa Tiedje Henry Iowa 43 Iske Dora Iowa 33 Iowa
15 Tiedje Harold Son M W 5 S Iowa Tiedje Henry Iowa 43 Iske Dora Iowa 33 Iowa
16 Hickman Walter Head M W 30 M Iowa Hickman Harvi J1 Ind 71 Green


Missouri 70 Missouri
17 Hickman Gladys Wife F W 24 M Iowa Sewell Ward New York 72 Flock Fannie Iowa 68 Iowa
18 Swihart Morris Head M W 30 M Iowa Swihart John W Ohio 78 Munn Nevada Iowa 58 Iowa
19 Swihart Meta Wife F W 25 M Iowa Griebel Fredrick Germany 59 Altemeier Emma Iowa   Iowa
20 Swihart William M Son M W 3 S Iowa Swihart Morris Iowa 30 Griebel Meta Iowa 25 Iowa
21 Swihart Wesley M Son M W 1 S Iowa Swihart Morris Iowa 30 Griebel Meta Iowa 25 Iowa
22 Breckenridge Alex W Head M W 45 M Iowa Breckenridge Robert   86 Sicles Aliza   25 Iowa
23 Breckenridge Adie Wife F W 44 M Iowa Meyers George Iowa   Jones Sara Iowa 69 Iowa
24 Breckenridge Frank Son M W 19 S Iowa Breckenridge Alex W Iowa 45 Meyers Adie Iowa 42 Iowa
25 Breckenridge William Son M W 17 S Iowa Breckenridge Alex W Iowa 45 Meyers Adie Iowa 42 Iowa
26 Breckenridge Walter Son M W 15 S Iowa Breckenridge Alex W Iowa 45 Meyers Adie Iowa 42 Iowa
27 Breckenridge Delmar Son M W 12 S Iowa Breckenridge Alex W Iowa 45 Meyers Adie Iowa 42 Iowa
28 Breckenridge Berton Son M W 10 S Iowa Breckenridge Alex W Iowa 45 Meyers Adie Iowa 42 Iowa
29 Breckenridge Alfard Son M W 7 S Iowa Breckenridge Alex W Iowa 45 Meyers Adie Iowa 42 Iowa
30 Breckenridge Floyd Son M W 4 S Iowa Breckenridge Alex W Iowa 45 Meyers Adie Iowa 42 Iowa
  S/M/ Place of Father   Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
31 Breckenridge Lester J Son M W 2 S Iowa Breckenridge Alex W Iowa 45 Meyers Adie Iowa 42 Iowa
32 Breckenridge Bessie Daughter F W   S Iowa Breckenridge Alex W Iowa 45 Meyers Adie Iowa 42 Iowa
33 Bair Leon Head M W 43 M Iowa Bair Thomas Ohio   Born Amanda Virginia 67 Iowa
34 Bair Della V Wife F W 45 M Iowa Gearhart Hurley Penn 72 Green Symthia   70 Iowa
35 Bair Ruth E Daughter F W 21 S Iowa Bair Leon Iowa 43 Gearhart Della Iowa 45 Iowa
36 Bair Virgil L Son M W 17 S Iowa Bair Leon Iowa 43 Gearhart Della Iowa 45 Iowa
37 Parker E J Mrs Head F W 59 W Iowa Rippey William Ind   Arnsworth Ann C Ind   Ind
38 Parker Floyd E Son M W 21 S Iowa Parker Edward J Iowa   Rippey Elizabeth Iowa 59 Iowa
39 Parker Roy A Son M W 20 S Iowa Parker Edward J Iowa   Rippey Elizabeth Iowa 59 Iowa
40 Parker Hugh J Head M W 33 M Iowa Parker Edward J Iowa   Rippey Elizabeth Iowa 59 Iowa
41 Parker Ethel M Wife F W 34 M Iowa Emmack John V Illinois 64 Marsh Alice Iowa 60 Iowa
42 Parker Robert W Son M W 6 S Iowa Parker Hugh J Iowa 33 Emmack Ethel M Iowa 34 Newton
43 Jensen Herman H Head M W 49 M Iowa Jensen Henry Germany   Schmidt Carolina Iowa   Davenport
44 Jensen Lena L Wife F W 48 M Iowa Reckler Fredrick Germany   Jungh Henrietta Missouri 79 Iowa
45 Jensen Meta M Daughter F W 22 S Iowa Jensen Herman Iowa 49 Reckler Lena L Iowa 48 Newton
46 Jensen Ora B Daughter F W 19 S Iowa Jensen Herman Iowa 49 Reckler Lena L Iowa 48 Newton
47 Jensen Henry F Son M W 15 S Iowa Jensen Herman Iowa 49 Reckler Lena L Iowa 48 Newton
48 Jensen Irwin E Son M W 12 S Iowa Jensen Herman Iowa 49 Reckler Lena L Iowa 48 Newton
49 Jensen Dan D Son M W 7 S Iowa Jensen Herman Iowa 49 Reckler Lena L Iowa 48 Newton
50 Miller Fred Head M w 47 M Iowa Miller Henry Germany   Asmus Louize Germany 66 Iowa
51 Miller Nettie Wife F W 46 M Missouri Iske Fred Germany   Bostenhouse Minnie Germany   Germany
52 Miller Florence Daughter F W 13 S Iowa Miller Fred Iowa 47 Iske Nettie Missouri 46 Iowa
53 Bucklin Leroy Head M W 23 M Iowa Bucklin U Iowa 60 Detter Sara Iowa 57 Iowa
54 Bucklin Ethel L Wife F W 16 M Iowa Miller Fred Iowa 47 Iske Nettie Missouri 46 Iowa
55 Bucklin Betty A Daughter F W . S Iowa Bucklin Leroy Iowa 23 Miller Ethel L Iowa 16 Iowa
56 Miller John Head M W 45 M Iowa Miller Henry Germany   Asmus Louizie Germany 66 Iowa
57 Miller Margaret Wife F W 39 M Iowa Trusler James Ohio   Stern Margaret Wis   Newton
58 Lesko Paul Servant M W 34 S Austria Lesko Mike Austria   Sipko Mary Austria   Austria
59 Deutsch Bert Head M W 56 M Wis Deutsch Daniel Germany   Lewis Catherine Austria   Wis
60 Deutsch Winifred Wife F W 47 M Iowa McCalmont Andrew Penn   Donnell Mary Ohio   Newton
  S/M/ Place of Father   Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
61 Deutsch Donnald Son M W 20 S Iowa Deutsch Bert Wis 56 McCalmont Winifred Iowa 47 Newton
62 Deutsch Teddy Son M W 17 S Iowa Deutsch Bert Wis 56 McCalmont Winifred Iowa 47 Newton
63 Townsend Henry Head M W 37 M Iowa Townsend George England 64 Friend Frances England 61 Newton
64 Townsend Mary Wife F W 33 M Iowa Carson Archie Scotland   Snook Olive Iowa   Iowa
65 Townsend Francis J Daughter F W 7 S Iowa Townsend Henry Iowa 37 Carson Mary Iowa 33 Newton
66 Townsend Eva May Daughter F W 5 S Iowa Townsend Henry Iowa 37 Carson Mary Iowa 33 Newton
67 Townsend Lucile R Daughter F W 3 S Iowa Townsend Henry Iowa 37 Carson Mary Iowa 33 Newton
68 Townsend Wilma Daughter F W 1 S Iowa Townsend Henry Iowa 37 Carson Mary Iowa 33 Newton
69 Brock John Head M W 37 M Iowa Brock William Holland 79 Noteboom Sara Holland 77 Pella Iowa
70 Brock Florence Wife F W 36 M Iowa Shull James H Ohio   Bartholomew Fannie Iowa   Newton
71 Brock Roy S Son M W 14 S Iowa Brock John Iowa 37 Shull Florence Iowa 36 Newton
72 Carstens Henry Head M W 51 M Iowa Carstens Hans Germany 84 Pauls Dora Germany 81 Germany
73 Carstens Alice Wife F W 28 M Iowa Tinnermier Samuel Wis   Kline Elizabeth Iowa 58 Iowa
74 Barnes Lorine Step Daughter F W 7 S Iowa Barnes Ben Kentucky   Tinnemeier Alice Iowa 28 Iowa
75 Barnes Bennie Step Son M W 5 S Iowa Barnes Ben Kentucky   Tinnemeier Alice Iowa 28 Iowa
76 Tinnermier Elizabeth Mother-in-Law F W 58 W Iowa Kline Fredrick Germany   Kating Louisa Germany   Freeport Ill
77 Hickman Harvie Head M W 71 M Ind Hickman Samuel N Carolina   Brum Mary N Carolina   Indiana
78 Hickman Jemima Wife F W 70 M Missouri Green Squire Kentucky   Evans Emily Kentucky   Missouri
79 Robb Wilson M Head M W 70 M Iowa Robb James E Ind   Freeman Elmira Ind   Ind
80 Robb Almira J Wife F W 72 M Iowa Moss William N Carolina   Humphrey Elizabeth Ind   Iowa
81 Annis Frank J Head M W 38 M Iowa Annis Ben H Iowa 66 Dickenson Levina New York 66 Minn
82 Annis Maud Wife F W 33 M Neb Laird James Neb   Dales Mary Neb 66 Neb
83 Annis Don Leroy Son M W 15 S Iowa Annis Frank Iowa 38 Laird Maud Neb 33 Newton
84 Annis Pearl L Daughter F W 14 S Iowa Annis Frank Iowa 38 Laird Maud Neb 33 Newton
85 Annis Frank J Son M W 12 S Iowa Annis Frank Iowa 38 Laird Maud Neb 33 Newton
86 Annis Agnes B Daughter F W 11 S Iowa Annis Frank Iowa 38 Laird Maud Neb 33 Newton
87 Annis Edith M Daughter F W 8 S Iowa Annis Frank Iowa 38 Laird Maud Neb 33 Newton
88 Annis James H Son M W 6 S Iowa Annis Frank Iowa 38 Laird Maud Neb 33 Newton
89 Annis Dorothy Faye Daughter F W 5 S Iowa Annis Frank Iowa 38 Laird Maud Neb 33 Newton
90 Annis Hazel A Daughter F W 2 S Iowa Annis Frank Iowa 38 Laird Maud Neb 33 Newton
  S/M/ Place of Father   Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
91 Annis Morris N Son M W 1 S Iowa Annis Frank Iowa 38 Laird Maud Neb 33 Newton
92 Gearhart Earl H Head M W 34 M Iowa Gearhart Herley Penn 72 Green Synthia   70 Iowa
93 Gearhart Nora Wife F W 34 M Iowa Wheatcraft John Iowa 59 Listen Eliza Iowa 59 Iowa
94 Gearhart Francis Son M W 14 S Iowa Gearhart Earl H Iowa 34 Wheatcraft Nora Iowa 34 Newton
95 Gearhart Bessie Daughter F W 10 S Iowa Gearhart Earl H Iowa 34 Wheatcraft Nora Iowa 34 Newton
96 Loynachan Raymond Head M W 30 M Missouri Loynachan David Missouri   Breckenridge Noria Iowa  Nouville IA2
97 Loynachan Grace Wife F W 27 M Iowa Beals Bert Iowa   Baker Mary Iowa 54 Iowa
98 Loynachan Madge Daughter F W 5 S Iowa Loynachan R E Missouri 30 Beals Grace Iowa 27 Adel Iowa
99 Loynachan Betty A Daughter F W 4 S Iowa Loynachan R E Missouri 30 Beals Grace Iowa 27 Adel Iowa
100 Beals Walter J Head M W 30 M Iowa Beals Bert Iowa Iowa Baker Mary Iowa 54 Iowa
101 Beals Cecile Wife F W 28 M Iowa Pink P R Illinois 62 Witmer Emma Iowa 56 Iowa
102 Beals Robert Son M W 7 S Iowa Beals Walter J Iowa 30 Pink Cecile Iowa 28 Newton
103 Beals Emma L Daughter F W 2 S Iowa Beals Walter J Iowa 30 Pink Cecile Iowa 28 Newton
104 Wray J E Head M W 64 M Ind Wray Mankin Virginia   Wolfgang Sara Penn   Ind
105 Wray Amanda Wife F W 57 M Iowa Pierce Geo Wis   Harter Elizabeth Wis   Newton
106 Riley Kenneth Head M W 22 M Iowa Riley William Iowa 46 Rayl Gertrude Iowa 43 Newton
107 Riley Dorothy Wife F W 31 M Iowa Hise Geo Iowa 61 Byers Rachel Iowa 55 Pella Iowa
108 Griebel Earnest Head M W 63 M Germany Griebel Jacom Germany   Ruser Recca Germany   Germany
109 Griebel Mary J Wife M W 57 M Iowa Iske Henry Germany   Schuman Mary A Germany 86 Davenport
110 McQuiston Roy Head M W 51 M Iowa McQuiston William    Henning Elizabeth    
111 McQuiston Rose Wife F W 48 M Iowa Bohne Henry A New York 74 Schnathorst Lena L Germany 73 Wis
112 Kenner A R Head M W 41 M Iowa Kenner Geo W Ohio 72 Herman Anna New York 66 Bell Plain
113 Kenner Mary O Wife F W 40 M Iowa Mason Richard Ind   Beery Sara Ann Ohio 71 Iowa
114 Kenner Mildred R Daughter F W 19 S Iowa Kenner A R Iowa 41 Mason Mary O Iowa 40 Toledo Iowa
115 Kenner Elna May Daughter F W 17 S Iowa Kenner A R Iowa 41 Mason Mary O Iowa 40 Toledo Iowa
116 Kenner Arthur Son M W 10 S Iowa Kenner A R Iowa 41 Mason Mary O Iowa 40 Toledo Iowa
117 Kenner Hellen M Daughter F W 8 S Iowa Kenner A R Iowa 41 Mason Mary O Iowa 40 Toledo Iowa
118 Kenner Charless Son M W 4 S Iowa Kenner A R Iowa 41 Mason Mary O Iowa 40 Toledo Iowa
119 Gibson Orie G Head M W 25 M Iowa Gibson John England 56 Dennis Goldie Iowa 45 Iowa
120 Gibson Hazel Wife F W 23 M Iowa Henney William Ohio 73 Miller Nancy Iowa 62 DesMoines
  S/M/ Place of Father Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
121 Gibson Lola Daughter F W 2 S Iowa Gibson Orie F Iowa 25 Henney Hazel Iowa 23 Newton
122 Gibson John W Jr Son M W 1 S Iowa Gibson Orie F Iowa 25 Henney Hazel Iowa 23 Newton
123 Danks John Head M W 33 M Penn Danks Samuel        Penn
124 Danks Myrtle Wife F W 28 M Iowa Rayl William Iowa   Hamilton Jennie Iowa 65 Iowa
125 Danks Junior Son M W 11 S Iowa Danks John Penn 33 Rayl Myrtle Iowa 28 Newton
126 Danks Jennie Daughter F W 9 S Iowa Danks John Penn 33 Rayl Myrtle Iowa 28 Newton
127 Danks Donald Son M W 7 S Iowa Danks John Penn 33 Rayl Myrtle Iowa 28 Newton
128 Danks Virginia Daughter F W 4 S Iowa Danks John Penn 33 Rayl Myrtle Iowa 28 Newton
129 Danks Robert Son M W 2 S Iowa Danks John Penn 33 Rayl Myrtle Iowa 28 Newton
130 Danks Russel Son M W 2 S Iowa Danks John Penn 33 Rayl Myrtle Iowa 28 Newton
131 Sims S W Head M W 68 M Iowa Sims S S Ind   Christy Elsie J. Kentucky   Ind
132 Sims Lena B Wife F W 59 M Ill Scott Charles Ohio   Kennedy Tilitha Illinois   Ill
133 Scott Myrtle Sister-in-law F W 45 S Ill Scott Charles Ohio   Kennedy Tilitha Illinois   Ill
134 Leeper A G Head M W 68 M Ohio Leeper John Ohio   McCartney Janet Ohio   Ohio
135 Kono Jay F Head M W 38 M Iowa Kono Fred Germany 70 Lint Matilda Penn 70 Iowa
136 Kono Minnie Wife F W 36 M Iowa Johnson John P Sweeden   Larson Agusta Sweeden 69 Iowa
137 Kono Cecile Son M W 10 S Iowa Kono Jay F Iowa 38 Johnson John P3 Iowa 36 Newton
138 Anthony Lewis Head M W 24 M Neb Anthony Lewis Iowa 54 Raines Mattie Iowa 49 Iowa
139 Anthony Neva Wifea F W 23 M Iowa Gibson John England 57 Dennis Goldie Iowa 45 Iowa
140 Anthony Elmer D Son M W 4 S Iowa Anthony Lewis Neb 24 Gibson Neva Iowa 23 DesMoines
141 Anthony Robert E Son M W 1 S Iowa Anthony Lewis Neb 24 Gibson Neva Iowa 23 DesMoines
142 Iske August C Head M W 51 M Missouri Iske Fred Germany   Bodenhousen Minnie Germany   
143 Iske Abbie Wife F W 44 M Iowa Cross Jessie Ohio 78 Dawson Mary Iowa 68 Iowa
144 Iske Fred Son M W 13 S Iowa Iske August E Missouri 51 Cross Abbie Iowa 44 Newton
145 Herbold William J Head M W 32 M Iowa Herbold Chris H Germany 71 Hiskey Lida Ohio 67 Newton
146 Herbold Mary C Wife F W 31 M Iowa Maher John Iowa 62 Gannon Ellen C Iowa 60 Iowa
147 Herbold Joseph W Son M W 3 S Iowa Herbold William J Iowa 32 Maher Mary C Iowa 31 Newton
148 Brisel Andrew Head M W 43 M Iowa Brisel Frank Germany   Roush Mary Germany 76 Davenport
149 Brisel Emma Wife F W 39 M Iowa Coter Simon Germany 68 Holscher Caroline Germany 60 Iowa
150 Brisel Alice Daughter F W 11 S Iowa Brisel Andrew Iowa 43 Coter Emma Iowa 39 Newton

1. Father's name in actually James Harvey and mother is Jemima C.
2. Marriage location might be Knoxville, Ia
3. Mother's given name is as written in the record.

Copyright 2007
by IAGenWeb Jasper County

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Added April 28, 2007