Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

1925 Iowa State Census
Sherman Township

Book 1  |  Book 2  |  Book 3  |  Book 4

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  S/M/ Place of Father   Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
1 Gauch August Head M W 65 M Germany Gauch Christian Germany . Blink Anna M Germany . Germany
2 Gauch Minnie Wife F W 59 M Iowa Schorman Fred Germany . Dravis Henrietta Germany . Waukon Ia
3 Brand Benjamin Head M W 40 M Iowa Brand Henry Germany . Guise Wilhelmina Germany . Newton Ia
4 Brand Irene S Wife F W 25 M Iowa Gauch August Germany 65 Schorman Minnie Iowa 59 Marshalltown Ia
5 Brand Geraldine W Daughter F W 2 S Iowa Brand Benjamin Iowa 40 Gauch Irene S Iowa 25 Baxter Ia
6 Kramm Fred A Head M W 54 M Iowa Kramm Henry Germany . Paul Louisa J Germany . Freport Ill
7 Kramm Mary M Wife F W 55 M Iowa Hager Simon Germany . Kramm Minnie Germany . Sheboygan Wis
8 Kramm Viola D Daughter F W 23 S Iowa Kramm Fred A Iowa 54 Hager Mary M Iowa 55 Waukon Ia
9 Kramm Dorthea M Daughter F W 20 S Iowa Kramm Fred A Iowa 54 Hager Mary M Iowa 55 Waukon Ia
10 Krampe Matilda L . F W 60 S Wisconsin Krampe Fred Germany . Sanderman Louise Germany . Sheboygan Wis
11 Dahlem Abraham Head M W 74 M Germany Dahlem Henry Germany . Vogt Susana Germany . Germany
12 Dahlem Caroline H Wife F W 56 M Illinois Kaiser Charles Germany . Nemiser Henrietta Germany . Freeport Ill
13 Dahlem Henry C Son M W 27 S Iowa Dahlem Abraham Germany 74 Kaiser Caroline H Illinois 56 Baxter Ia
14 Dahlem Florence H Daughter F W 22 S Iowa Dahlem Abraham Germany 74 Kaiser Caroline H Illinois 56 Baxter Ia
15 Simmons Arthur E Head M W 44 M England Simmons William England 72 Tichurst Francis England 72 England
16 Simmons Alma E Wife F W 34 M Germany Mencke George Germany . Hazelbrink Wilhelmina Germany 54 Germany
17 Wintermeier Louie Head M W 84 M Germany Wintermeier Jepist Germany . Gradie Lottie Germany . Germany
18 Wintermeier Lettie Wife F W 88 M Germany Miller Jopst Germany . Klemme . Germany . Germany
19 Sego John W Head M W 78 M Kentucky Sego Granberry Kentucky . Goodman Sarah D Kentucky . Kentucky
20 Sego Martha J Wife F W 74 M Ohio Trusler Thomas Ohio . Porter Alvira Ohio . Ohio
21 Diehl Minnie L Head F W 56 W Iowa Geise Henry Germany . Kleinwagoner Louisa Germany . Freeport Ill
22 Diehl Harlan O Son M W 20 S Iowa Diehl George New York . Geise Minnie Iowa 56 Baxter Ia
23 Geise Fred C Brother M W 61 S Iowa Geise Henry Germany . Kleinwagoner Louisa Germany . Freeport Ill
24 Morgan Harry B Head M W 47 M Iowa Morgan George W Ohio . Bennett Mary E New York . Kansas
25 Morgan Bertha E Wife F W 43 M Kansas Hull Franklin C Kansas 70 Shoemaker Alice Iowa 68 DesMoines Ia
26 Morgan Frank H Son M W 15 S Iowa Morgan Harry B Iowa 47 Hull Bertha E Kansas 43 Carlise Iowa
27 Geise Robert O Head M W 35 M Iowa Geise Harvy A Iowa 64 Hager Lizzie Iowa 64 Baxter Iowa
28 Geise Vera E Wife F W 31 M Illinois Cunningham Oscar E Iowa 53 Lynn Ona Pennsylvania 50 Chicago Ill
29 Geise Robert Jr Son M W 8 S Iowa Giese Robert O Iowa 35 Cunningham Vera E Illinois 31 Baxter Iowa
30 Geise Richard H Son M W 6 S Iowa Giese Robert O Iowa 35 Cunningham Vera E Illinois 31 Baxter Iowa
  S/M/ Place of Father   Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
31 Thorp William T Head M W 66 M Illinois Tharp Orson L New York . Welch Jane E Illinois . Little Rock ILL
32 Thorp Nettie E Wife F W 61 M Ohio Colbert Jessie W Ohio . McDonald Mary Ohio 81 Mout Pilier Ohio
33 Cartwright Hilary L Head M W 55 M North Carolina Cartwright Louis I North Carolina . Swain Martha J North Carolina . North Carolina
34 Cartwright Harriet E Wife F W 44 M Iowa Wilson Thomas Iowa . Cross Alice Iowa 63 Union Iowa
35 Cartwright Julius M Son M W 7 S Iowa Cartwright Hilary L North Carolina 55 Wilson Harriet E Iowa 44 Union Iowa
36 Saak Herman B Head M W 48 M Iowa Saak Herman Germany . e Ella N Germany 78 Newton Ia
37 Saak Sophia L Wife F W 46 M Iowa Kanne Henry Germany . Paul Louise C Germany . Freeport Ill
38 Saak Florence L Daughter F W 18 S Iowa Saak Herman Iowa 48 Kanne Sophia L Iowa 47 Baxter Ia
39 Tinnermeier Louis H Head M W 44 M Iowa Tinnermeier Charles Germany . Shakey Minnie Illinois 76 Newton Ia
40 Tinnermeier Anna Wife F W 43 M Iowa Saak Herman Germany . Reineke Ella Germany 78 Newton Ia
41 Saak Ella E Mother-in-law F W 78 W Germany Reineke John Germany . . . Germany . Germany
42 Kanne Louis D Head M W 50 M Iowa Kanne Henry Germany . Paul Louissa Germany . Freeport Ill
43 Kanne Liddie A Wife F W 49 M Iowa Stock Frank Germany . Boedaker Reike Germany 73 Newton Ia
44 Kanne Malinda C Daughter F W 16 S Iowa Kanne Louis D Iowa 50 Stock Liddie A Iowa 49 Baxter Ia
45 Cross Samuel Head M W 76 M Ohio Cross Benjamin D Ohio . Sills Lydia Ohio . Ohio
46 Cross Melissa M Wife F W 68 M Iowa Heifner Isaac A Pennsylvania . Smith Mary Alice Pennsylvania . Huntington Penn
47 Hager Simon A Head M W 64 M Wisconsin Hager Henry Germany . Haahne Louisa Germany . Wisconsin
48 Hager Mary S Wife F W 52 M Iowa Wehrman Henry Germany Pauck Mailda Germany . New York
49 Hager Rosella Daughter F W 23 S Iowa Hager Simon Wisconsin 64 Wehrman Mary S Iowa 52 Baxter Iowa
50 Hager Norma Daughter F W 21 S Iowa Hager Simon Wisconsin 64 Wehrman Mary S Iowa 52 Baxter Iowa
51 Rankin Daniel T Head M W 31 M Iowa Rankin John R Iowa 67 Lilley Ida M Iowa 58 DesMoines Iowa
52 Rankin Flosse M Wife F W 28 M Iowa Hoel William M Iowa 63 Moore Mary J Iowa 58 Creston Iowa
53 Rankin Helena K Daughter F W 8 S Iowa Rankin Daniel T Iowa 31 Hoel Flossie Iowa 28 East Peru, Iowa
54 Rankin Thomas K Son M W 6 S Iowa Rankin Daniel T Iowa 31 Hoel Flossie Iowa 28 East Peru, Iowa
55 Rankin Chas E Son M W 5 S Iowa Rankin Daniel T Iowa 31 Hoel Flossie Iowa 28 East Peru, Iowa
56 Rankin Wilford L Son M W 3 S Iowa Rankin Daniel T Iowa 31 Hoel Flossie Iowa 28 East Peru, Iowa
57 Rankin Doris I Daughter F W 1 S Iowa Rankin Daniel T Iowa 31 Hoel Flossie Iowa 28 East Peru, Iowa
58 Herzog Walter H Head M W 28 M Iowa Herzog Simon Germany 62 Krueger Wilhelmina Germany . Baxter Ia
59 Herzog Esther R Wife F W 27 M Iowa Krampe August Wisconsin . Kanne Louise Iowa 52 Baxter Ia
60 Herzog Edmund H Son M W 6 S Iowa Herzog Walter H Iowa 28 Krampe Eshter R Iowa 27 Baxter Ia
  S/M/ Place of Father   Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
61 Wintermeier August Head M W 77 W Germany Wintermeier Louis Germany . Miller Katherine Germany . Germany
62 Luthe Martha E Servant F W 27 S Iowa Luthe Charles Switzerland 61 Wintermeier Emma Iowa 49 Baxter Ia
63 Orr Francis Marion Head M W 58 M Ohio Orr Isaih Ohio . Swihart Sarah D Ohio . Ohio
64 Orr Mary R Wife F W 63 M Ohio Snyder Eli Ohio . Hostettler Caroline Pennsylvania . Ohio
65 Scott Mary Head F W 62 W Ohio Carey William T Ohio . Dawson Anna M West Virginia . Ohio
66 Schmidt Mary J Daughter F W 38 D Iowa Scott John P Iowa . Carey Mary Ohio 62 Newton Ia
67 Schmidt Wilma N Grand Daughter F W 16 S Iowa Schmidt Conrad J Germany 47 Scott Mary J Iowa 38 Marshalltown Ia
68 Downs Horace S Head M W 55 M Iowa Downs Henry Connecticut . Worden Lucy M New York . Iowa City Ia
69 Downs Carrie L Wife F W 51 M Iowa Booth Judson S New York 76 Conwell Jane C Ohio 71 Newton Ia
70 Downs Laura Daughter F W 28 S Iowa Downs Horace S Iowa 55 Booth Carrie L Iowa 51 Baxter Ia
71 Reece Jessie L Daughter F W 23 M Iowa Downs Horace S Iowa 55 Booth Carrie L Iowa 51 Baxter Ia
72 Reece Carrol F Son in law M W 25 M Iowa Reece Frank Iowa 44 Brotherson Caroline Iowa . Newton Ia
73 Jeffries Arthur W Head M W 43 M Iowa Jeffries Hiram A Iowa 68 Witmer Barbara Iowa 64 Newton Ia
74 Jeffries Mary Daisy Wife F W 40 M Iowa Cross Samuel Iowa 76 Heifner Melina M Iowa 68 Newton Ia
75 Jeffries Dennis Son M W 19 S Iowa Jeffries Arthur M Iowa 43 Cross Daisy Mary Iowa . Ira Ia
76 Stock Frank Head M W 83 M Germany Stock . Germany . . . Germany . Germany
77 Stock Reike Wife F W 73 M Wisconsin Boedaker Frederick Germany . Krampe Reike Germany . Wisconsin
78 Stock Clara M Daughter F W 38 S Iowa Stock Frank Germany 83 Boedaker Reike Wisconsin 73 Newton Ia
79 Wehrman George F Head M W 68 M Wisconsin Wehrman Henry Germany . Pouch Matilda Germany . New York
80 Wehrman Helen Wife F W 62 M Wisconsin Kammaan Henry Germany . Hoke Sophia Germany . Wisconsin
81 Dodd Samuel P Head M W 72 M Iowa Dodd Joseph New York . Miller Amelia Kentucky . Illinois
82 Dodd Margaret E Wife F W 72 M Iowa Thompson Samuel Ohio . Deeter Harriett Pennsylvania . Cleveland Ohio
83 Werhrman Fred W Head M W 63 W Wisconsin Wehrman henry Germany . Pouch Matilda Germany . New York
84 Wehrman Minnie J Sister F W 67 S Wisconsin Wehrman henry Germany . Pouch Matilda Germany . New York
85 Wehrman Sadie W Daughter F W 21 S Iowa Wehrman Fred W Wisconsin 63 Saak Minnie Iowa . Melbourne Ia
86 Helming Arthur B Head M W 32 M Iowa Helming Thomas Iowa 60 Hager Ida Iowa 57 Waukon Ia
87 Helming Mary L Wife F W 31 M Iowa Brewer Charles L Kansas 60 Sanger Grace S Iowa 56 Russell Ia
88 Helming Wayne A Son M W 10 S Iowa Helming Arthur B Iowa 32 Brewer Mary L Iowa 31 DesMoines Ia
89 Helming John W Son M W 8 S Iowa Helming Arthur B Iowa 32 Brewer Mary L Iowa 31 DesMoines Ia
90 Helming Lloyd B Son M W 5 S Iowa Helming Arthur B Iowa 32 Brewer Mary L Iowa 31 DesMoines Ia
  S/M/ Place of Father   Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
91 Berry Charles W Head M W 62 M Iowa Berry Solomon IA . Connor Ellen IA . Iowa
92 Berry Lizzie Wife F W 59 M Iowa Ferguson John IA . Stock Anna IA . .
93 Berry Arthur G Son M W 31 S Iowa Berry Charles W Iowa 62 Ferguson Lizzie Iowa 59 Clyde Ia
94 Wehrman Henry Boarder M W 71 W Wisconsin Wehrman Henry Germany . Pouck Matilda Germany . Germany
95 Rose Isaac N Head M W 67 M Iowa Rose Elam New York . Hood Nancy New York . New York
96 Rose Mary E Wife F W 64 M Iowa Sego Greenbury Kentucky . Goodman Sarah D Kentucky . Kentucky
97 Rose Harvey C Grandson M W 7 S Minnesota Rose Orval R Nebraska 33 Lauderman Nellie Iowa . Nebraska
98 Armstrong Ralph E Head M W 33 M Iowa Armstrong William Indiana . Dickey Elta Iowa . DesMoines Ia
99 Armstrong Lena L Wife F W 29 M Iowa Exter Simon Germany 61 Holscher Caroline Germany 63 Newton Ia
100 Armstrong Kenneth Son M W 1 S Iowa Armstrong Ralph E Iowa 33 Exter Lena L Iowa 29 Newton Ia
101 Armstrong Myrna Daughter F W 1 S Iowa Armstrong Ralph E Iowa 33 Exter Lena L Iowa 29 Newton Ia
102 Vansice William Head M W 31 M Iowa Vansice John M Pennsylvania 68 Richmond Malinda Iowa 65 Newton Ia
103 Vansice Anna E Wife F W 30 M Iowa Garrison James W Iowa . Harvey Nora B Iowa 57 Knoxville Ia
104 Vansice Will M Son M W 10 S Iowa Vansice William Iowa 31 Garrison Anna E Iowa 30 Newton Ia
105 Vansice Marjorie F Daughter F W 9 S Iowa Vansice William Iowa 31 Garrison Anna E Iowa 30 Newton Ia
106 Vansice Ione B Daughter F W 7 S Iowa Vansice William Iowa 31 Garrison Anna E Iowa 30 Newton Ia
107 Vansice Kenneth Son M W 6 S Iowa Vansice William Iowa 31 Garrison Anna E Iowa 30 Newton Ia
108 Vansice Avis D Daughter F W 4 S Iowa Vansice William Iowa 31 Garrison Anna E Iowa 30 Newton Ia
109 Vansice Keith M Son M W 2 S Iowa Vansice William Iowa 31 Garrison Anna E Iowa 30 Newton Ia
110 Wastier Jacob P Head M W 58 M Ohio Wastier Jacob Germany . Young Elizabeth Germany . Germany
111 Wastier Mary O Wife F W 57 M Iowa Neighbor Emanuel G Ohio 90 Weier Nancy J Ohio . New Cou? Ohio
112 Wastier Helen B Daughter F W 15 S Iowa Wastier Jacob P Ohio 58 Neighbor Mary O Iowa 57 Baxter Ia
113 Wastier Herbert L Son M W 18 S Iowa Wastier Jacob P Ohio 58 Neighbor Mary O Iowa 57 Baxter Ia
114 Wastier Arthur H Son M W 22 S Iowa Wastier Jacob P Ohio 58 Neighbor Mary O Iowa 57 Baxter Ia
115 Wastier Roy M Head M W 34 M Iowa Wastier Jacob P Ohio 58 Neighbor Mary O Iowa 57 Baxter Ia
116 Wastier Ethel M Wife F W 25 M Illinois Pope George H Pennsylvania . Hughes Catherine Wales 58 Braceville Ill
117 Wastier Marjory C Daughter F W 4 S Iowa Wastier Roy M Iowa 34 Pope Ethel M Illinois 25 Jolliett Ill
118 Cunningham Oscar E Head M W 53 M Iowa Cunningham Dwight New York . Forbes Elizabeth North Carolina 80 Franklin Grove Ill
119 Cunningham Oletha I Wife F W 50 M Pennsylvania Lynn Albert F Pennsylvania 71 Ross Lorette Pennsylvania 73 Mercer Penn
120 Cunningham Lynn D Son M W 26 S Iowa Cunningham Oscar E Iowa 53 Lynn Oletha I Pennsylvania 50 Chicago Ill
  S/M/ Place of Father Mother Parents
Ln Last Name First Name Relation Sex Clr Age W/D Birth Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Last Name First Name Birth Pl Age Marriage Pl
121 Rose Clarence Head M W 26 M Iowa Rose Isaac N Iowa 67 Sego Mary L Iowa . .
122 Rose Loris Irene Wife F W 20 M Iowa Huffaker Cyrus F Iowa . Johnson Winnie Iowa . .
123 Rose Fern W Daughter F W 1 S Iowa Rose Clarence Iowa 26 Huffaker Lorie I Iowa 20 Marshalltown Ia
124 Rose Janet L Daughter F W 1 S Iowa Rose Clarence Iowa 26 Huffaker Lorie I Iowa 20 Marshalltown Ia
125 Kracht Wilhelmina Head F W 78 W Germany Beageman Fred Germany . FlÜeger Fredrica Germany . Germany
126 Kracht Fred A Son M W 55 S Wisconsin Kracht Adolph Germany . Beageman Wilhelmina Germany 78 Sheboygan Falls
127 Kracht Anna M Daughter F W 37 S Iowa Kracht Adolph Germany . Beageman Wilhelmina Germany 78 Sheboygan Falls
128 Toedt Ernest A Head M W 70 M Germany Toedt Christopher C Germany . Hatteburg Minnie Germany . Germany
129 Toedt Caroline L Wife F W 57 M Iowa Damman Martin J Germany . Strau Charlotte Germany . Germany
130 Toedt Clara E Daughter F W 26 S Iowa Toedt Ernest A Germany 70 Damman Caroline L Iowa 57 Baxter Ia
131 Toedt Bertha S Daughter F W 24 S Iowa Toedt Ernest A Germany 70 Damman Caroline L Iowa 57 Baxter Ia
132 Toedt Ester Daughter F W 22 S Iowa Toedt Ernest A Germany 70 Damman Caroline L Iowa 57 Baxter Ia
133 Toedt Alma D Daughter F W 20 S Iowa Toedt Ernest A Germany 70 Damman Caroline L Iowa 57 Baxter Ia
134 Noah Calvin Head M W 47 M Iowa Noah Henry H Germany . Schnuelle Fredrica Wisconsin . Franklin Wis
135 Noah Charlotte L Wife F W 42 M Iowa Wintermeier Louis Germany 83 Miller Charlotte Germany 83 Newton Ia
136 Noah Iona L Daughter F W 13 S Iowa Noah Calvin Iowa 47 Wintermeier Charlotte Iowa 42 Baxter Ia
137 Noah Lorna C Daughter F W 11 S Iowa Noah Calvin Iowa 47 Wintermeier Charlotte Iowa 42 Baxter Ia
138 Noah Esther C Daughter F W 7 S Iowa Noah Calvin Iowa 47 Wintermeier Charlotte Iowa 42 Baxter Ia
139 Noah Calvin A Cousin M W 38 S Wisconsin Noah Adolph H Germany 66 Dohmeier Minnie Wisconsin . Franklin Wis
140 Noah Alvina L Sister F W 39 S Iowa Noah Henry H Germany . Schnuelle Fredrica Wisconsin . Franklin Wis
141 Hager Minnie C . F W 66 S Wisconsin Hager Henry Germany . Haahne Louisa Germany . Wisconsin
142 Exter Simon F Head M W 70 M Germany Exter Conrad Germany . Henning Charlotte Germany . Germany
143 Exter Lena L Wife F W 62 M Germany Holscher Conrad Germany . Henning Charlotte Germany . Germany
144 Conwall Clark D Head M W 57 M Iowa Conwall Clark D Pennsylvania . Toppin Rebecca Ohio . Uhrichsville O
145 Conwall Lena O Wife F W 47 M Iowa Wyatt Layfaette Missouri 72 Hedger Anna Iowa . Iowa
146 Poage Harriet E Head F W 83 W Indiana Poage Robert S Connecticut . Earl Marinda Ohio . Thompson O
147 McFarlane H Grace Daughter F W 49 W Iowa Poage James R Ohio . Scott Harriet E Indiana 83 Newton Ia
148 Clark R Frank Head M W 49 W Iowa Clark John M B Kentucky . Whitney Nellie A New York . Iowa
149 Clark Thomas C Brother M W 46 S Iowa Clark John M B Kentucky . Whitney Nellie A New York . Iowa
150 Clark Otto J Brother M W 28 S Iowa Clark John M B Kentucky . Whitney Nellie A New York . Iowa

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by IAGenWeb Jasper County

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Added April 28, 2007