Baker Family Burial

Adda | Jennie

Addie Baker

Born: July 2, 1875 in Jasper Co., Iowa1
Died: April 17, 1879 in Jasper Co., Iowa
Buried: Lot 54, plot 7
Lot Owner: Wm Baker, purchased 1882
Parents: William and Mary Ramsey Baker

Adda Baker tombstone

News from Sherman Township

Diphtheria in a mild form has again broken out among us. This time in the family of Wm. Baker, on the Des Moines road. Mr. Baker's is the only family in his immediate vicinity where there were children, that escaped a visitation of this terrible disease, during the Fall and Winter. ~ The Newton Journal, April 17, 1879.

1. Baker Family History provided by William D. Baker of Colorado

Jennie Baker

Born: July 9, 1875 in Jasper Co., Iowa1
Died: April 19, 1879 in Jasper Co., Iowa
Buried: Lot 54, plot 6
Lot Owner: Wm Baker, purchased 1882
Parents: William and Mary Ramsey Baker

Jennie Baker tombstone

News from Sherman Township

It is again our painful work to report the ravages of diphtheria in this community. We last week mentioned the appearance of the destroyer of our little ones, but as we supposed and hoped in a mild form, in the family of Will Baker, on the Des Moines road.

The first child attacked got along nicely under medical treatment and we concluded we had only the mild form to contend with, but when four others were attacked, the disease developed in its most hideous form. On Thursday forenoon Ada, the oldest of the children, was numbered among its victims, aged 9 years, 2 months and 26 days. On Saturday morning little Jennie took leave of parents and friends and joined Ada on the other shore. Aged 3 years, 9 months, and 9 days.

The links of the chain that bind us here are attached to the anchor beyond.

At the present writing the disease has laid its two-fold fatal grasp on the oldest boy, who, ere this reaches you, will be numbered with the departed. Mr. Baker, Burt and Nelly are in a fair way to recover. Besides this family there has been diphtheria at A. J. Westbrook's and James Simms, but all doing well. ~ The Newton Journal, April 24, 1879.

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Created Summer 2000 by Barbara Lane Hug and Marvelyn Lane Adams. Updated September 2004.