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Iowa News from across the
- 1940 -
Port Arthur News
Port Arthur, Texas
February 10, 1940
Louisiana Brevities - Crowley - Last rites were conducted for
Charles Lincoln Hormell, 74, longtime resident of Crowley
[Louisiana]. He was an architect and building contractor, coming
here in 1891 from Iowa. He retired due to ill health about two
years ago. He is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Earl
Plumlee of Tulsa, Okla., Miss Edna Hormell of Crowley; four sons,
Louis and Jack Hormell of Crowley, Charles G. Hormell of
Torrance, Cal.; C.L. HOrmell, Jr., of Houston, Texas; 12
grandchildren and one half sister, Mrs. Lucy Smith of Bradgate,
[transcribed by S.F., February 2007]
Utica Daily Press
Utica, New York
June 25, 1940
Utica Weddings.
Bink - Clark. Miss Emily M. Clark, daughter of Mrs. Edward J.
Clark, and the late Mr. Clark, 18 Noyes, became the bride of Dr.
Edward N. Bink, Utica State Hospital, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Bink, Elkader, Ia., at 10:30 a.m. yesterday in the rectory of the
Sacred Heart Church. The Rev. Leonard Fries officated. Mrs. Dan
H. Dye and Daniel McGill attended the couple. The bride wore a
bron and white redingote ensemble with white accessories, and
corsage of gardenias. Her matron of honor was dressed in a green
and white [illegible lines] ... beauty rose buds and gardenias. A
wedding breakfast followed for the bridal party in the Utica.
After a northern trip through the Adirondacks and Canada, the
couple will live at the Utica State Hospital. The bride attended
Miss Deecke's School and graduated from the Utica Free Academy.
She is the organist at St. James Episcopal Church, Clinton. Dr.
Bink was graduated from the University of Iowa, Wisconsin
University, St. Louis University and received his degree of
medicine from the Laval University, Quebec. He is a physician on
the medical staff of the Utica State Hospital. Miss Marion Bink
of Elkader, Ia., came east for the wedding of her brother.
The bride was entertained at a shower by Mrs. Edwin Roggenstein
and Mrs. C. Everett Stisser; a luncheon by Mrs. Mark Barlow and
Mrs. C.A. McDonald at Dinble's Inn, and a party at Prospect Park
by Mr. and Mrs. John W. Clark. The couple was honored at a party
given by Mrs. Lenn A. Moore, Mrs. Edward C. Whitton and Mrs. Dye
in Mrs. Moore's summer home at Hinckley Lake.
[transcribed by S.F., June 2008]
Fairbanks Daily
Fairbanks, Alaska
July 1, 1940
J. Clayworth, North Pioneer, Passes Away
John T. Clayworth, aged 72 years, an old-time Northerner, who was
in the Klondike in its early days and who was an extensive owner
of mining ground on Harrison and other creeks in the Circle
distract, passed away at 11:45 o'clock Sunday morning in this
city. He had been in failing health more than a year.
Of late years he had made his home in Seattle in winter and came
north in the spring to look after his mining interests. This year
he arrived here about the middle of May. He was taken seriously
ill on Harrison creek May 22 and was brought to Fairbanks by Fred
B. Johnston, mining operator on Harrison, for medical treatment.
Mr. Clayworth is survived by a brother and nieces in the States.
It is expected the body will be sent to Seattle for interment.
[transcription note: Mr. Clayworth was enumerated on the 1870, 1880 US census & 1885 Iowa State census living in Mahaska co. Iowa - transcribed by S.F., March 2009]
Fairbanks Daily
Fairbanks, Alaska
July 11, 1940
Funeral for J. Clayworth Friday 7 P.M.
Funeral services for the late John T. Clayworth will be held in
the chapel of the Hosea H. Ross morturary at 7 o'clock Friday
evening. The rites will be conducted by the Fairbanks Igloo of
the Pioneers of Alaska. Interment will be in the Pioneer Plot of
Birch Hill cemetery.
[transcription note: Mr. Clayworth was enumerated on the 1870, 1880 US census & 1885 Iowa State census living in Mahaska co. Iowa - transcribed by S.F., March 2009]
Fairbanks Daily
Fairbanks, Alaska
July 16, 1940
Tribute To Memory of Real Pioneer
A tribute of unusual merit to a pioneer typical of thos who
conquered the Northland against great odds comes voluntarily to
the News-Miner from another of his rapidly vanishing type. The
passing of the venerated subject of the sketch was chronicled las
week. The following appreciative tesimonial is gladly printed on
The late John F. Clayworth, better known to all old Sourdoughs as
"Jack Clayworth" was a man typical of the pioneer
Alaskan, a man who had many friends and kept them through all of
the years; a kindly man who had a good word for everybody and who
seldom, if at any time, talked about himself even to his most
intimate friends. Therefore, his many friends and associates knew
little of his life prior to his arrival in Alaska.
We do know that Jack was born in 1864, which would make him 76
years old at the time of his death; that he was formerly a
resident of the State of Iowa, from which place we believe he
departed for Skagway, Alaska, arriving there in the early part of
We know also that he was a man of indomitable courage and
endurance in those early Alaskan years as evidenced by the
determination shown in packing his third outfit over the White
Pass Summit in the year 1898 after having lost two outfits he had
attempted to take into Dawson in the year 1897.
We know also that he succeded in getting to Dawson in 1898 and
that he worked on Quartz Creek and in various other sections of
the Yukon Territory prior to coming to the Fairbanks country,
which, as near as we can determine, was in 1904; thereafter
working on Gold Hill, Ester and in the Circle district, and
particularly on Harrison Creek, the scene of his past endeavors.
Jack had been ailing for some time and believing he was on the
road to recovery, left Sattle [sic - Seattle?] on the 5th of June
to spend the summer on Harrison Creek, where he had extensive
interests. A day or two after his arrival on Harrison Creek he
took a turn for the worst and was taken back to Fairbanks on or
about Saturday, June 29, by his friend and business associate,
Fred Johnston. He failed steadily thereafter until his death at
the St. Joseph's Hospital. He is survived by a brother now living
in Oskaloosa, Iowa.
It goes without saying, that we, as Pioneers and Alaskans in
general will miss this rapidly diminishing type of Pioneer.
[transcription note: Mr. Clayworth was enumerated on the 1870, 1880 US census & 1885 Iowa State census living in Mahaska co. Iowa - transcribed by S.F., March 2009]