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Iowa News from across the
- 1933 -
Van Nuys News
Van Nuys, California
February 6, 1933
Reunion With Iowa Friends
Mrs. Laura Morton and daughters, Miss Gertrude Morton and Mrs.
Winifred Palmer of Victory boulevard enjoyed a recent reunion
with childhood friends from Iowa -- Miss Mary McGill and Miss
Edith McGill who entertained with a dinner party in their Los
Angeles home.
Parents Visit Here From Iowa
Mrs. Joseph B. Nichols of 14348 Gilmore street entertained in her
home recently her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Steiner of San Diego and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.G. Gibbs who
are house guests of the Steiners during an indefinate sojourn in
the southland.
[transcribed by S.F., February 2007]
Fairbanks Daily
Fairbanks, Alaska
Saturday, May 27, 1933
Last Survivor of Sherman's Staff Dies
Los Angeles, May 27 - Funeral services were held in Los Angeles
yesterday afternoon for Major Samuel Hawkins Marshall Byers, 95
years old, soldier, diplomat and author. His death Wednesday was
due to pneumonia. He was the last surviving member of Gen.
Sherman's staff.
A life that spanned the growth of the United States through the
development of territories into states, the Mexican war, the
California gold rush, the Civil war, the coming of the railroad
and the rise of the nation to world leadership was the lot of
Major Byers.
He fought in the Civil war and then, when the inseparability of
the Union was assured, turned to foreign lands to serve i nthe
consular corps. Out of his varying experience he evolved much
poetry and prose.
A Pennsylvanian by birth, an Iowan by migration and a Californian
by choice - Major Byers symbolized the westward expansion of his
country. He was born in Pulaski, Pa., and when he was 14 his
parents joined the tide of immigrants who sought fortunes in the
middle west. The Byers family settled at Oskaloosa, Iowa, which
remained his home for many years, although his travels prevented
him from living there for any length of time.
He had taken up the study of law, but when the Civil war broke
out, joined the Fifth Iowa Infantry as a private serving four
years in the army. He was wounded at Champion Hills and captured
by the Confederates at Chattanooga. After being in several
southern prisons, including the notorious Libby prison, he
escaped from Columbia, S.C., and rejoined the Union army. He was
attached to General Sherman's staff in the final days of the
drive through the South and was selected by General Sherman to
carry the first news of his victories to General U.S. Grant and
President Lincoln.
It was while he was in the southern prison camps that Major
Byers, then an adjutant, began his rise to fame in literature
with the sone, "The March to the Sea," later adopted as
the title of General Sherman's campaign.
At the close of the war he was given the rank of major. He
returned to Iowa and in 1869 married Margaret Gilmour of Pontiac,
Mich. A son and a daughter , both now dead, were born to this
Major Byers later was appointed consul at Zurich, Switzerland.
His successes there caused his promotion to consul general in
Italy and later he was returned to Switzerland in the same
His pen was not idle during his foreign service. His prose work
included "Switzerland and the Swiss," published in
1875, and "Iowa in War Times." He also published a book
of poetry, "The Happy Isles," in 1884.
In 1893 Major Byers was recalled from the consular service by
President Cleveland and he returned to Oskaloosa to settle down
to a pursuit of his literary tastes. Numerous articles and poems
from his pen were published in periodicals and in 1911 he
published a war story, "With Fire and Sword." A year
later he completed an account of his adventures in diplomacy with
"Twenty Years in Europe."
He was busy collecting his poems during this period and had them
all published in a single volume. His next major work, in 1914,
was "A Layman's Life of Jesus."
For several years Major Byers spent his winters in California,
returning to Iowa for the summers. Finally in 1918 he transferred
his residence to Los Angeles and started a collection of his
later poems.
These were published in one volume, "In Arcadia," when
the author was nearing 90. Hailed as his greatest poetic work was
"The Bells of Capristrano," first published some years
before but included in this volume.
Major Byers spent his old age quietly amid his books and in
writing in his house on Sunset Place in Los Angeles. "Two
squares a day," and a good book, a little writing, some mild
form of exercise gave the keen-eyed warrior-poet more than the
average share of longevity. And at 92, just for a laugh at Old
Father Time, Major Byers gathered 92 of his friends and
"threw" a birthday party in a Los Angeles cafe.
[transcribed by S.F., March 2009]
The Evening Tribune
Albert Lea, Minnesota
August 15, 1933
Woman Gives Up Tax Money, Saves Child
Waukon, Iowa, Aug 15 - Allamakee county authorities Monday were
seeking a man and women who robbed Mrs. M.F. Schierholz, 86, of
Lansing of $60, after threatening to kidnap her two-year-old
grandson Saturday night. The aged woman told local authorities
that the pair entered her home at Lansing and struck her when she
refused to reveal where her money was hidden. She claimed she
still refused when the man burned her foot with a match. She also
charged that the woman bandit threatened to kidnap her grandson,
David Hurm, from his bed but rather than have the youngster
stolen, she paid the two bandits $60 which she said she had saved
to pay her taxes.
[transcribed by S.F., November 2008]
LaCrosse Tribune
and Leader-Press
LaCrosse, Wisconsin
November 13, 1933
Forty-one Received
Forty-one postulants received the habit of the Franciscan Sisters
Tuesday. they entered the chapel dressed in their black uniforms
and wearing long white veils and carrying their folded habits.
The habits and veils were blessed by the bishop's representative
with appropriate ceremonies. The class then retired from the
chapel to change the postulants garb for the habit of St.
Francis. Returning to the chapel they received the cord, rosary
and crown over which prayers rich in symbolism had been recited.
the Rt. Rev. Monsignor A.P. Kremer of Genna had been delegated by
the Most Reverend Bishop Alexander J. McGavick to conduct the
ceremony of investiture. The bishop remained at the throne.
Officers of the mass were: Celebrant, the Rev. Father Louis
Anthover of Holy Angels parish, Roselle, Iowa; deacon, the Rev.
Father Hilary Leuther, principal of Aquinas High school, La
Crosse; sub-deacon, the Rev. Father Anthony Sigwarth of St.
Mary's parish, Dubuque, Iowa. About sixty clergy men from many
cities, relatives and friends of the sisters, were in the
sanctuary during the mass.
The New Sisters
Those receiving the habit and the names they have been given are:
Lucille Laverdiere of Superior - Sister M. Arlene
Frances Dalsky of Wausau - Sister Mary Luke
Laura Lesczyeski of Athens - Sister M. Fiora
Lidwina Neppl of Halbue, Iowa - Sister Mary Venard
Eleanore Nauman of Sherrill, Iowa - Sister M.Vineenza
Dorothy Endres of Edgar, Wis. - Sister M. Clarone
Anne Fuechtl of Wausau - Sister Bertha Marle
Barbara Freed of Spokane - Sister M. Octavia
Anna Dekker of Ashland - Sister M. Luanno
Marle Vaske of New Vienna, Iowa - Sister M. Lenore
Mary Phillip of Eastman, Wis. - Sister M. Augusta
Liherla Steines of Bellevue, Iowa - Sister M. Madonna
Clara Klahn of La Crosse - Sister M. Carmellia
Susana Steines of Stratford, Wis. -Sister Mary Eugene
Charlotte Anderson of Ashland - Sister Mary Oliver
Angelino Lang of Amarillo, Texas - Sister M. Regine
Loretta Menko of West Point, Iowa - Sister Mary John
Gertrude Lohman of West Point, Iowa - Sister M. Jeanice
Katherine herbner of West Point, Iowa - Sister M. Juanino
Margaret Nash of Bozeman, Mont. - Sister Agnes Marlo
Eleanore Huber of Calmar, Iowa - Sister M. Estelle
Leonette Duehr of Balltown, Iowa - Sister M. Florian
Cortona Dufner of Maple River, Iowa - Sister M. Auberia
Rosaline Stork of Mt. Carmel, Iowa - Sister M. Myrene
Martina Stork of Mt. Carmel, Iowa - Sister Mary Myron
Clara Schmitt of Watertown - Sister M. Joyce
Catherine Setter of St. Lucas, Iowa - Sister M. Charitas
Catherine Meier of Guttenberg, Iowa - Sister M. Carol
Mary Rohlick of Seaforth, Minn. - Sister M. Coronita
Violet Walz of Glen Haven, Wis. - Sister M. Suzanne
Helen Wagner of Parkston, S.D. - Sister M. De Chantel
Agnes Merwald of Cumberland, Wis. - Sister M. Clairnita
Gertrude Knoer of Eau Claire, - Sister M. Goneva
Stella Farni of Dubuque, Iowa - Sister M. Erna
Ellen Ryan of Carrol, Iowa - Sister M. Innocence
Helen Leiwer of Yankton, S.D. - Sister M. Pierre
Mary Lynch of Mallard, Iowa - Sister M. Josile
Rosella Narum [?] of Mallard, Iowa - Sister M. [illegible]
Magdalene Hoffman of ----ville, Wis. - Sister M. Eulalin
Helen Murray of Superior - Sister M. Marcilo
Mary Therese Chao of Peking, China - Sister M. Frances Therese.
On the same occasion thirty-six novices took their final vows.
[transcribed by S.F., March 2009]
Lake Benton News
Lake Benton, Lincoln co. Minnesota
December 1, 1933
Double funeral services were held for Mr. and Mrs. H.A.
Sturtevant of Arco at 9 o'clock Monday morning at St. Genevieve's
Catholic church. Mass was spoken by Rev. Fr. Robert M. Bastyr,
pastor. Interment was made in the Lake Benton Catholic cemetery,
the remains of the two being laid to rest in one grave at their
own request.
Mrs. H.A. Sturtevant passed away at her home in Arco at 1:40
o'clock Friday afternoon of last week. Fifteen hours later her
husband followed her in death. Mr. Sturtevant passing on at 5
o'clock Saturday morning. The stricken couple had been ill for a
long time and were confined to their beds for the past six
months. Death came to both of them as a relief from a long period
of suffering.
Hulbert Allen Sturtevant was born at McGregor, Iowa, November 25,
1851 and died at the age of eighty-two years.
Catherine Doyle-Sturtevant was born at Bellevedere, Illinois,
April 7, 1856 and died at the age of seventy-seven yeras and
seven months.
Mr. and Mrs. Sturtevant were united in marriage on January 5,
1885 in Rockwell, Iowa, where they resided until 1904 when they
moved to Lake Benton, Minnesota. Here they engaged in farming for
a period of ten years. They then retired and moved to the village
of Arco, Minn. where they spent their remaining days. They are
survived by five children, fourteen grandchildren and two great
grandchildren. Their surviving children are Mrs. Anna Sharp of
Arco; James Sturtevant of Marshall, Minn.; Adelbert of Arco; Mrs.
Ella Thais of St. Paul, Minn., and Joseph Sturtevant of St. Paul.
Their many friends extend sympathy to the relatives in their
double sorrow.
[transcribed by S.F., August 2008]