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Iowa News from across the
- 1928 -
Surprise Valley Record
Cedarville, Modoc co. California
Wednesday, January 4, 1928
Mrs. Blanche Cannon was born in Elgin, Fayette County, Iowa,
March 17th, 1853 and on December 23, 1927, at San Jose, Cal., her
soul took its flight to the heavenly mansion, where "death
shall be no more: neither shall there be mourning, nor crying,
nor pain any more."
Blanche was the second child of Eliphelet and Christiana Follett.
She is survived by all her brothers and sisters. Mrs. Cannon is
the first to of the family of eight children to answer the call
of the Heavenly Father. Mrs. Cannon left Iowa with her parents,
October 24th, 1876, coming directly by emigrant train to
Woodland, Yolo County, Calif., and resided there three years. In
1879, they moved to Willow Ranch, Modoc County, Cal., where the
family home was maintained for years. Blanche Follett was married
to C. C. Cannon in 1888. Their only child, Mrs. Ollie Davis,
resides in San Jose, Cal. Mrs. Cannon began teaching school when
fifteen years of age. She taught eleven terms in and later taught
a number of terms in Oregon. Mrs. Cannon took an active interest
in all community projects. She was a member of the Eastern Star
and Rebekah Lodges.
In early life she united with the Methodist Episcopal Church and
was a most devout believer to the last. Mrs. Cannon was happiest
and her eyes would beam with spiritual zeal, as she related her
Christian experiences. As a devoted mother, she was not excelled.
She loved her daughter to a degree of worship. As a friend, she
was ever loyal and true, a most forgiving spirit, generous and
tender and so liberal in all her views. So well did Aunt Blanche
measure up to this standard, she will be sadly missed. But the
shining ray she has left is a beacon light, calling all those who
knew her to a higher and better life. – Lakeview
Examiner (1:1)
[transcribed by B.R., August 2005]
LaCrosse Tribune
LaCrosse, Wisconsin
February 19, 1928
Tree Planted at McGregor to Commemmorate End of Civil War Became
Monument to Abe Lincoln.
Prairie du Chien, Wis. (Special) -- At McGregor, Iowa opposite
Prairie du Chien, there is a tree commemorative of "the
saddest day in American history." It rears its great trunk
and spreads its branches on Main street beside one of the oldest
houses in the town. In Civil War days John Jarrett, a prominent
young merchant of McGregor, lived in the house with his wife.
April 9, 1865 had come and gone, making the world glad with its
great tiding of the end of the war. Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett, to give
expression to their joy decided to plant a peace tree beside
their home. An elm sapling was secured and on April 15, Mr.
Jarrett set to work with his spade. There was no telegraph on the
west side of the Mississippi in those days, and Prairie du Chien
was looked to for early information of news. The ferry
"Allamakee" which ran between Prairie du Chien and
McGregor, was seen by the people of the Iowa town coming around
the island in the Mississippi with her flag at half mast. A crowd
gathered at the dock. When within hailing distance the captain
shouted President Lincoln had been shot the night before and was
dead. "A groan of horror went up from the crowd, and then
too stunned to talk," as one of the number told the story
afterwards, "we slowly separated to realize the awfulness of
the calamity." The word spread up Main street and reached
John Jarrett just as he was tapping down the last dirt about his
tree. So the elm intended to have commemorated peace and joy,
became a monument to a great tragedy instead. It is one of the
largest, most beautiful trees in McGregor today.
[transcribed by S.F., April 2005]
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, California
March 4, 1928
Collins - Mrs. Kate Morse Colins of 3424 Aldama street, beloved
mother of L.A. Morse of Los Angeles and Dr. Robert L. Morse of
Elkader, Iowa; sister of Mrs. Anna Morse of Elkader, Iowa; Mrs.
Mabel Evans and Dean Robert Rienow of Iowa City, Iowa, and Mrs.
Louise Bean of Kansas City, Mo. Services at the Los Angeles
Undertaking Co., 2517 Pasadena avenue, Monday at 2:30 p.m., under
auspices of Highland Park Chapter, No. 263, O.E.S.
[transcribed by S.F., August 2011]
La Crosse Tribune
La Crosse, WI
March 18, 1928
James Odam, of Dubuque, Well-Known in La Crosse, is 101 Years Old
Dubuque, Ia. - (Special) -- A hundred and one years old Sunday.
That is James Odam, an old-time seaman, now residing n Dubuque,
who for over 60 years sailed to the four courners of the earth,
and who is known in every river port from New Orleans to the Twin
Cities. No particular reasons are given by Mr. Odam for his
longevity. but he naively admits having "drank my
share" and still finds comfort in a battered briar pipe. He
is a "a little under the weather right now" as he puts
it, but despite this and his advanced age, he is hale and hearty,
to use that time-worn phrase. For the past five years, Mr. Odam
has lived at St. Anthony's home here. He likes it, with the
association of other venerable old-timers, and enthuses over the
Born in Ireland.
Born in County Carlow, Ireland, on March 18, 1827, James Odam
came to America with his parents when he was two years old. His
parents settled at Kingston, Ontario, when they first came from
Ireland, and then later moved to New York. As near as he can
remember, Mr. Odam started his life on the water when he was
about 27. There is hardly a port in the entire world htat he has
not visited. He went around Cape Horn twice, before the Panama
Canal was opened. He has travelled the entire Mississippi river
and all its tributaries. All this time he served chiefly as
steward or cook. For sixty years, "off and on," he has
gone up and down the Mississippi or on ocean-going vessels. He
recalls old-time residents, especially in Dubuque and La Crosse.
Because of his many years spent on the Mississippi, James Odam is
an interested follower of the attempts to revive river traffic.
In his opinion, the government, by the installation of dams, has
ruined the river "It would have been better the way it
was," he contends. "I remember how we could start out
from St. Louis on about April 15, and the river would still be
navigable November 15. The flood in New Orleans last year proves
that the dams ruined the river. They had to dynamite the dams
out." Advantages of river traffic, however, were pointed out
by Mr. Odam, who said that with the average daily production of
100,000 barrels of flour in Minneapolis, the same can be sent to
the gulf cheaper by water than by rail. He also sees another
vantage point in that goods shipped by water require less
Mr. Odam has not allowed his travels to decrease to a minimum
since he has been living at St. Anthony's home. It was only
Thursday that he walked down town, and any Dubuquer knows the
hill that must be descended -- and climbed later -- to make that
walk possible.
Visits Daughter.
Last Christmas Mr. Odam visited his daughter in Chicago, Mrs.
Mary E. Duffy, where he enjoyed the company of his great
grandchildren, Mary, Jack and Billy. He made the trip from
Dubuque to Chicago alone
And in connection with the old river-man's hundredth Christmas,
although the Volstead followers may object, James Odam celebrated
the day with a drink of good Irish whiskey. He has lived a long
and eventful life, and durning an interview did not give the
slightest hint that he expects his 101st birthday to be his last.
He looks back on his life with satisfaction. He said: "I
would not criticise any man for doing anyting I have done."
[transcribed by S.F., March 2005]
Surprise Valley
Cedarville, Modoc co. California
Wednesday, April 18, 1928
A happy family reunion and dinner were held Easter Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hotchkiss of Eagleville, Cal., in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Ehle, of Newcastle, Nebraska and Mrs.
Minnie Wixon, of Morningside, Sioux City, Iowa. Mrs. Wixon is a
niece of Mr. Hotchkiss and Mrs. Ehle is Mr. Hotchkiss brother,
whom they have not seen for over fifty-one years. Orville
Hotchkiss brought them up from Long Beach recently to visit
relatives here.
Those of the family present besides the guests of honor:
Mr. and Mrs. M. Hotchkiss
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jones and family
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Slinkard and family
Mr. and Mrs. Al Hotchkiss and family
Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Hotchkiss and Orville Hotchkiss
[transcribed by B.R., August 2005]
The Bismarck
Bismarck, North Dakota
May 1, 1928
Sioux City Woman Confesses Murder
Sioux City, Iowa, May 1 (AP) - Confession to the slaying of her
husband, Fred Ulrich, was made today to city detectives by Mrs.
Nettie Ulrich. Mrs. Ulrich was arrested late yesterday when her
husband's body, with a bullet hole in his chest, was found on a
bed in their home. Last night she told conflicting stories to
investigators, first admitting that she fired the fatal shot and
then repudiating the story.
[transcribed by S.F., August 2008]
The Bismarck
Bismarck, North Dakota
May 5, 1928
Woman Gets Prison Term for Killing
Elkader, Iowa, May 5 (AP) - Twenty-five years in the women's
reformatory at Rockwell City is faced by Mrs. Ben Funk, 32, who
yesterday pleaded guilty to slaying John Buchheim, Clayton county
farmer. Judge Eichendorf of Clayton district court immediately
passed sentence and the woman is expected to be taken to prison
the first of next week. Mrs. Funk was arrested for investigation
several days after Buchheim was shot to death in a field near his
home in Clayton Center, April 26. She confessed she donned male
clothing, went to Buchheim's home and shot him and then fled to
her home. The male attire was intended to divert suspicion, she
[transcribed by S.F., August 2008]
Surprise Valley
Cedarville, Modoc co. California
Wednesday, June 6, 1928
Harry E. Wood, editor and publisher of the Fall River Tidings
was found dead in his seat at the lino-type Tuesday morning, may
28th. His assistant, Phillip Cumiskey, arriving at 8
o’clock, thinking him asleep in his chair, was unsuspicious
of the tragedy which had been enacted there until the silence in
the direction of his employer became so gruesome as to warrant
investigation. Calling M. D. Fitzwater, from the next building,
the two men found that Mr. Wood was a corpse: a small rifle and a
pool of blood upon the floor telling the story. The deceased had
shot himself through the mouth, the rifle, evidently slipping to
the floor, was still in position and the head drooped forward as
though to slumber.
Last Monday, the day before the rash act was committed, Mr. Wood
was unusually optimistic and talked with his assistant in the
office of his affairs, but no intimation was gleaned of any
contemplated act on his part
of taking his own life. He had borne his suffering bravely and
had endeavored to be cheerful at all times, although it was
apparent to those who were associated with him, that his mind was
engrossed in things that he
did not desire to make public, keeping them to himself, rather
than to annoy or discommode a friend or associate. Mr. Wood spent
a year in the hospital following the fall, which necessitated the
amputation of his left leg about six years ago. Since that time
he had suffered greatly, both mentally and physically, thought
seldom revealing the fact. He was generous and kind at all times.
Harry Edward Wood was born in Storrie*County, Iowa, October 19,
1873. He came to Cedarville, Calif., at an early age and for the
greater part of his life had resided in Lassen and Modoc
Counties. He was a supervisor of Lassen County for a number of
years and also was for many years owner of the Big Valley
Gazette, later purchasing he Fall River Tidings,
which he published at the time of his death. He was aged 54
years, 7 months and 10 days. [*Story co.]
He leaves to mourn his loss, one brother, Walter Wood, of
Eagleville, Cal.: five sisters – Mrs. P. K. Heard,
Eagleville, Cal.; Mrs. F. B. Roberts, Cedarville; Mrs. Bessie
Thompson, Sacramento; Mrs. J. Hironymous and Mrs. Myrtle Pearce,
of San Francisco and numerous nieces and nephews and many
friends. – Fall River Tidings (1:2)
[transcribed by B.R., August 2005]
Surprise Valley
Cedarville, Modoc co. California
Wednesday, June 13, 1928
Eva May Hill Buck was born in Trenton, Iowa, September 22, 1862
and passed away in Whittier, May 29, 1928 after only a brief
illness. She came to this valley when 12-years of age, where she
resided until 1912,
when she moved to Whittier where she has made her home ever
since. She united with the Methodist Church at that place in
1915. Her entire life was devoted to her home and her family. She
was a devoted Christian, a loving mother and a loyal friend and
will be greatly missed by a host of friends and neighbors. She is
survived by her husband, Norman Buck, three daughters, Mrs.
Bertha Cogburn, Mrs. Verne Latson and Mrs. Ruby Hughes, also
eight grandchildren, all of whom were with her at the time of her
death. One sister, Mrs. Helen
Cambridge, also survives her.
[transcribed by B.R., August 2005]
New York Times
New York, New York
June 17, 1928
Special to The New York Times, Plainfield, N.J., June 16
Ellis-Taylor. Miss Alice May Taylor, daughter of Mrs. Alice H.
Taylor and the late William TAylor of 247 Leland Avenue,
Plainfield, and Paul C. Ellis, son of the Rev. and Mrs. John S.
Ellis of Griswold, Iowa, were married this afternoon in the First
Methodist Church by the Rev. Philip S. Watters, pastor. Miss
Dorothy Taylor, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and Fred
Smith was best man. A reception was held at the home of the
bride's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis will be graduated from Boston
University next week and will then go to Lewis, Iowa, where the
bridegroom will become pastor of the Methodist Church.
[transcribed by S.F., June 2007]
Evening Tribune
Albert Lea, Minnesota
December 29, 1928
A marriage license was issued yesterday to Roger Harris of
Allamakee county, Iowa and Gretchen Hangartner of Clayton county,
[transcribed by S.F., Jan 2012]